Professional Development of teachers
Being In the education sector as an ' Intern ' for four years It has shown me the Importance of professional development for teachers In a school or other staff members who are involved In an organization who specialize at certain skills .
Professional Development Includes [ Mentoring , Consultation , Practice , Learning and Reflection ] teachers can take part In professional development through attending courses , webinars , seminars and conferences .. I believe public schools should start engaging and Investing In the professional development of their teaching staff .
Society is forever changing because of new advances In technology and Social Media and for that reason teachers need to stay motivated and remain teachable to keep up with new educational trends and the best teaching practices .
The education Industry Is different from what It was a 100 years ago and teachers need to be able to adapt with the modern times and ways of teaching for the 21st Century .Although professional development programs may seem 'futile ' and ' mundane ' but they can be a 'holy grail ' for a life long learner and It is Important for us teachers to take part In professional development programs as they benefit both the student and the learner In the future .