Professional and Personal Life: how to manage them?
Matheus Gomes Ferreira de Moraes
Especialista em Controladoria e FP&A | Coordenador de Controladoria | Supervisor de Controladoria | FP&A | Finan?as | Planejamento e Análise Financeira
Are there things that makes you feel extremly unconfortable when it comes to be who you are wherever you are? If that's the occasion, I have some good news for you: you are not the only person that feels this way. Many professionals feel extremly unvaluable when it comes to recognizition and that's why it is so important for managers to keep in mind that if they don't give theirs employees the true recogniziton their employees need to receive the consequences are catastrophics and most of times irreversal. WHat was supposed to be the perfect world where people simply could work and get the recognizition the want to receive and be something natural when it comes to our own wave of lenght and ascendent curve, it seems like we are all stuck in a prision where we can't a find a way to get out or figure out something else. Have you ever stopped to think about what makes you valuable where you work? The first question you must ask yourself before wanting to receive from your managers and supervisors the recognizition you are wothy (I know that) to receive, it is important to check if you are doing everything you can to manage the situation and be self-analytic which is a thermometer of you efficency at work and how people see you where you work at.
So, after analysing yourself as a professional, it is important to think about what causes the thought that your manager and crew the other people of your team that work with you, what is their though aout you? If you feel like something has changed over the months, think about what you did to this person and try to stablish a communication in which both you may have some time to tal because independently of what you do and what your professio is, there will always be work to be done and that's something you can't deny even if you don't have a tigh schedule do accomplish within the week, you are depending on the other person to return you with the best time to talk and that is the first step you must take to understand this person. I always like to say: "if you were in this person's place, what would you do? What would you say? How would you act? The main concern about this issue is that, unfortunately, what we see on our society are people that are not willing to separte personal problems from the daily work routine. Understand that I am not saying that you can't have problems or not let them make you down, of course not! You are a human being and deserves all of the patience and all understanding from the people that work with you. I bet that there were many days in which you didn't feel like waking up from your bed to go to work because you simply didn't feel like working that day whether it be because of something that happened to you or with a person you like or love the most, things affects us directly or inderectly no matter what you do or even if you disguise it.
And that's why many people are getting diseases like depression and many other mental health issues: because they don't feel respected when they are not in a good day. It is like as if humanity became a bunch of robots where we are not allowed to express our feels or thoughts about certain kinds of things or situations that suddenly appears in our lives and we don't have control of. So, knowing that, it is important for the manaer and for the employee as well to constantly dialogue with the crew they work with or with the boss. I can bet with you that you have already passed through situations in which you didn't know how to act in a certain kind of situation and wanted the assistance of your manager and that is the situation in which you must keep your cool if nervousness took control of your mind and body and talk to your manager. Unfortunalty, not many firms and industries are very opened about it and what happens is what we see here in this social networking: many employess publishing posts complaining about the loss of communication with their managers which makes most of them decide to leave the company they work to go to another firm where they feel more valuable for what they do and for what they are. If yu have already passed through a situation like that, keep in mind that you are not alone and there is a rivr of people that the same way as you or did the same thing you did in the past.
It is so hard for many employess who are "new at the boat" and need assistance during their period of entrance which is logical because even the knowledge this person acquired with previous professional experiences, depending on the job the employee got, it can be a total different area of what he/she is used to. And once more what wa supposed to be a natural curve of upbringing becomes such a difficult task to pass through. The problem is that the people who are in charge of big positions at firms don't stop to think about the fact if they are where they are today is because they once started in the past and that there were other people who taught them everything they know nowadays. But, it is such a hypocritical mentality to think that you are not replaceable. By doing that, you want to show people that if you share your knowledge you are exposing yourself and simply giving for you free a lesson you learned for free. People think that if they passed through a certain kind of situation and didn't have any kind of assistance in the past why are they going to help the new one who is entering for the very first time? I imagine those people don't have children or are just too much selfish to think about the other person. It is such a horrendous thing to think like that because you depend on many other people to accomplish your tasks as well. Don't treat another person the way you would't like to be treated.
What is the result of that? What we are seeing now: many frustrated professionals that are deciding to leave their jobs because the don't have the support they ought to have if they want to firm themselves where they work at which commonly leads to lay-off whether it be from your manager or yourself. So, if you are passing though this kind of situation you have to speak up your mind and ask for help because people are trying to prive you something you need to know if you want to give the firm good results of your activities because, nowadays, every employee is measured by what they result from their work and behavioural and technical knowledge have never been more required then ever. So, understand that you are the first person that must love yourself first. You can't reflect on someone else's your frustations becaue they are yours and I am sorry for saying that but nobody has nothing with your problems. In he capitalist world we live in, people only think about how much productive you are and not how feel about yourself or how things are going on where you work at. It is like the old dictate says: orders who can, obey who has a sense. I know that there are many employeed that work at wonderful industries and feel extremly happy and recognized by what they do. If that is you case scenario, be happy! Because this unfortunately is not the scenario of many employees who has to daily leave with boddy managers who only can order but not lead you and with people that envy you job position, e careful with the people you call "frieds" at work because this a very strong word to be used referring anyone.
So, I really do hope that I helped you somehow and if I did, please leave your comment on the section below on Linkedin and if you want to talk a little bit more about this terrible issue, just sent me a private message and I will be more then grateful to help you deal with are you are passing through. I personally and strongly believe that when we share what we pass through with trustfull people, we free ourselves of what is making you be prisioners and the worst part is that we are prisioners inside of us, and the healing can only come if you share with people who like you what you pass through. I am not any expert on this theme but what I can tell you is that I love helping other people becuase I constantly put myself on other people's place and this capacity of the human being is the most beautiful one that I have ever seen in my life so far and, by speaking up my mind here in this article, my aim is to help you somehow independently of the distance, age or profesisonal experiencies, we are connected, count on me for whatever you need because you are not alone, even when you think you are the only person who passes through difficult times, believe, everyone is afraid of something, everyone has problems, everyone is limitaded.
With best regards,
Matheus Gomes Ferreira de Moraes.