Professional Hypnotism?: A 25-year experience.
Chris Harding
Fivecast Member | Retired Chemical Engineer | Affiliate Member at MIT | Friend of Johns Hopkins University Energy Policy and Climate
I know the average person believes hypnosis is not scientific. The CIA, physicians, dentists, PhD Psychologists, Harvard Medical School, medical societies, etc disagree. What I am about to say will seem insane, but look at the first quote. This article will concentrate on the renowned professional hypnotist Dr. John Watkins[1]. He served in the army during WWII, and has taught hypnotic methods to PhD psychologists, physicians, dentists, etc. I am reading this textbook not to hypnotize. Rather, I am taking a risk because the psychopaths affecting me can learn dangerous methods and become more capable. What I want to learn is the signs of hypnosis and the proof that hypnosis can be quite effective. So, I provide some quotes and suggest you read the text yourself.?
In 2007-2010, I lived near a younger man and his wife who acted quite odd towards me. The man was supposed to have taken sociology in college but didn’t finish. Another man from an extended family, who has been to prison twice, was supposed to have taken psychology in Colorado but never finished. This, to me, is a subtle code example that connects the two. Yes, they use subtle associations to let me know they are connected. It is like an allegory.
Most importantly, I noticed, before I heard significant voices, that I was depressed when I saw blue skies--I had been doing Olympic Distance Triathlons before the depression. When I commented on this and said I would counter it by inducing positive thoughts when I took a shower and stared at the color of my walls, a voice got very angry and said I would not thwart their activity. Note that I used the color yellow and Subway to induce a desire to exercise. Because I could do this, I think I was hypnotized by associations well before I left my previous home.
Some from the beginning of chapter 2:?
'They can evince disturbances of perception that are usually seen only in psychotic patients.'[1]?
'Most of us in the general population respond to hypnosis. We are not usually gullible; neither are we more responsive to placebos, social pressure, or authority figures than those unfortunate nonresponders. Furthermore, research shows that responses to hypnosis do not correlate with most types of suggestibility (Killeen & Nash, 2003).'[1]?
'When a class of scientifically trained professionals, such as physicians or psychologists, first sees a demonstration of deep trance phenomena, including posthypnotic hallucinations, amnesia, or regression, the common reaction is one of shock and disbelief.'[1]?
'One of the characteristics of hypnosis is a loss in criticality. Hence, if the therapist were to say, “You will sit on the floor and cross your legs,” participants will act as if under a compulsion, that is, as if they were no longer “critical” or able to resist carrying out such strange behavior, as they would be in the nonhypnotic state (see Figure 2.1).'[1]?
'Sometimes they can even be induced to behave in ways that transcend normal functioning. Watkins and Showalter reported the case of a 19-year-old participant who was told that she was 29 years old, a genius, and a doctoral graduate of a famous university. She could then read with amazing speed and facility, and she increased her reading speed 63% with no loss in comprehension (see LeCron, 1968, p. 159). This response was subjected to experimentally controlled investigation with a group of participants and was fully supported (A. Barabasz & Barabasz, 1994b). However, the increases were maintained for only a short period of time.'[1]?
'Sometimes the therapist tries to facilitate or improve behavior suggestively. During World War II, John Watkins, as an army psychologist, suggested to a soldier that he would be exceptionally clear-sighted and steady while firing on the rifle range. On that particular day the soldier made an almost perfect score and qualified as “Expert,” a level of behavior substantially above what he had previously achieved.'[1]
'Not only is it possible to induce individuals to concentrate more highly when studying or to motivate themselves to a greater degree of interest, individuals also can often be helped by hypnosis to reason selectively.'[1]?
'Hypnotic-like pressures can thus be used for malevolent and benevolent purposes.'[1]
'E. Hilgard and Hilgard (1975) completed several carefully controlled experiments that show rather conclusively that at the overt or conscious level the participant is indeed not experiencing pain. However, at a covert or unconscious level the pain is apparently being recorded. The football player who completes a game suffering from an undiscovered fractured clavicle demonstrates the same phenomenon.'[1]?
'Such an ability to block off pain stimuli is routinely done with hypnosis in the interventional radiology clinic at Harvard Medical School (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston) (Lang & Rosen, 2002), and it can be of great help to a suffering patient.'[1]?
'Hallucinations can be induced in good hypnotic participants. For example, they can be told that they will hear voices calling their names, hear a fly buzzing around, or smell the flowers and the good green earth (see Figure 2.3).'[1]?
'Fig. 2.3 Olfactory hallucination, (a) Hypnotized, the participant is told to take a good sniff of some beautiful perfume. She is now enjoying the perfume, which really is ammonia.'[1]?
'By suggesting to individuals that their hands were being placed in a basin of hot water, we raised the skin temperature of their hands more than 4 degrees as measured instrumentally.'[1]?
'The hypnotic hand-warming technique has been used as an aid in the treatment of migraine headaches (A. Barabasz, 1977), precluding the need for patients to be dependent on elaborate biofeedback devices or medications with dangerous side effects.’[1]'
'A 40-year-old school principal was asked (by J.G.W.) if he had ever “spoken a piece” as a child in school. He stated that he had been valedictorian of his eighth-grade class. No amount of conscious effort, however, could enable him to remember even the title of his address. After a deep hypnotic trance was established, he apparently regressed back to the eighth grade and, once “introduced on the graduation platform,” he delivered a 15-minute speech quite worthy of an intelligent 14-year-old.'[1]?
Hypnosis is real, and I have been affected as a whistleblower for the last 25 years. Even my psychiatrist believes me. This is extreme, but you MUST realize that criminals will use hypnosis, and I think it is likely that I have been affected by a criminal enterprise[2;3-4]. I fear that many victims in society, whistleblowers included, are not aware of the modulated microwave devices and the possibility of hypnosis[3]. I am in communication with federal law enforcement agencies. I know I am in danger,becaue people tried to enter my home about six times in early June, two different people threatened me outside my bedroom window, and I have a video of a person checking out my newly placed security cameras. So, don’t write me off as insane.?
[1] Barabasz, Arreed; Watkins, John G.. Hypnotherapeutic Techniques: Second Edition (p. 34). Taylor & Francis. Kindle Edition.?
[3] Harding, Chris (June 2024). A Scary Scenario: Hypnosis Coupled with Pulsed-Microwave Devices URL:
[4] Harding, Chris (June 2024). A Brief Tale Of A Whistle-blower's Experience With Evil. URL: