Prof. Swaminatha Sastry - the Gold Medallist from King George the V, Royal Magician,Royal Illusionist, Mesmerist, Hypnotist and Cabalistic Entertainer
Director, Compo2000 Pte Ltd, Singapore and Founder/Trustee @ Chiasm Dais Charitable Trust, India.
Professor Swaminatha Sastry - Gold Medallist recipient from King George V, Royal Magician, Royal Illusionist, Mesmerist, Hypnotist and Cabalistic Entertainer (mid 1800s-1936)
Charles III, previously called Prince Philip, took the throne. Now it is the King's Gambit (stratagem) following the passing away of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. In full?Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick and Baron Renfrew, Lord of the Isles, and Prince and Great Steward of Scotland.
Prince Philip took the title of King Charles III after his mother's departure, Queen Elizabeth II, aged 96. Queen Elizabeth II appointed Prince Philip, her eldest son, as heir apparent.?
The organisation received a royal charter from Queen Elizabeth in 1999, which reads that the goal of the Prince's Trust is "to promote by all charitable means the mental, spiritual, moral and physical development and improvement of young people, and to provide opportunities for them to develop to their full capacities and enable them to become responsible members of society so that their conditions of life may be improved."
When the Queen granted the royal Charter, "I would like to take this opportunity to say to you, Charles, how proud I am of everything you have accomplished with the Trust and how you, personally, have inspired this organisation."
After British Colonisation India stands independently after its Independence. India also ranks high in the world political arena right now. Many developed nations look up to India for intervention in the Ukraine War. India does not pat its back. It is the Leaders of the developed nations who do so. G20 Meeting was just held in Delhi; however, no joint communique was issued.?Status quo remains.
From the present to the past:
There was no animosity between Great Grand Father (GGF) and the Royals. During the Colonial Rule, our Great Grand Father was on good terms with the British and donated his earnings to the Corporations of Cities of India. The Philanthropy of GGF was his free will.
Just as the Prince's Trust functions, GGF independently donated his earnings. The Prince's Trust has the Royal Charter. Just as King Charles III continued with the Prince's Trust, Global Chiasm Dais Trust will continue with Philanthropy and charitable work and looks forward to Philanthropy to continue our journey. However, we need genuine philanthropic/grants help now.
The project envisaged is ecosystem based and it's needs. The whole village and several others have approached us for help. Villages in the Rural areas, especially the ones located on higher terrain suffers for want of potable water, water for plantation, energy, electricity and a coexistence for sustainability.
Sustainability is a societal goal that relates to the ability of people to safely co-exist on Earth over a long time. Specific definitions of this term are difficult to agree on and have varied with literature, context, and time. Sustainability is commonly described as having three dimensions (or pillars): environmental, economic, and social.
We, in our capacity, do need Philanthropy and nature's monsoon to rain hard from any quarter, and I have used the Colonial link with our Great Grand Father and the amicability between the two. Will it be asking too much of the Prince's Trust Fund to the aid of our Green Miles Project - Chiasm Dais Trust, Chiasm Dais Global Trust ? We do not know. However in the open forum we have declared our need.
To begin with, the article is not about the typical bashing and lashing out at the British Colonisation of India for over two centuries.?
My Dad, aged 94 Years was my Great Grand Father's (GGF's) pet and spent time with GGF for 7 years.?
GGF verbally narrated to his only daughter, my Dad's Mother, and my Grand Mother; in turn, my Great Grand Father's teachings were passed down to his descendants as I pass down to my daughter as the other Descendants do so.??
My Dad was the pet Grand son of my GreatGrandFather.
In the Sixties:
I roamed the Dark Room at home (which I would now call the Dark Web of the Digital Age), which always had something. An air of mystery hovered in the atmosphere of Dark Room. Mystery attached to it. Exciting room if you got to open all the containers stacked inside, and to set the thoughts straight, none of them had any Currency or Cobra inside.?
GGF let them loose in their natural habitat before he relinquished his mortal self in 1936 on a given day/date/time. GGF never gave into any trivia when it came to living beings. He never risked peoples' lives or that matter of fact, even when the Family came too close in proximity, reptiles filled with poison fangs risking the lives of his descendants or any other. While he mingled with the Family, as Grandmother narrated, his eyes were always on the Cobra roaming close. A stroll in the park for the Cobra to be released in its natural habitat later.
I found the Leather Sachet weatherbeaten-this treasure hunt, containing the Testimonials. While rummaging (browsing) and groping in the dark, I stumbled across the Sachet (I was amazed when reading a couple of testimonials). The Dark Room (physical) and the Dark Web (virtual) are not dark but sheer enlightenment. The coloured wooden balls and the holders resemble boiled egg holders (or an inverted ice cream cup), as in the picture. I delved into the Dark Room during the days when I feigned stomach ache and bunked School.?
My Dad's elder brother, a High School Teacher, was my mentor in the growing-up phase. He was a talented sketch artist, and his portraits of Marilyn Monroe, Hitler, Churchill and other prominent personalities jumped out of the sketches. He could have been hired by organisations for higher remuneration. He chose to be a teacher. A noble profession. I hung around following him, asking for clarifications as I kicked a plastic ball the size of a soccer ball. Having a good teacher as your Family, friend, philosopher and guide at close quarters is a Celestial gift. After all, he was a descendant of GGF.
I passed the United Nations Organisation Examination and received a Certificate. The Exam helped me understand the role of the United Nations in World Politics and what each branch of the United Nations performed. The acronyms expansion of UN Branches is of immense knowledge.?
We read the Newspaper together (Indian Express - daily mail flung on the steps of our house by the paper delivery boy).
I got all the Sports News on the last page of the Indian Express, including the Crosswords. While he was on the first page where all the politics unfolded. I crouched and absorbed the final page of the Newspaper. When he was done reading the Newspaper, my Dad had his turn, and finally, it landed in my hands.?
My mentor taught me Chess, and we spent the Sunday playing Chess. I learnt the board game quickly and was neck to neck with my Teacher. He forced me to play another if I beat him in a game. I recall he got upset with me as I called him a gambler because he was forcing me to play another, and I refused as I had my homework to finish. I was in the fifth Standard in the Campion Anglo Indian Boys Higher Secondary School, Trichy. We became friends the following Sunday as we had our chess bouts. The more I became proficient in playing the game, the more I could compete on equal terms. But when he passed away, I gave up playing the game. I felt a part of me had left.
My cousin, his son, was a University athlete, and I became his sparring partner. He ran long-distance races. In all the Uni races, I was the glucose carrier. I carried the green-coloured tetra-pack of Glucose and ran along with him (of course, outside the tracks). His Dad, my mentor, was the Coach and clocked our timing. My cousin did the long-distance races: 800M, 1500M and occasionally 400M. His surge in the last 100M was phenomenal, and my heartbeat was pulsating, and my eyes looking out for him to emerge from the pack to breast the tape.?
My Dad is an Economics Major student. His speciality is Grammar and syllables. and of course Economics. Dad's English stood out in Grammar and official letter writing. He was a Data Processing Superintendent (DPS) at the Southern Railways. The IAS Officers often asked him to draft significant letters as his Grammar and subject matter understanding also stood out.
My Mom took over English as a Senior Cambridge student from Pratt Memorial, Calcutta. I was done with it when Mom drew blood-pinching my thighs when my spelling of "Grammar" became "Grammer" and in the 1st Standard; so much for skipping most of nursery and double promoted. I never realised why I was sent to the 1st standard after just 3 months in Nursery when my other classmates stayed in the Nursery.
Ironically, a book I received for scoring the first prize in English in the 8th Standard!!! The Little Oxford Dictionary - the culprit was back in a brand new form the emetic effort over me can be avoided only if I do the opposite - annihilate the Grammar and Dictionary which was a bother to me especially active and passive voice. I absorbed the contents, and I am thankful to Dad and Mom and I ingratiating and trying nothing further as a pushback but to fall in love with the English as a subject of study and vocabulary. If I came out zombie from the "middle room," with my Dad and Mom and books in my hands, you would know why! It was not due to Xylazine. So much for a 2nd and 3rd Standard student! I put up a steady face, head sitting on my shoulder. The consolation: It was either story time or Chess.
Well, I am good, and not least, my cognitive and behavioural systems are impaired. Neither do I suffer from traumatic stress syndrome or from PTSD.
The above are all rather frequently in vogue in Western Society when children are beaten. 911, a number often used to call emergency services in the West. Canada which is in a spat with India has the most of 911 called number. It makes one wonder! Is it delinquency or because of the population density being low?
The above is not meant pejoratively but only to highlight societal and cultural variations.
Getting beaten in Indian schools as punishment was accepted during my school times. "Kneeling outside the Classroom" is another punishment, and the fear was the rounds by the Principal, and we kept watching left and right for his appearance. "Stand up on the bench" is another punishment for the class hour. "Palms on the table for using the scale over the knuckles for not completing homework", another. Mostly, the scale landed on the palms. In School, disciplinary action created fear (unnecessary fear as I reflect and realise now), although the sentences were not cruel. To avoid penalties and salvage a clean slate, soon almost the whole class became exemplary. 7th Standard onwards, Madras then and Chennai now, my performance began to scale. Anyone found speaking in Vernacular was fined 25 Paise in St. Mathias added to the school building fund.??
My education began at home (my mentor, Dad's older brother) and School till 6th Standard in Campion Anglo Indian Boys High School, Trichy. One of the tops in the range Schools bagging the 1st rank in the University recurrently.
After all, I may have acquired the genes from my GGF to survive in such a school with high standards?
Maybe my Dad had the strength to withstand a complicated and complex surgery with his Grandfather's genes??I will come to that in another Article, Medical genre.
"It was the Cold War Era, and the Game of Chess was equivalent to the Iron Curtain. Bobby Fischer VS Boris Spassky played monumental games. The pawn sacrifice by Fischer and Spassky applauding game 6 is considered authentic.?"
"It's true what you saw in the film—Spassky applauded with the audience following the game.
Fischer picked up another game in round eight, then won again on this next turn with White to score 6.5-3.5. His long tactic led to an exciting ending of rook against bishop+two passers, but Spassky barely even managed to have them cross the halfway point of the chessboard".?
I was a Spassky fan, and my mentor took the name of Fischer.
Those days were when computers and easy search for information were unavailable. Books were the primary source of information and word-to-mouth-to-ears. We had World History as the curriculum in School, and my Dad's elder brother narrated History on critical political issues. My history knowledge was good enough from agreeable as he gave me insights into world affairs. Those little snippets in relevant pages in a textbook will be the exam marks scorer and his explanations, for he made History enjoyable for its practical purpose.?
My GGF was right. As he said, his descendants will be exemplary. The following are narrations by my Grandmother (in Tamil) and by my Dad and Grandmother when I could understand (Tamil and English) the prowess of my GGF in the Testimonials.
My Great Grand Father's (GGF) story originated in the 1800s and ended in 1936. Is relevant in the current times and shall be forever a household reverence for generations.?
A true story about GGF and British Royals.?
We need to go back in time and instances and relate to my (GGF) as a Royal Magician and his association with the British Royals and Gold Medallist from King George V.??
GGF was not a Politician.?He was a Philanthropist.?
He was a friend of every religion, nationality, caste, and creed.??
He had the prowess to transcend or subdue the power of Air, Water and Fire. His sleight of hands was mesmerising, the testimonials reveal.
He helped the underprivileged and donated to Corporations of various cities tens and hundreds and thousands of Indian Rupees formerly in value now could translate to many times its worth very significantly.??
He was an Indian who donated to the Cities Corporations during Imperial Rule in India for the cause of improving the lives of one and all. A true son of the soil.
Swaminatha Sastry was respectfully addressed as Professor Swaminatha Sastry by the higher echelons of Society, the British Royalty, and the British Royals. As a descendant of a large family that stayed under one roof, my Dad, 5 to 7 years old then, in the 1930s' recalls incidents as he used to accompany my Great Grand Father (GGF) during his travels.?
GGF had a mischievous streak. He travelled by First Class in the Trains when such travel was under segregation for the use of the British only. The late-night past eleven, when he boarded trains, the doors to the first class open and shut when it had to leave, at the railway stations he slid a full-grown hissing Cobra into the First Class compartment and boarded. GGF was welcomed as a Royal Guest while the Ladies jumped onto the seats, their feet up, screaming, "Go Away, Go Away". The entire British higher echelons settling down to sleep woke up.?
GGF was a guest greeted into the compartment meant for the travels of White People. Once identified, the British were overjoyed, and the distinction between colour, nationality, race and creed disappeared. The Ladies dared to set their feet down but were wide-eyed and apprehensive. On the whole, the night was merry-making with fun and frolic. The Cobra played for a while and slid into the resting bag. I would love to write more. His testimonials speak out for him. His testimonials bearing proof which are now highly valued more than a century old and need delicate handling for the papers do tend to break.
Recently United Airlines flight (Florida to Newark) reported a Snake on board. UA is unsure whether the Snake (Garter Snake) had travelled with the passengers, which is most likely. Laxity in the preparation of the Aircraft before take-off at Florida is most likely, hence it decided to travel business class.
I recall during a flight from Bangalore to Chennai, looking out of the window I saw a python clinging to the right wing for dear life. I did not raise any alarm as they say in Tamil, if it is a snake, even an army fears. I kept my eyes glued on the snake. While getting off the flight I quietly informed the Chief Stewardess about the clinging pax. Her face colour changed with fear. She was spell bound but at least did not get off the flight in a hurry. The cleaning crew could have cleared it later. It was right outside the window where the wings are attached. Even though there is a partition there is an adrenaline jump.
I translated the narration of my Grandmother from Tamil to English as she had done during story time when dusk was falling, and after playing Soccer with a tennis ball with my friends, my toes bled. However, when it was a competition between many sides, winning mattered. Our eyes were glued to a tennis ball dribbling and passing; it was Soccer, such as the immense concentration on a tennis ball in play, which took vast proportions to the size of the soccer ball.
It was an innovation at its peak, for we had a round-robin to the finals. I entered the house, limping, blood dripping, and Grandmother was sitting in the living room. I couldn't get past her, and she cleansed my bleeding toes. Once patched up, I put my head on her lap, lay down, and asked her to tell me about GGF. My hair was wet with perspiration. My Grandmother held my head on her lap as she ran her fingers through my damp hair soothingly, and I absorbed everything she narrated.
My Grandmother, the only daughter of our Great Grand Father, narrated her Father's life often in the evenings. I was engrossed in her narrations, the spell-binding powers he possessed, and his Philanthropy, which knew no bounds. My Grandmother used to ask her Father to save for his descendants when he could donate tens and hundreds and thousands of Rupees before 1936. GGF had his ideology and did not sway him away from his pursuits of Philanthropism.?One home under one roof of 6000 Sqft. Garden with all type of flowers. Vegetables many and in plenty. Camouflage of Trees and we hardly felt the heat during summer. Ample flow of water from River Cauvery. 16 people in the house it buzzed with activity (during my times when I was in the 5th/6th standard and clarity in understanding).
The narratives sunk into me, and doctrines orally imparted to his only daughter. Descendants will be cited as offsprings of GGF and what a gift it is to be in his lineage? My Grandmother's narration to her descendants dad and his older brother and my dad in turn passing it down his offsprings and maybe the genes too to his sons, one living in USA and the other in Singapore being me??
The Philanthropic flow of funds into India is a good move now:?India's standing in the global arena has had a complete facelift. Total private philanthropic giving in India is estimated to grow at about 12% annually, according to an Economic Times News (March 2022), Compliance with new FCRA New regulations (
"India has now become the fifth-largest economy in the world. Though all this growth has been inclusive, the gap between the top 1st and bottom 50th percentile continued to widen."
History is a social science and storytelling. The facts need to be ready before the storytelling. Some are anecdotal in value but did not change in content.
Till 1970, the outer gate entrance to the house was just a bamboo thatch and was never locked. It remained so, and none of us alive could decipher why and neither did we bother. The 5 Steps to enter the main hall and the wooden doors to enter the living room were not shut locked but just half shut, and although the two wooden doors were there, it was not latched shut, and a sliver of the opening was visible, and from outside, people could see the doors were not shut closed and locked. I realised that space on either side of the steps served wayfarers to rest from the heat of the scorching sun and sudden rains. On the right side of the steps was a 30ft x 10ft space containing the granary (8ft x 8ft cube) with a hatch door at the lower end of the granary of 1ft by 1ft shut with a latch granary which stored grains. The granary was not locked. Anyone can take grains from the granary. The left side of the steps was 20ft x 10ft and was spaciously left for wayfarers to catch a few winks. None thieved grains from the granary. It is perplexing.?
Let me talk about India. Was it a better world before??Was it a better India, then?
People may have the view that our house was crawling with Cobras. By 1936 GGF had sent all the cobras to their habitats. 1900s? Did colonisation bring down the crime rate? Or is this one of the incidents and exceptions? Is it based on hypotheses?
Crime is Society's pollution, showcasing Society's negative development.
The economic theory of crime suggests that deterrence variables significantly impact crime rates in a society. From a fiduciary perspective, malefactors are rational economic agents who weigh the likelihood of being arrested and apprehended before committing a crime.
Returning to the subject of Great Grand Father:
GGF was not a politician but a gentleman and a philanthropist. He helped the needy. Donated substantial sums to Corporations for the people's welfare and infrastructure building. Liked by all: Indians, the British people and The British Royal Family, deservedly he earned, financially with his prowess and the Title of Royal Magician, the reverence, Professor.?
The title of "Professor" was addressed reverently by the higher echelons of the Society and the British Royalty to his name, Swaminatha Sastry. He was addressed as Professor Swaminatha Sastry. As a descendant of a large family that stayed under one roof, my Dad (5 to 7 years old) recalls some incidents. He used to accompany my Great Grand Father during his travels.? ?
Like the first-ever human recording by Thomas Edison, "Mary had a little lamb" on his phonograph and tested for repetition, my Grandmother's recitation of my GreatGrandFather's mystical feats has embedded in my memory, and I play the incidents repeatedly within me.?
GGF was well known for his humility, humbleness and approbation for all human races and, of course, his mystical skills. However, there was something about his looks (as I observed from his photos) that he was no ordinary human being and a person with celestial powers personified. I may be biased, as some may think of vested interests, but how biased can one be when GreatGrandFather donated all he earned to charities with the bare minimum meant for household functions. As GGF said, his descendants will do well in their own making.
During his absence, an evening, a crowd gathered outside our house, as narrated by Grand Mother. The owner complained that a Cobra from our home was in his house now. Puzzled, she went inside and brought a container with holes for air, and Cobras were kept in the containers. The owner of the house volunteered to carry the empty container. Grand Mother gave him the box. Chivalry existed.?
But my Grand Mother had a smile on her face. On reaching the owner's house, she saw the Cobra in the middle of the house. Only Grand Mother dared to enter and opened the box, and "our house Cobra" slid into the box. She shut the box and looked around for the house owner who had carried the empty box. He was nowhere to be seen. Chivalry vanished.?
She came back home and left the box in the dark room.?
When GGF returned four days later, he was immediately informed about the new guest. He brought the box out, opened it, lifted the Cobra, and held it appropriately by the neck.?
Cobras do not drink milk (there are contradictions and variations in explaining this view). Maybe a hungry Cobra may drink. One reason is that they are carnivorous, and forced milk feeding may take its life. However, kept locked for four days, a surety from the day Grandmother brought the snake home, it is likely to be a hungry snake.?
The guest had to be fed highly diluted milk, as my Dad recalls. A funnel slipped into the mouth, and my Dad stood on a higher stairway step and higher over the Cobra's head and staring into its mouth open and glistening eyes and its twin-tipped tongue very gently poured the highly diluted milk as directed by GGF into the funnel held the Cobra's neck, caressing the length of the Cobra to help with digestion and, once fed, allowed to slide away gently on the floor. When I asked my Dad if he was frightened, he casually replied with GGF present that nothing untoward could happen.??
GGF got the medal from the Prince and Princess of Wales in 1906.
The article does NOT glorify our family lineage or the opinionated exaltation of British Royalty as it may seem to many. It is a narration from my Dad and?Grandmother?about her?Father and advocates ethical values and generosity,
Dad spotted GGF in a single bullock cart, and before she could catch hold of him eluded her grasp and ran after the bullock cart memories of our beloved GGF running behind the single bullock cart when he was 5 years old, crying, wanting to accompany GGF and was picked up lovingly by GGF. GGF was embarking on one of his trips. The bullock cart dropped them at the Railway Station, and they travelled to several places for three to four months, and only GGF knew where.
My Grandmother and Dad preserved some of the articles and testimonials received by GGF, and I have them under my custody. It is a pity that the value of the testimonials did not mean much then. Some were kept in the Sachet, and some were left on the table and lost sight afterwards. I recall an elderly journalist who wrote for Tamil Magazines. He knew about GGF and requested testimonials to write a serial on GGF. He was a mutually introduced elderly person, fluent in English and Tamil. For reasons known to me, and gently requested the journalist that the time to reveal the virtuous past of GGF was not right then and held back the Testimonials.?GGF lived a courageous, fearless life passed down to his daughter and subsequent descendants. As the Great Magical Show and the august company reveal, he was gifted with skills, courage and all other qualities and capabilities of an imposingly powerful human. Humane and munificent was through the respective missionaries like the Corporations of the Indian States.?
Between the British Royalty and my Great Grand Father, mostly restricted to only the two. Barristers, Zamindars, the Tsars of Russia.
Many may need to know how British-Indian coexistence between the?British Royals and our Great Grand Father came into being.
The relationship, professionally, as an entertainer, magical, the simple tricks which even the elderly could not decipher.?
My?GREAT GRANDFATHER?and the?BRITISH ROYALTY had respect for each other.
I am delighted to be his descendant. He imparted excellent values to his only daughter, my Grandmother. As my Grandmother narrated to us does not vary in content correctness. The values were passed on to us generation after generation. We have largesse in our hearts, just as our Great Grand Father had said. What were the qualities even now of a good human being and insistence of GGF to impute qualities of being genuine that his descendants understood their goals well?
As a philanthropist, in 1930, he donated one hundred thousand Indian Rupees to Madras Corporation. It is a testimony of his largesse. When his daughter, my Grandmother, asked him to save for his descendants, he told my Grandmother to pass down the value of magnanimity and strive to follow.?
"The GGF Doctrines."
a) My descendants will be philanthropic from generation to generation.?
b) My descendants will be blessed to be noble and philanthropic.?
c) My descendants will respect the value of humanity and the life of living beings.??
d) My descendants will be blessed, of decent descent, to treat every human, male or female, in the same status.?
e) My descendants must work zealously and always remember the value of generosity and friendship.
f) At the end of the day, my descendants will always leave a meal or a morsel of food for someone, be it a stranger or somebody hungry.
g) My descendants will be themselves, which is the only way they will know the difference between friend and foe in time and the only way they will live.
h) My descendants will learn the value of respect and earn respect for how they live.
The above is the oral impartation of my GGF to his first descendant, his daughter, and my maternal Grandmother, my beloved storyteller in Tamil.?
It is like Lord Krishna's, Gitaubadesam (Bhagavadgita) to our Family.
"When righteousness declines, O Bharata! When wickedness is strong, I rise from age to age, take visible shape, and move as a man with men succouring the good: thrusting the evil back and setting virtue on her seat again."
In my path, I met evil and good and gave life to the teachings of GGF in the way I live for good causes. So does my maternal side brother benevolently gave life to a village with his presence. The Evils live even now the most false lives after destroying the meals of the children in the rural villages of India, depriving the children of the much-needed sanitation in schools; funds which were kept for Philanthropy and education of the masses.
I realised why our GGF expressed the qualities to be generous, let Philanthropy flourish, and have goodness passed on from Generation to Generation.?
My Grandmother and Dad were fortunate to hear, see, and be with GGF, and it has been passed to me, and I, in turn, I talk about the value of virtue, gentleness and good to my only daughter.?My daughter donated her first significant donation to the Trust with her first earnings.??
Now I realise about our Iron Lady, my Dad's Mother, my Grandmother: She ruled her roost after the lifespan of GGF the way her Father had taught her to do.??
" In the play "King Charles III," Prince Charles is portrayed as a socially and environmentally conscious person who is deeply committed to issues such as climate change and environmental preservation. He is depicted as someone eager to use the power and influence of the monarchy to raise awareness about these issues and promote positive change. This depiction reflects the real-life Prince Charles's public stance on environmental and social problems, including a focus on sustainable agriculture and support for renewable energy."
"Climate action's hidden opportunities for women - Zineb Sqalli Oct 7 2022 Climate action has historically had a gender-neutral lens. Still, this lack of intentionality allows underlying biases to sneak in and negatively impact women, says gender and climate researcher Zineb Sqalli. Using Vienna, Austria's gender-equal urban planning program, as a model for how women can be included in every step of building a green economy, Sqalli offers solutions for advancing both sustainability and gender equality - at the same time."
Prince Charles's Philanthropy and commitment to environmental and social causes also extend to India. He has visited India several times to support environmental and sustainability initiatives and met with Indian leaders and organisations to discuss these issues.
For example, in 2013, Prince Charles visited India to attend the Jaipur Literature Festival, where he delivered a speech on the importance of sustainable agriculture and the need for global action on climate change. He has also supported organisations in India that promote sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and environmental conservation.
Prince Charles's philanthropic efforts for climate consciousness and sustainability extend beyond the UK and inclusion initiatives in India and other countries worldwide.
In real life, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales and the heir to the British throne, is known for his commitment to environmental and social issues. He has been a vocal advocate for sustainability and environmental protection and has used his position to raise awareness about the importance of these issues.
Prince Charles has also been involved in several philanthropic initiatives, supporting organisations and causes focused on environmental and social issues. He has established the "Prince's Trust", which helps young people in the UK to overcome barriers and improve their lives, and he is also the patron of numerous environmental and charitable organisations.
Prince Charles's commitment to environmental and social causes reflects his belief in using his platform to make a positive difference in the world.
King Charles III is a 2014 play written by British playwright Mike Bartlett. The play is a theoretical work that imagines a future where Prince Charles has become King of the United Kingdom following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. The play explores the political and personal challenges Charles faces as he tries to navigate the responsibilities of the monarchy and the conflicting demands of his Family, the government, and the public. The play received critical acclaim and won several awards, including the Olivier Award for Best New Play. It has been performed in several countries and adapted for television and radio. Most He and Camilla spent time in India in 2017 during their official tour of Brunei, India, Singapore, and Malaysia. He also notably travelled to the Country with Princess Diana in 1992.
Chiasm Dais Infotech Pvt Limited, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, and recent engagement through Chiasm Dais Trust, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, and in the formation of Chiasm Dais Global Trust, Singapore is in the making and will be fully operational. We have been in India, and our commitment to our Rural Village in South India, Tamil Nadu, is a decade now. Our effort from Singapore for three decades under the banner of Compo 2000 Pte Ltd will soon be manifested, the Green Miles Project, under the Chiasm Dais Global Trust.
Yes, King George V attended a grand magic performance during his visit to India in 1911. The performance was organised in his honour and was held in Delhi, the capital of British India at the time. It is reported that King George V was entertained by various magic tricks, including illusions and sleight of hand. The performance was highly praised by both the King and the British media, and it is said to have been one of the highlights of his visit to India.?
Descendants of GreatGrandFather alive (immediate, my Dad and Aunt and off-springs):
The passing away of Great Grand Father:
GGF told his daughter, my Story Teller Grandmother, to use the Ladder in the last few minutes before his mortal self was to end that the Ladder was meant to carry him to the cremation grounds as he was laid on knitted coconut leaves, and being tall, he did not wish his feet hanging. Two years before, he was found curating a long Bamboo Ladder using closely laid steps. He had hung the Ladder against the wall sloping on one nail on the top and the other downwards. Over the two years, the bamboo ladder was believed to be a Ladder and used too for the purpose. The Ladder was hung on the wall behind the worshipped Tulsi Mutt.
In 1936 GGF declared on a particular day that his life would end shortly and lay down on the mattress. He was not ailing and mid seventies his age.
Dad, weeping when told by GGF that he was going away on a long journey and he will not be able to take him. GGF consoled him but could not contain his weeping, running to the kitchen and back, unable to understand, except that his lovable GrandFather would not be able to see anymore and was going on a long journey.
When his daughter came with the coffee he just said: Why hasn't Pranatharthiharan (Lord Siva) not come as yet?
He asked his daughter to get him a cup of coffee.?Grandmother went to the Kitchen while Dad sat beside his beloved GrandFather, crying aged 7. My Aunt, aged one, sat near the feet of GGF, not understanding the flurry: my Dad crying; my Grandmother, whom I consider the most remarkable storyteller of all with glistening eyes rushing to the kitchen: She brought the coffee in a Silver Tumbler. GREAT-GRANDFATHER asked her to pour the coffee and after two gulps he closed his eyes and passed away precisely on the day, date and time he had said he would.?The extra long bamboo poles were for the four pall bearers to carry him to the cremation grounds.
In those days Naadi (pulse) experts can say by feeling the wrist pulse. He declared Great-grandfather was no more.
There cannot be another kind soul, ever who cared for one and all!
He lives in our hearts till we leave our mortal self.
With Great-grandfather's background and the King's Climate change causes can we expect a miracle with a call to the descendants?
Time will reveal.
What a fascinating legacy to carry forward! ?? As George Bernard Shaw once said, “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” Your great-grandfather surely crafted a remarkable legacy. Speaking of leaving a lasting impact, there's an opportunity to make history with the Guinness World Record for Tree Planting - a venture that combines philanthropy with a touch of magic. ??? Make his legacy proud! Explore this chance:
What a profound legacy to honor! ?? It reminds me of what Shakespeare once said, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” Your great-grandfather clearly encompassed all three. Keep shining his light through your endeavors! ? #Greatness #FamilyLegacy #Inspirational
Director, Compo2000 Pte Ltd, Singapore and Founder/Trustee @ Chiasm Dais Charitable Trust, India.
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