Professional or not?

Is professionalism an alien word to you beloved?

In this day and age when profits at all cost regardless of value delivered seems the buzzword. Many a professional people are found wanting and lacking of this crucial and important ingredient. From perceivably successful entrepreneurs, Chairmen of Multinationals, CEO’s, MD’s, Bankers, Lawyers, Professors, Lecturers, Pastors, Managers including hasslers are all sadly aboard this melodramatic malady of Unprofessional band-wagon.

The gospel according to ‘St’ Njoroge defines a professional as “a competent individual full of integrity, honour who delivers what they have promised, individuals who are proud in their specified field/area of influence willing to go an extra mile to deliver value to whoever they are interacting with regardless of their (clientele) status in society”. A Professional therefore is an individual who personifies the above and earns a living from a specific activity because he/she is an expert in the activity and not a novice.

As a skills development and training facilitator, there is need to speak up and illuminate the importance and critical need to define and appreciate what a professional/Professionalism is.

In a nutshell, a professional is but not limited to the following;-

v A professional should dress appropriately always. Clothing forms an integral part of portraying a professional image. I have made it my clarion-call to individuals attending my workshops, seminars and sermons on the importance of dressing properly at all times even when relaxing at home for “clothing maketh the man”. It is crucial people learn to wear clean well ironed clothes, tidy their hair, apply make-up modestly if you must, wear a nice perfume not necessarily expensive ETC. Because dressing well communicates volumes about you as an individual/professional. This normally determines how people will treat you. Therefore, “dress how you want to be addressed” is my inspiring message as far as professionalism is concerned. 

v  A professional should be an individual oozing with confidence; this is the capability to assure all (paying and non-paying individuals surrounding you and especially those you interact with) they can have faith in and or rely on you. Ignoring phone calls, smses, Whats App messages etc. is a sure way to diminish or extinguish your professional stature.

v  A professional is an individual who shares information. Nothing in this world lives for itself, the sun provides light/heat for others and the moon, the trees provide food and shelter for others, water provides sustenance for others etc. Consequently a professional should always strive to give a helping hand to those in need of their knowledge/information. This is a sure-fire formula for building pre-eminence in your area of speciality and influence.

v  A professional should be a Punctual Individual. Punctuality is every bit part and parcel of a professional. This is the ability to do and or deliver something at an agreed time. I recently approached an Attorney/Lawyer who came highly recommended and upon consulting for over two hours he promised to give me feedback the following day. It is has been three months since then despite numerous attempts to contact him via phone, smses and Whats App to no avail. You cannot claim to be a professional with this kind of conduct not forgetting negativity spreads more than positivity.

v A professional is an individual who respects self and others at all times. Every individual worth his/her salt must learn to respect self at work and at home. We should always strive to respect everyone wherever we are. Being polite to fellow colleagues and respectful to everyone always especially when provoked will go a long way in building your stature as a professional, it is not a wonder the Bible says “A soft answer turns away wrath”.Prov:15, respect for self and others is therefore divine.

v A professional is a disciplined individual. Discipline is the ability to obey and honour a set of rules and codes of conduct. I am afraid as Kenyans we are not big in discipline; it is therefore not a wonder corruption is one of our major export, nothing afflicts professionalism as indiscipline. Every true professional worth his/her salt must always obey prescribed rules and procedures to the ‘T’.

v  A professional always gets the job done and or gives value for money. The Kenya we are living in is hell-bent on profits and profits alone while ignoring value delivered. From our leaders down to the street sweeper and everyone in between we have compromised one way or another, so much rampant is impunity that selling poisoned foodstuff and counterfeit products, scamming the weak, destitute, sick and helpless is the norm than the exception. It is not a wonder our nation is headed to the dogs unless we change this diabolical trajectory. Delivering value for money will go a long way in building us as professional individuals and as a nation.

v  A professional should be a master in self-control at all times. Self-Control is the ability to keep emotions and desires in check the ability to control oneself, more so in difficult situations. The marketplace is a sphere we should strive to restrain our emotions and desires especially anger and greed. A professional whose mastered self-restraint is a sort after individual wherever they are.

v  A professional is an enthusiastic individual. Enthusiasm is the ability to inspire in others intense feelings of joy, fire, vivaciousness, and feelings of grandeur. Nelson Mandela was a master at this. He made everyone feel loved, acknowledged and valued. A True professional tackles every day positively and with dynamism eagerly awaiting every opportunity with exuberance and optimism as a consequence infecting everyone they interact with the same positive energy. I am met with zeal wherever I go. Many wonder what my secret is? My dynamism is a product of a positive expectation that each day is an opportunity of growth, development, prosperity my darkest incidents included; for instance, my friend, mentor, confidant and number one cheer-leader; my mother died. My response to this sad, painful and dark moment was marked by an eternal gratitude for the moments, life we shared most important lessons she taught us and an intention to immortalize her memory by providing a scholarship to the less fortunate among as because she was big in education. I have been through a tumultuous and painful divorce where I have lost everything and had to start from scratch. Yet, I full of excitement and a never say die attitude in the assurance I can and shall achieve and acquire more in a non-toxic environment. This painful and sad chapter of my life presented me with the opportunity albeit twisted, to start afresh. The good news being I was delivered from wicked expectations, treachery and disrespect. Enthusiasm is a vital ingredient that empowers one not to dread new beginnings regardless of the pain or betrayal envisaged for there is a silver lining in all our experiences.

v  A professional weights and measures the impact of his/her words. It is of absolute importance a professional pays attention to their words because words are a reflection of what is going on inside; even the Bible says “From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”, garbage in garbage out. A professional should aspire to complaint less, not swear or use vulgar and useless words, nor shout, fight or curse in the marketplace for “the tongue has the power over life and death. Words can make or break an individual. As a professional choose to build and soon your environment and by extension, the universe will be full of colour, splendour and joy. 

Incorporate these 10 essential elements and you are destined to be a highly sort after professional guaranteed to accumulate lasting prosperity in all areas and faculties of their life.

Njoroge Wanjigi is an inspirational public/motivational speaker, corporate coach, mentor and training facilitator providing world-class courses to the corporate world, inspirational and life-changing sermons at exceptionally pocket-friendly prices. Feel free to contact him at +254702784879, +254777784879, +254721250806 or visit

What’s App +254702784879

Facebook: Njoroge.wanjigi

Twitter: Njoroge_Wanjigi


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