Professional break management for managers
Klaus-Dieter Thill
Designing Your Personal Present and Future: Reflect. Analyze. Advance.
What it's all about
There now seems to be an abundance of tips, tricks, instructions, advice and coaching for all areas that managers need to consider in their work. In addition, new recommendations and instructions are springing up like mushrooms every day in the social business media. However, one niche has so far been overlooked: professional break management for managers.
The right coffee for your management style
Let's start with the most obvious of all break rituals: drinking coffee. A simple coffee is no longer enough. No, the choice of the right coffee is crucially linked to the leadership style. A dominant alpha leader naturally reaches for an espresso: short, strong, to the point. The cooperative team player, on the other hand, prefers a smooth latte macchiato - lots of milk, little fuss. And what about the innovative visionary? Of course, he sips a flat white - exotic enough to underline his creative genius, but not so wacky that he comes across as a hipster.
For the career-conscious lunchtime grouch, by the way, there is the "Executive Cold Brew" - cold, bitter and without foam to nip any emerging joy in the bud. After all, an ambitious leader cannot risk looking too relaxed. And those who want to climb a steep career ladder naturally reach for the "Double-Shot Turbo", which makes the heart beat faster than the processor of the company computer.
They are recognizable by their snacks
Choosing the right snack is just as important. A chocolate bar for the hectic manager who rushes through the day? No way! Instead, a "high-energy nut mix package" is the order of the day, organic and fair trade of course. The laid-back leader who values team building, on the other hand, chooses a home-baked muffin, preferably from a local baker, to demonstrate their connection with the region.
But there is an even more sophisticated way: the modern trend is towards "snack pairing". The spiciness of a hand-roasted wasabi cracker paired with the subtle spice of a vegan seaweed chip composition conveys a complex blend of thoughtfulness and a sense of adventure. For those who like to take risks, go for the combination of goji berries and quinoa crackers, the perfect duo to prove to the team your commitment to the latest food trends, while signaling that you're always ready to rescue an out-of-balance sales curve.
Toilet etiquette: aplomb despite a lack of paper
Handling toilet situations with confidence is a real challenge. How to behave in the toilet when paper and soap are missing needs to be strategically planned. A true leader is not fazed by such trivial problems. Instead of panicking and looking for a replacement, the well-prepared boss reaches for his "emergency kit" in his suit - always ready, a few sheets of Kleenex and a handy disinfectant bottle to hand. In this way, dignity is maintained even in precarious situations and leadership is demonstrated down to the smallest detail, even in quiet places.
But toilet etiquette is more than just crisis management: a well-informed manager knows that the choice of cubicle is crucial to personal success. The middle cubicle signals modesty, while the furthest away suggests privacy and strategic thinking. A connoisseur will also know that here, too, you can jot down your strategic insights with a gold Parker pen - on a hand-knitted notepad made from recycled Himalayan rice paper, of course.
The smoking zone: authenticity in cigarette smoke
Another essential chapter: an authentic presence in the smoking area. Of course, the non-smoking manager doesn't have to actually start smoking. But they should at least know how to take a casual drag on a cigarette without looking like a complete beginner. A confident appearance in the smoking area ensures the loyalty of the smoking workforce and should therefore not be underestimated. Design aspects include the correct hand position for the cigarette, the optimum puff angle and skillful ash disposal, all steps that will soon be practiced in detail in coaching sessions on the subject of "Breaks for professionals".
And what if you really don't want to smoke? No problem! The "Vape Executive" reaches for the discreet USB-compatible vaporizer, which only emits the subtle scent of mint tea when inhaled, perfect for calming the health concerns of the workforce while underlining your own coolness. This is strategically used break-time diplomacy at its best!
The path to break excellence
The ideal use of the break room is also important in order to subtly emphasize the hierarchy. Choosing the right seat - not too close to the coffee machine so as not to appear too accessible, but also not too secluded so as not to be suspected of being interested in informal conversations - is just as crucial as the targeted use of magazines. The "Harvard Business Review" open on the table in front of you naturally signals in-depth market analysis, while a casually tossed "National Geographic" emphasizes the cosmopolitan but purposeful spirit of discovery of the modern management talent.
Managers also need to master the art of break-time conversations, from non-committal small talk to strategic networking opportunities. Not to be forgotten are the meditative mini-breaks, during which managers take a moment to reflect and then return to their desks with renewed strength and clarity.
A conclusion without irony
In view of these seemingly absurd rules of conduct, the question remains: Who really needs this? Maybe, just maybe, the modern manager should go back to the simple things: A good cup of coffee, a hearty laugh with colleagues and the ability to take a break without immediately following a set of rules. Because sometimes, even when it comes to implementing tips, advice and rules, less really is more when it comes to simply getting the job done.
Further reading
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