Professional Manifesto of Alberto Monzonís Comes

Professional Manifesto of Alberto Monzonís Comes

I am Alberto Monzonís and this is my professional mission statement and values. I publish this document as a form of social commitment to my readers, followers and clients, but, above all, as an affirmation of my values and commitments to myself.



My mission is to help senior executives to turn their Corporate Sustainability model into an asset that generates results and a return for the business, leading with excellence, credibility and accountability.


Why should Corporate Sustainability generate a return for the business?

Because, in an environment of market competition, the best way to incentivize private enterprise to pursue excellence in Corporate Sustainability is to make the business get something in return. Thus, instead of relying on goodwill, Sustainability is fueled by the same energy as all other business variables: turnover.

Why should Corporate Sustainability generate results?

Because designing strategies that do not deliver is a waste of resources and a risk to business credibility. Only 4% of sustainability initiatives achieve the results they set out to achieve, and only 47% meet half of these objectives. We need to do better.

Why senior executives?

Corporate Sustainability is not a department. It is a management model, a different way of working that encompasses the entire business. All effective, results-oriented management starts with good leadership. Therefore, to fulfill my mission, I must work with the Chief Sustainability Officer and the other key leaders in the business.

Why leading with excellence, credibility and accountability?

Excellence: because in an ultra-competitive world, a company that expects to endure must be excellent at what matters to those who matter.

Credibility and Accountability: there is not one without the other. And without both, you cannot communicate, nor lead, nor generate long-term value.


My professional relationships are based on the following principles: Trust, Closeness, Comprehension and Bespoke.

These are my red lines:

? I do not sell recycled solutions:

I am not interested in generating replicable and scalable solutions. My business model is based on working in a personalized way with few clients and with high value contributions, based on the knowledge of their business, their culture and their circumstances.

? I do not accept commissions for recommending services:

Working primarily as an advisor, on many occasions I help my clients find the right outside resource to meet their needs. To maintain my independence and credibility, I do not accept commissions for making these recommendations.

? I don't sell solutions that I think my client doesn't need:

I aim to generate years of permanence with my clients and base most of my marketing on their success stories. To do this, I build relationships based on honesty and long-term vision, even at the cost of short-term profitability.

? I do not work with companies whose main interest is sustainability compliance:

I consider that the current legislation sets the rules of the game and is the basis on which to build, but without a genuine intention to go beyond the minimums, I cannot do work that generates high value.

? I don't work with business models I don't understand:

I can't help a business create an effective Corporate Sustainability model if I don't understand the reality of the business, its value chain and its profit generation process.

? I do not advise on greenwashing practices:

In addition to personal ethical issues, I believe that betting on communication practices that include vague or false information is a bad strategic decision. It is better for business’ credibility that we work on generating tangible results that can be communicated. ?


If you have read this document to the end and want to know more about me or my work, I invite you to look at my LinkedIn profile, request my professional brochure or write to me at [email protected] .


