Professional Development in College

Professional Development in College

In college, professional development can be a difficult thing to find in the hustle and bustle of classes, exams, and extracurricular activities. It's hard to find ways to advance your career while still learning.

For instance, the School of Journalism and Strategic Communication at Ball State University provides opportunities that make it more accessible for students to apply what they are learning in the classroom in a professional environment by offering experiences such as The McKinley Avenue Agency- a student-led strategic communication and media sales agency.

According to Harvard University, "professional development is gaining new skills through continuing education and career training after entering the workforce. Employees who show initiative in independent learning can signal to employers that you are open to new experiences and are enthusiastic about continuing to grow."

In a career field such as strategic communication, it is crucial to stay updated on current trends and developing new skills that will help advance your career in a relevant way.

Here are 5 ways to seek professional development in college!

  1. Understand and admit your weaknesses

The only way to develop both personally and professionally as a college student is to first understand what needs to be developed in the first place. Taking ownership of what you don't do well and trying to improve is just as important than understanding what you are good at. College is the time to improve and grow, that will only happen if you have goals set on what skills you want to enhance.

2. Be aware of what is around you

By being aware of your surroundings and understanding what exactly has drawn you to this certain career field, you can understand what skills you need to showcase to be in your desired position. This only happens through researching and being intentional with your learning. A good way to start this is by analyzing why you gravitate towards certain mentors and what it is they do that you wish you did more of.

3. Diversify your experiences

College is the perfect time to explore new things and find out what you are really interested in. A great way to do this is through student organizations, work experience, and volunteering. The more experiences you have and the more involved you are, the better chances you have of finding out what your true passion for your career is.

4. Get out of your comfort zone

Many of us are afraid to stray away from what we think is comfortable to us. By getting out of your comfort zone, you can develop interests you never thought would excite you and learn more about yourself and your desired career field. You only get better from practice and experience!

5. Don't wait for things to happen, make them happen!

If you want to develop yourself, you can't sit around and simply wait for it to happen. It takes hard work and dedication to improve yourself and to develop your strengths while acknowledging your weaknesses. You can take charge and make things happen by being proactive. Learn from every experience, good or bad, you are able to receive from college and apply it to your professional development journey.


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