Prof Dumbledore and A Few Thoughts On Teachers
September 5th, 2023.
?Today is teacher’s day. I was aware of it because my daughter was all excited about it as they had celebrations in the school. Would I have remembered it otherwise? Probably not. However, I was reminded of how important teachers are a few days back.
?I remember I was sitting with my daughter preparing some thank you cards for her teachers, ?when I received a message from a colleague. And the message was “Lijo, I want to give you a gift on Teacher’s day”. I was so happy to see those words that I was a bit overwhelmed. I am not a teacher by profession. So, I replied asking why that gift for me and the response was that, that person has learned something from me. It was indeed a proud moment for me.
?Teachers are wise. Teachers are inspirational. It’s very possible that you’ll at least have one teacher in your life who has given you some grounded advice. There are many a tales of how teachers have changed the life of many a great individual throughout history. Teachers have the hefty responsibility of shaping the minds of the young ones and the impact they have in these kids’ life is indeed great. I cannot imagine how they manage to keep these bundles of energy quiet and have them listen to what they are saying. How do they manage to make them understand the words and sentences and the numbers? Try as I may, I am unable to make my kid sit at her desk and concentrate on anything beyond 10 minutes.
?There is a story about a teacher who was trying to teach the alphabet sounds to a group of kindergarten kids. She was using flash cards with letters and pictures to help. The teacher showed one kid the letter “S” and a picture of a snake to emphasize the sound. SSSS.., ?for snake. Next was the letter “C.” He couldn’t remember the sound, so the teacher showed him a picture of a cat and then asked him to tell the sound of letter “C,” . He looked puzzled and said, “Meow?”
?It takes immense patience to be a teacher. I certainly am not one who can be considered having much of that quality. However, I believe, in one way or other, we all become teachers, even though we may not be aware of the same.
I always look up at the people who are my seniors. I have learned a great deal from many of them. I look around at the people whom I work with, and there also I find many things to learn. The important point is that, when we are conducting ourselves in our daily life, it is better to keep in mind that there are people looking up to you or are looking around at you. And when they do that, they should find something good to learn. If we all keep this in mind and choose to do things a little differently , you will see that things will change for the better.
?After all, as Prof Dumbledore, a fictional yet very famous teacher, says to Harry Potter – “ It is not our abilities that show what we truly are... it is our choices”.
Here is thanking that individual for considering me worthy of being a teacher and thanking all the teachers for the incredible and important job they are doing. And I implore you to take this opportunity and thank that one person whom you feel have made a difference to your life. Trust me, he/she would be incredibly happy.