The Profession of Risk Management and Its Value to Project Success
Glen Alleman MSSM
Vetern, Applying Systems Engineering Principles, Processes & Practices to Increase the Probability of Program Success for Complex Systems in Aerospace & Defense, Enterprise IT, and Process and Safety Industries
I've had an engagement on social media recently, where it was clear there is a low level of understanding of how managing in the presence of uncertainty is sorely missing in the agile development community, where the focus is on?coding stories and features to produce outcomes. I observed an approach that ignores the need to estimate and the near-willful ignorance of developing software in the presence of uncertainty and the risk that uncertainty creates on the project's success.
It's become clear in some parts of the agile community that there is little understanding of risk management.
I and two colleagues have two chapters in a risk management book. I and another colleague are finishing another risk book from the same publisher (Taylor Francis) Risk Management: Managing Tomorrow's Threats.
Both books start with the foundation that all risk comes from uncertainty - reducible (Epistemic) and irreducible (Aleatory).
Risk Management provides a comprehensive overview of the people, principles, processes, and practices needed to increase the probability of project success.
There are four primary root causes of project failure, created by uncertainties, that in turn, create risk:
- Unrealistic performance expectation, with missing Measures of Effectiveness and Measures of Performance for the Capabilities needed to accomplish the Mission or fulfill the Strategy
- Unrealistic cost and schedule estimates based on inadequate risk-adjusted growth models.
- Inadequate assessment of the uncertainties and unmitigated exposure to these uncertainties create risk without proper handling strategies.
- Unanticipated technical issues without alternative plans and solutions to maintain the effectiveness of the project and technical development processes and its deliverables.
Continuous Risk Management is the basis of increasing the probability of project success by:
- Preventing problems before they occur with a premortem to identify the cause of the uncertainties and take preventive and corrective actions to remove this condition and activity of the root cause before the risk becomes an issue.
- Improving the quality of the project's outcomes by focusing on project objectives and consciously looking for risks that affect Cost, Schedule, and Performance throughout the project's lifecycle.
- Enabling better use of resources through early identification of problems provides input to management decisions regarding resource allocation.
- Promoting teamwork by involving personnel at all levels of the project and focusing their attention on a shared vision of the Mission to provide a mechanism for achieving the needed Measures of Effectiveness and Measures of Performance.
To this end, here's a list of papers, books, and articles that have informed our work in our Complex System of Systems domain. Not all these will interest everyone, but they cover nearly every aspect of risks created by uncertainty that will impact the probability of your project's success. This list is augmented by another list, with some overlap, on risk management resources focused on agile development - A Compendium of Risk Management Resources. Each of these can be found with a Google search. With this list and the larger one of agile software development, there should be NO reason for failing to understand how risk management works and the processes of managing risks generated by reducible and irreducible uncertainties. Ultimately, the only reason is willful ignorance of the topic and its application. Don't be one of those who ignore the principles, practices, and processes of risk management.
- Acker, D. D., “Management Disciplines: Harbingers of Successful Programs,†Defense Systems Management Review, Summer 1979, Volume 2, Number 3, pp. 7?20.
- Adams, B. “Uncertainty Quantification for Credible Simulations and Risk Analysis: Methods, Software Tools, and Research Needs,†Sandia National Laboratories, May 31, 2006.
- Alberts, C. J., e. al., Continuous Risk Management Handbook, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 1996.
- Ali, T., Boruah, H., and Dutta, P., “Modeling Uncertainty in Risk Assessment Using Double Monte Carlo Method,†International Journal of Engineering and Innovation Technology (IJEIT), Volume 1, Issue 4, April 2012.
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- Alleman, G. B., Performance-Based Project Management: Increasing the Probability of Project Success, American Management Association, 2014.
- Alleman, G. B., Coonce, T. J., and Price, R. A., “Building a Credible Performance Measurement Baseline,†The Measurable News, 2014, Issue 4.
- Aleti, A., Trubiani, C., van Hoorn, Andre, and Jamshidi, P., “An Efficient Method of Uncertainty Probation in Robust Software Performance Estimation,†Journal of Systems and Software, January 14, 2018.
- Alzaharna, I. T., Seering, W. P., and Yang, M. C., “Exploration of the Use of Design Methods with the Design Structure Matrix for Integrating new Technologies into Large Complex Systems,†Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technology Conferences & Computers and Information Engineering Conference, August 12?15, 2012.
- Anderson, T. P. and Covert, R. P. (Editors), “Space Systems Cost Risk Handbook: Applying the Best Practices in Cost Analysis to Space System Cost Estimates,†SSCAG, November 16, 2005.
- Apgar, H., Bearden, D., and Wong, R., “Cost Modeling,†in Space Mission Analysis and Design, 3rd Edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 199.
- Apgar, H., “Assuring Credibility in the Cost Estimate,†2017 ICEAA Professional Development & Training Workshop, 2017.
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- Arena, M. V., et al., “Managing Perspectives Pertaining to Root Cause Analyses of Nunn-McCrudy Breaches, Volume 4: Program Manager Tenure, Oversight of Acquisition Category II Programs, and Framing Assumptions†RAND MG1171/4, Rand Corporation, 2013.
- Arena, M. V., et al., “Managing Perspectives Pertaining to Root Cause Analyses of Nunn-McCrudy Breaches, Volume 6: Contractor Motivations and Anticipating Breaches,†RAND MG1171/6, Rand Corporation, 2013.
- Arena, M. V., Mayer, L. A., “Identifying Acquisition Framing Assumptions Through Structured Deliberation,†by RAND TL153, Rand Corporation, 2014.
- ArÃzaga, J. F. O, “A Methodology for Project Risk Analysis Using Bayesian Belief Networks Within A Monte Carlo Simulation Environment,†Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Maryland, 2007.
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- Atkinson, Cliff, Beyond Bullet Points, 3rd Edition, Microsoft Press, 2011.
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- Aven, T. and Krohn, B. S., “A New Perspective of How to Understand, Assess, and Manage Risk and the Unforeseen,†Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 121, January 2014, pp. 1?10.
- Aven, T., Risk, Surprises and Black Swans: Fundamental Ideas and Concepts in Risk Assessment and Risk Management, Routledge, 2014.
- Aven, T., “Risk assessment and risk management: Review of recent advances on their foundation,†European Journal of Operational Research, 253, pp. 1?13, 2016.
- Aven, T., “Implications of Black Swans to the Foundations and Practice of Risk Assessment and Management,†Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety, 134, pp. 83?91
- Aven, T., Foundations of Risk Management, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
- Becerril, L., Sauer, M., and Lindemann, U., “Estimating the effects of Engineering Changes in Early Stage Product Development,†18th International Dependency and Structural Modeling Conference, August 29?30, 2016.
- Balesdent, M., et al., “Advanced Space Vehicle Design Taking into Account Multidisciplinary Coupling and Mixed Epistemic/Aleatory Uncertainties,†Space Engineering: Modeling and Optimization Case Studies, Springer Optimization, and Its Applications, 114, pp. 1?48, 2016.
- Banazadeh, A. and Haji Jafari, M., “A heuristic complexity-based method for cost estimation of aerospace systems,†Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, October 3, 2012.
- Barkhuizen, W. F., Pretorius, J. H. C, and Pretorius, L., “An Integrated Systems Approach to Risk Management within a Technology?Driven Industry Using the Design Structure Matrix and Fuzzy Logic,†South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 23, N. 2, Jan 2012.
- Bartolomei, J. E., et al., “Engineering Systems Matrix: An Organizing Framework for Modeling Large-Scape Complex Systems,†Systems Engineering, 15.1, 2012, pp. 41?61.
- Beer, M., “Generalized Models of Uncertainty and Imprecision in Engineering,†University of Liverpool, Institute for Risk & Uncertainty, presented at University of Colorado Denver, Department of Mathematical & Statistical Science Events, November 15, 2011.
- Beer, M., “Alternative Approaches to the Treatment of Epistemic Uncertainties in Risk Assessment,†Institute for Risk and Reliability, Leibniz Universit?t Hannover, 2016.
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- Ben?Haim, Y., “Why Risk Analysis is Difficult, and Some Thoughts on How to Proceed,†Risk Analysis, 32(10), pp. 1638 ? 1646.
- Benjamin, A. S., Enterprise Risk and Opportunity Management: Concepts and Step-by-Step Examples for Pioneering Scientific and Technical Organizations, John Wiley & Sons, 2017.
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- Bennett, F. N., “The Seven Deadly Risks of Defense Projects,†Security Challenges, Vol. 6, No. 3, Spring 2010, pp. 97?111.
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