Professional Empowerment Series- Contribution – Making a Difference- Art.10
Madhukar N Hiregange
Founder Partner H N A & Co LLP, Chartered Accountants - Indirect Tax
The pandemic is a wake-up call for all of us to really look at what is important in our life. We were forced to become- minimalist- that is what monks/ sages are always. It put in perspective our hollow normal ways of being, introspection on the rat race which we have been involved in. Thanks to my joining Rotary more than 2 decade back, the early introduction to philanthropy gave me an immense opportunity to grow as a person and a good patriot and citizen. Since this has also supported my growth as a compassionate professional, I felt I could share my limited thoughts and actions till date.
Why Contribute?
Vasudeva Kutumbham – the world in one family- a super empowering lofty vedantic concept propounded in Maha Upanishad [2500-3000 years back]. Today, we say we are a global village due to technology actually bringing all of us near years in terms of access to information, communication- instant sharing.
Nobel Laurate Late Rabindranath Tagore hopes in his book Geetanjali that narrow domestic walls would be broken and every citizen of India may wake up in that free India. However, several well off world leaders of so called advanced countries have in the last decade started closing for political gains [putting up walls, breaking up of Brexit, import barrier’s, tariff wars, unreasonable restriction to those who are less fortunate, fermenting wars] and leading to polarization of the world rather than including all. Taking care of self, then family, then those close has unfortunately being understood as the way to be. This thinking for the professional may not be in line with growth and empowerment of practice. It is said that including all as we go along and making a difference in others life is what makes one powerful, contented and recognised as a true leader.
Incidentally, there are many flow back in contribution which could include; the universe {God} gives back (we shall reap what we sow); expand our domain knowledge; build empathy for those who are lesser privileged; satisfaction; builds goodwill and brand. One fact I have observed that in addition to the real affection from the recipient(which has come down over time due to addiction to entertainment), it gives one immense strength and confidence of being a great global citizen.
My day normally starts early with one of the morning declaration/ rededications being to make a positive difference to all I touch and thanking the universe for giving the opportunity to do so every day.
Option/ Alternatives to Contribute
In this article we look as look at various contribution and options, a professional can consider for spending some time, effort and money in an effective manner.
1. Be a leader with mastery over the subject: This would be important as we can deliver the best service to our clients and guide other professionals. This may also need each of us to control the endless distraction and devote our selves to educating self.
2. Promote the local business: It is the duty of every professional to enable businesses to flourish in his location, state and country. Since professionals are able to understand finance and technology, they can recommend how to add value even to supply of goods, support in accessing global market. We take care of the business community and gain their acceptance and credibility as professionals as differentiated from businesses.
3. Teaching the Subject/ Share the learning: Teach a man to fish- he would never be hungry. It is easy to teach what we know. Teaching is the best form of learning and getting depth in a subject. The incidental advantage could be attracting talent and getting a good professional name.
This could be in colleges, professional institutes, trade bodies, study groups etc.
The mode going forward could be online which could be done free of cost or nominal cost. It could reach anyone who is interested. Lesson from Harvard and Stanford are available free online!!
4. Join a philanthropic organisation: You could follow your heart in this regard. We chose educational support 20 years back. The reason was that in India, we have a non-functional learning for the students in villages, small towns and in Government Schools and Colleges. The usage and fate of the lakhs of crores of Education Cesses collected year after year is unclear. GOI has forgotten this vital aspect and this maybe due to the all the political who’s who being predominantly uneducated. The lack of physical infrastructure as well as number/ adequacy of trained well paid teachers is very low. Every professional would agree that they were blessed to be able to get educated.
One can start early and not wait for decade till one is well settled. We can start in our neighborhood, support to the house help/ office staff in a small way. In our office we have had many undergraduates who joined at lower administrative levels to rise to be leaders and even partner in the last 10 year period. Once one grows, more can be done. The office can support one of the Government Schools near to office.
5. Support actively Skill Development: Today the GOI has understood that memory based rote learning is not longer needed. The focus on creativity, problem solving skills, analytical skills, communication skills, improvement in English language among others are useful for one to be employable or to grow once employed. If can support in any of the above, that would be a good real contribution.
6. Pro Bono (free) Service: India is a land of entrepreneurs and small businesses. Possibility of providing some free services to an association of SMEs could be a possibility. Again, this helps in one own self-development and deeper practical insights in the subject. Online answering with clarity and looking at problem solving as result can be easily done.
How to do?
There could be many ways in which one can serve the people in the organisation, professional, businesses and public at large. One could provide only time, support with services already being done for businesses or money. A combination of the above could be ideal. Involving the people in the firm, home, friends and acquaintances would also be a contribution in itself. They would have pride in themselves as well as the organisation they serve.
Our Contribution
The various option above are being / have been done in the past. In short our firm and me have fixed a budget of 2% of the gross for the past 15 years for the educational initiatives for economically challenged students. We have supported Govt. schools in Bangalore, Sirsi, Jaipur and Vishakapatnam. Rarely we have used up this allocated amount which shows something lacking from my side. We have mentored about 50 professionals internally and total strangers in practice of IDT. I personally have answered more than 13,000 questions on the net. (most of them on and caclubindia till 2010.) From 2014 we have looked at empowering job seekers and those doing compliance function in IDT. We may have done this for about 5,000 till date. When I went to ICAI, along with the co-opted members and the secretariat we were able to support, teach & skill about 100,000 chartered accountants to take up indirect tax as a part of their professional offering. Post 60, I have one more morning declaration of contributing more year on year to the world at large which is on.
This article has sought to collate some possible whys, alternatives, hows to serve the society at large. In this initiative it is never too late to start. An article [not from a rich family] in our office was contributing Rs.100 per month out of his stipend!!. He is a hero as far as I am concerned as I only started my educational contribution ( 1 girl school fees) when I was 35 or so. Be grateful for what we have, give and we shall receive bounties. Feedback welcome. [email protected]
Chartered Accountant at Self -Employed
4 年Very good initiative and meaningful suggestions sir. You were one of the upright Central Council Members.
Founder Partner H N A & Co LLP, Chartered Accountants - Indirect Tax
4 年Raghavendra, There does not seem to be much interest in self improvement which incidentally is time & effort. Aptly observed by you- It is a fact that not even 5% of the professionals have been going thru the series of empowerment articles as compared to other posts on issues. Only the 1st one in which I had shared some parts of the professional journey was well read. However, having embarked on sharing what I know, I wish to complete this in the next few articles.
Chartered accountant
4 年good work keep it up sir doing without expecting that is Bhagavat Geetha word