Professional Gifts to Yourself
Dr Rochelle Parks-Yancy
Professor of Human Resources; Resume Writer-Slayer; Career Coach; Books' Author; Workshop Leader; Content Creator/Editor; I Am MY #1 Brand; Career Bad-ssery Expert
The best gifts that you can give to yourself:
1. Valuing YOU
2. Believing in YOU.
3. Standing for YOU.
4. Stop giving your self-esteem to any employer.
"Kim" was fired after 1 week. Her manager decided he "didn't like her". That was it.
"Dave" was laid off three times in 4 months. The third layoff happened after he and his family moved to another state for the job.
"Lee" was told she needed to reapply for the job she had had for 5 years. Reorganizing and all that: She didn't get picked.
"Mike" went to lunch. When he got back to the office, HR and security were waiting. He (and the entire department) were laid off, effective immediately.
All of them have since found other jobs. That's important. More importantly, they're always ready to get another job at any time (resume updated, always interviewing, always ready to negotiate salary, effective job hunt strategies).
What's most important is they stopped tying their belief in professional value to employers' or recruiters' opinions. They expect to be treated fairly at work and stand for that. But, they don't expect employers nor recruiters to make them feel good about themselves.
No one is born with a job. No one dies with a job. You were born with you. You owe you to believe in, stand for, and value you.
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