Here's an old-school style motorcycle club "courtesy card". In the old days, if you helped someone whose motorcycle or car broke down, or if they helped you, you'd give them a courtesy card.
Now giving a non-member something with your logo on it is a big deal and not something often done so these cards are rarely, if ever given out.
So why is this on LinkedIn? Let's talk about courtesy at the workplace.
Considering the hours we spend at work, things can get hectic and we can get into a sort of automatic mode, not thinking about our actions, what we say or how we say it.
Haven't you had a bad day, but experienced the help and care someone extended to you that made you go "WOW!"?
Having someone help you solve a problem or perhaps just listening to you and giving you feedback can have a big impact on your productivity at thw workplace, thus contributing to that "Right Environment" we all strive for.
Professional courtesy isn't often spoken of these days but it's not just desired, it's essential for a productive, healthy workplace environment.
The end result is a stronger company, better teamwork and exemplary results.
Think about your customers. Would they go with the company that has people who work together WELL as a team or the one that has tons of infighting, where people don't trust one another and the atmosphere is downright toxic?
Everything begins with basic professional courtesy.
We have to be honest and transparent. Have open discussions and think about one anothers perspectives on things.
We have to have respect for one another and be inclusive so everyone sees each other as equals, and can voice their opinions to solve problems.
Last but not least, it's about being empathatic and understanding the feelings of another even when deep down inside you may not agree with their perspective. People want to be heard and not dismissed out of hand.
Courtesy be it on the road or at the workplace is important.
What say you?
ML&R always,
Scud 1%er
Los Perros MC
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Design work: Daniel M. Gomez
Design direction & Canelo artwork: Miklo 1%er