Professional Will and Personal Humility
Professional Will and Personal Humility?
Rare combo very few leaders have made it as part of their DNA.?
Level 5 leadership is all about this.. They master both at the same time!!?
They set audacious goals / inspire people to go for it / help teams to achieve but also know that it’s teams who should party and let hair down and not being on the floor till they get drunk!!?
They know when and when NOT to be present!! Even if present how to be behind the scenes and let team take credit for the task..?
Level 5 leaders are future focused and takes their teams to a different orbit / performance levels and help create leadership pipeline for theirs as well as other organisations?
They are iconic by nature / lead from the front / first to test waters and invite people on a journey to excellence..?
They reached there because they have mastered every level and reached the Top!! Hence what they offer is pure distilled wisdom of having been there and done it too!!?
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