Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, latest publications, conferences and activities, Year 2025.
Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho. Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) - Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering of Manresa (EPSEM)

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, latest publications, conferences and activities, Year 2025.

Year 2025

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, Vice President of the Institute of Penedès Studies (IEP). Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).

Between 1995 and 2005, he was the university research scientist and inventor who successfully applied, for the first time in the world, the technique of extinguishing large internal combustions in urban mega-dumps with deep injections of high-pressure cryogenic liquid nitrogen. The technique was published internationally in his doctoral thesis in 2006 at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). The technique is openly licensed to facilitate its application in underdeveloped countries and it is only mandatory to cite the author and the university each time it is used somewhere in the world.

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho. Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) - Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering of Manresa (EPSEM)

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho (PhD.EnD.MSc.LLM.MArch.MBLandArch)

General Scientific Coordinator Regional Governments at Garraf Karst Park Nature Reserve (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)

172 artículos

October 2024.

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Back cover of the magazine "Tothosap Garraf", where the editorial of the magazine is dedicated to exalting local or regional wise men, and where homage is paid to Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho for his long scientific, technical and teaching career in very high level.

In the inscription of the white text on the photograph one can read: "This section of the magazine titled local wise men, could well now be retitled as regional wise men. The academic and university research curriculum of Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho would occupy many pages of this magazine Among many other university academic titles, he is a doctor of environmental engineering, vice president and co-founder 47 years ago of the Institute of Studies of Penedès (IEP), professionally he has worked in senior scientific positions in some multinational companies, but also as a senior civil servant and head of departments in various local and regional public administrations and the government of the Generalitat de Catalunya. He has an almost encyclopedic knowledge. With him we will talk about the virtues of the well-known Garraf Park, of which he is one of the top experts and promoters of the declaration as a new Natural Park of Catalonia, I still have not been able to ida and about his innovative doctoral thesis, a scientific and technical investigation of more than ten years on the main and complex problems that can occur in municipal garbage dumps and how to solve them effectively".

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho has an impressive academic career. Below is information about his university degrees: Doctor Environmental Enginyer (UPC): Doctorate in Environmental Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). Master in Environment (UAB): he completed a master's degree in Environment at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Postgraduate in Environmental Management Instruments (UPC): he completed a postgraduate degree in Environmental Management Instruments at the UPC. Licenciat en Ciències Biològiques (UB): He obtained a degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Barcelona (UB). Botany (UB): Specialization in Botany also at the University of Barcelona (UB). Senior Environmental Technician (Public Administration): Completed training as a Senior Environmental Technician in Public Administration1. In addition, Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho has played important roles in environmental management and research, such as vice-presidency of the Parc del Garraf Advisory Commission and coordination of the Landscape Group of the Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs (IEP). 2. His extensive training and experience make him a reference in the environmental field. If you want to get more details or check his qualifications, you can access the official university degree consultation site

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho. Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) - Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering of Manresa (EPSEM)

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho. Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) - Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering of Manresa (EPSEM)

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho. Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) - Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering of Manresa (EPSEM)

The City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain) pays homage to the local writers who have presented a new book, publication and written work at the book fair for the national holiday of St. George's Day in Catalonia. In this case, to Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho, for the publication of his extensive book on the doctoral thesis in environmental engineering on large and complex municipal garbage dumps with internal combustion and other serious problems. In the photograph, Prof. Dr. Herrera in the interior rooms of the municipal public library of the Víctor Balaguer Museum.


April 18, 2024.

Core of the population of Ribes (the Garraf), seen from the protected natural area of "Els Colls i Miralpeix". Penedès Maritime. (Photo: Prof. Dr. J.A. Herrera)
Sign before the minister. The IEP, represented by the vice-president and co-author Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, signs the Garraf Landscape Charter, in front of the Catalan Minister of Territory and Sustainability, the Honorable Mr. Damià Calvet, and the president of the Garraf Regional Council, Mrs. Glòria García, in the Gothic Hall of the historic noble building of "Masia d'en Cabanyes" in Vilanova i la Geltrú, on May 3, 2019. The Charter covers the municipalities of Canyelles, Sant Pere de Ribes, Cubelles, Olivella, Sitges and Vilanova i la Geltrú (El Garraf. Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain), where almost 147,000 inhabitants live.
The act of signing the letter took place in the Gothic hall of the historic building "Masia d'en Cabanyes", the seat of the Garraf Regional Council, on May 3, 2019. The Catalan Minister of Territory and Sustainability, the Honorable Mr. Damià Calvet, of the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia, and the president of the Garraf County Council, Glòria Garcia, and the vice-president of the Institute of Penedesencs Studies (IEP) and co-author, Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, signed the Charter of the landscape and then the town councils and the institutions and entities of the region adhered to it. The Secretary General of the Government of Urban Habitat and Territory also attended, Mr. Agustí Serra, and the director of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, Mr. Pere Sala and the mayors of the Garraf region (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain). The Masia d'en Cabanyes is a house-museum, where the Catalan romantic poet Manuel de Cabanyes lived and currently houses the Center for the Interpretation of Romanticism that bears his name. We can discover the family legacy, with original rooms from the 19th century, period objects and decoration. It is also a space to understand 19th century Catalan Romanticism and its link with the Cabanyes lineage and the territory.

The new CATALOG OF THE LANDSCAPE OF THE VEGUERIA DEL PENEDèS, the work of the Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya, in which the IEP has participated intensively, and in some landscapes under a regime of co-authorship, for more than six years, has been provisionally approved, and is in the objection period during the four months public information exhibition (February 6 to June 7, 2024 (both inclusive)

You can download the reports and all the maps free of charge (it is for public consultation) at the attached web link from the Landscape Observatory and also at the public information edict:


The task of coordination and collaboration of the Penedès Landscape Catalog project of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia at the Penedes Studies Institute (IEP), on September 20, 2018, at the headquarters of the IEP in Vilanova i la Geltrú. From right to left, Mr. Jordi Grau Oliveras, coordinator of the Penedès Landscape Catalog project at the Catalonia Landscape Observatory; Mr. Pere Sala i Martí, director of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia; the then president of the IEP, Mrs. Dolors García Martínez; and Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho, landscape coordinator and vice-president of the IEP.

The new Penedès Landscape Catalog (Vegueria del Penedès area)

The assignment of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia to the IEP began on September 20, 2018 at the behest of the Observatory itself, when a first meeting took place at the IEP headquarters in Vilanova i la Geltrú , between Mr. Pere Sala i Martí, director of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, Mr. Jordi Grau Oliveras, coordinator of the Penedès Landscape Catalog project, and the then president of the IEP, Mrs. Dolors García Martínez and the vice-president of the IEP, Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera and Sancho. The latter has carried out the tasks of landscape coordinator, in the collaboration of the IEP with the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, in order to be able to make technical contributions and field and office work, in the realization of the Catalog of the Penedès Landscape. Meeting in which the different ways of collaboration that have facilitated the creation and dissemination of the Penedès Landscape Catalog were established.

Experts and specialists in Landscape participants at the end of the Landscape Specialists Workshop of the Penedès Landscape Catalogue, at the medieval castle of Castellet (El Garraf. Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain), on October 2, 2019. Institut d'Estudis Penedesenxcs (IEP) is represented by the vice president and coordinator of Landscape, Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho.
Interior of the noble hall of the medieval castle of Claramunt (l'Anoia. Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain), during the Landscape Specialists Workshop of the Penedès Landscape Catalogue, on September 26, 2018. Prof. Dr. NOW. Herrera Sancho represents the Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs (IEP) and coordinates the Landscape.
Interior of the noble hall of the castle, during the Landscape Specialists Workshop of the Penedès Landscape Catalogue, at the medieval castle of Subirats (Alt Penedès. Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)), on September 25, 2018 Prof. Dr. NOW. Herrera Sancho, as vice-president and co-author, represents the Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs (IEP) and coordinates the Landscape.
Interior of the noble room of the Workshop of the Priory of the Monastery of Santa Maria de Santa Oliva on 27/09/2018, during the Workshop of landscape specialists of the Penedès Landscape Catalogue, in the old Priory - Monastery (Baix Penedès. Barcelona. Spain). Prof. Dr. NOW. Herrera Sancho, as vice-president and co-author, represents the Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs (IEP) and coordinates the Landscape. The place of Santa Oliva is mentioned in a precept of Lluís d'Ultramar from the year 938 granted to the monastery of Sant Cugat in which the Carolingian monarch confirmed his possessions. In 1012 that monastery granted the castle and church of Santa Oliva to Isimbert for its repopulation, despite maintaining certain rights. At the beginning of the 12th century, Santa Oliva would have suffered the effects of a raid by the Almoravids. In 1143, once rebuilt, the place passed to the lineage of the Santa Olivas who maintained differences with Sant Cugat. In 1158 the bishop of Barcelona granted the churches of Sant Julià, in the castle, and of Santa Maria to the monastery of Sant Cugat so that a priory could be established there. On the other hand, a ruling from the year 1183 gave the castle and term to Bernat de Santa Oliva but under the lordship of the monastery, but in 1243 the Santa Olivas sold the castle, term and jurisdiction to Sant Cugat who kept it until nineteenth century The priory of Santa Maria de Santa Oliva, created from the donation of the bishop of Barcelona and of which we have news since 1173, must have been established in the church of Santa Maria, known as La Rectoria or El Monestir but, later that the Benedictines of Sant Cugat bought the castle, passed the priory to Sant Julià, maintaining the parish functions in the church of Santa Maria. From the 15th century there was no longer a community in this house but the name and title of prior was maintained until modern times. In 1610 the armory of the castle became the sanctuary of Our Lady of Remedies, an avocation that it still maintains today.

Interview with Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho in the recording studios of Penedès Televisó and Ràdio Vilafranca (Vilafranca del penedès. Alt Penedès. Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain), on the new Landscape Catalog of the Vegueria del Penedès. April 8, 2024.

L'IEP a Ràdio Vilafranca per parlar sobre el Catàleg del Paisatge del Penedès amb el Dr. Herrera (

El Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera parla sobre el Catáleg de Paisatge del Penedès (


Television interview with Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho, vice-president of the Institute of Penedès Studies (IEP), on the persistent meteorological drought affecting Catalonia and El Garraf (Spain) for two consecutive years, and his innovative proposals and solutions. He also expresses his concern for the pollution of the aquifers of the Karstic Natural Park of Garraf due to the mega-dump of urban solid waste in the massif of Garraf (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)

The Penedesencs Studies Institute (Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs - IEP), represented in the Vilanova Climate Change Group by its vice-president, Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho, presents an innovative proposal to alleviate the drought and reuse the waste water from the sewage treatment plants of Vilanova i la Geltrú and Sitges (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain) for the irrigation of crops by reusing the old pipelines of the Community of Irrigators of the Foix marsh, also to irrigate public parks and gardens, and also to recover the ecological flow of the Foix river from the foot of the reservoir's dam to its mouth. It also responds to the pollution of the aquifers of the Karstic Natural Park of the Garraf massif due to the mega-dump of the Garraf karstic massif.

Interview broadcast on the raconet program of Canal Blau TV, the public television of the Garraf region (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain), on May 29, 2023.

Wise people, residents and linked for more than 50 years, to the territories of the Karstic Natural Park of Garraf (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain):

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho, vice-president of the Institute of Penedesencs Studies (IEP) makes the inaugural presentation of this project, as an expert scientist and researcher with more than 50 years of accumulated professional experience in the Karstic Natural Park of the Garraf massif (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)

Presentation, on May 24, 2023, made in the Santiago Rusi?ol Public Library in Sitges (Barcelona), of the "Garraf Links Project" ("Vincles del Garraf"), on ethnobotany of the Garraf massif (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain), thesis by pharmacist and ethnobotanist Silvia Ysamat.

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho makes the inaugural presentation of this project, as an expert scientist and researcher with more than 50 years of accumulated professional experience in the karst massif of Garraf (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)

Filmed in the spring of 2020 at the Maset d'en Safont farmhouse, about 400 m south of the Mas de l'Artís, in Vilanova i la Geltrú, in the middle of the Garraf Karstic Natural Park.

NATIONAL MONUMENT, singular Pinus pinea, a historic and centenary tree declared a Monumental Tree by the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya: the "Pi Gros de Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)".

NATIONAL MONUMENT, singular Pinus pinea, a historic and centenary tree declared a Monumental Tree by the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya: the "Pi Gros de Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)".

The Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho has led the cataloging for years, and has finally achieved, with the support of all local and regional entities, the declaration of definitive protection as a National Monument, of this new Monumental and Centennial Tree of Catalonia (Spain). It is located in the Catalan maritime town of Vilanova i la Geltrú, next to the farmhouse that belonged to the Cabanyes family of poets and painters.

The uniqueness of the Pi Gros de Vilanova, Monumental Tree from Catalonia, it comes from the tortuous twisting of its trunk turning to the right, and the size of its crown, of 25 meters, which make it an almost unique specimen of Pinus pinea in the country

Published in: Magazine "Tothosap Garraf" of Vilanova i la Geltrú, in June 2023. Co-authors: Guillem Mercader and Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho.


February 15, 2023


February 15, 2023

The Study Institute of Penedès (Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs (IEP)) will form part of the drafting team to prepare the new Protection and Management Plan for the Coast of Catalonia, of the General Direction of Mountain and Coastal Policies of the Generalitat of Catalonia, in the Penedès Coastal area of our Vegueria.

This January, through the Garraf Regional Council, the D.G. of Mountain and Coastal Policies has entrusted the IEP to be part of the drafting team to draw up and draft the new Coastal Protection and Management Plan in the area of the Penedès Coastal, approximately between the mouths of the rivers Llobregat and Gaià.

Catalonia comprises 714.4 km of coastline, distributed among 70 municipalities, of which 64% are coasts (455 km) and 36% are beaches (259 km)

On the part of the D.G. of Mountain and Coastal Policies (general director, Mrs. Roser Bombardó) has made the formal assignment, represented by Mr. Ferran Miralles, until recently Director General of Environmental Policies and the Natural Environment of the Generalitat de Catalunya. On behalf of the Regional Council of Garraf, in representation, Ms. Teresa Vidal, from the Garraf Natural and Coastal Environment Service

The presidency and the Board of Directors of the IEP approved this request for collaboration in January and appointed the coordination to Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho, who will have the support of the Landscape Working Group of the IEP, which already collaborated for five years in the preparation of the new Landscape Catalog of the Vegueria del Penedès of the Observatory of Landscape of the Generalitat de Catalunya, which is about to be approved and published. Dr. Herrera was already part of the drafting team, in the Consorci El Far de la Diputació de Barcelona, of the Coastal Strategic Plan of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona and its 27 coastal municipalities. He had also been head of the Environmental Service of the Vilanova i la Geltrú City Council, which was already part of the former Consorci dels Colls i Miralpeix – Costes del Garraf (current Natural and Coastal Environment Service of the Garraf County Council) and ex-Coordinator of the Natural Park of Garraf (Diputació de Barcelona – Aj. de Vilanova i la Geltrú) He has a solid background in master's degrees and university postgraduate degrees in several universities, in the subjects of natural resources, coastal erosion and flooding, environmental management instruments and coastal conservation and in Mediterranean marine reserves, marine biology, oceanographic instrumentation, turbulent diffusion, recovery programs, cetaceans and sea turtles, etc. He is a professional sailor, and had been Captain of the Maritime Rescue of the former Red Cross of the Sea in Catalonia.

Background and justification of the new Plan

In 2020, the Parliament of Catalonia approves Law 8/2020, of July 30, on the protection and management of the coast in Catalonia, which involves the closest administrations and the economic and social fabric, with greater citizen participation. It is a tool for the deployment in the coastal area of Law 16/2007 on climate change. The Law regulates the creation of two new coastal planning and management tools at territorial and municipal scale:

- Plan for the protection and management of the Catalan coast, which is the basic instrument for the integrated management of the terrestrial and marine areas of the coastal strip. The Government will draft it within a maximum of two years.

- Coastal and beach use plans: The town councils will promote them.

All of this means ordering competences and creating new participation mechanisms (two collegiate bodies: the Governing Council of the Coastal Management Plan and the Governing Councils of the Coastal and Beach Use Plans; and also the Planning Commission del Litoral, dependent on the Generalitat, with a decisive, consultative and informative character), and the creation of the Catalan Coastal Conservatory with the objectives of safeguarding and recovering the part of the coast most threatened by urbanization and artificialisation, from the public acquisition of land.

The first steps

As informed by Mr. Ferran Miralles (DG of Mountain and Coastal Policies) very soon the concessionary environmental consulting company will contact the IEP to begin the preparation of the so-called initial strategic document (which is the first environmental analysis document that must be done) of the future Coastal Protection and Management Plan, which must finally be approved and published, in a few years, by the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Karst Natural Park of the Garraf massif (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)

Karst Natural Park of the Garraf massif (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)

Karst Natural Park of the Garraf massif (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, latest publications, conferences and activities.

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho is a Doctor of Environmental Engineering (Polytechnic University of Catalonia: UPC - EPSEM), Master of Administration and Environmental Management of the Territory (Autonomous University of Barcelona: UAB), Postgraduate in Instruments of Territorial Management (Polytechnic University of Catalonia: UPC), Bachelor of Biological Sciences (University of Barcelona: UB), Botany (University of Barcelona: UB), Former Head of the Environment Service Environment (City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú), Ex-Coordinator of the Garraf Natural Park (City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú – Barcelona Provincial Council), Landscape Coordinator, co-founder, researcher and vice-president (Institute of Penedesencs Studies: IEP

  1. The Garraf rubbish dump and its possible consequences.

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho

Institute of Penedesencs Studies

Second edition

Original title of the first edition of 1974

(Paper published in "Communications IV Biospeleology Symposium of 1974" (pages 119 to 128) co-organized by the Catalan School of Speleology (C.C.B.E. de la F.C.M.) and the Pedraforca Speleology Group. Legal Deposit: B- 12787/74). Publication sold out.

2nd edition, translated, scientifically corrected and adapted in 2022 by its own author

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho is a Doctor of Environmental Engineering (Polytechnic University of Catalonia: UPC), Master of Administration and Environmental Management of the Territory (Autonomous University of Barcelona: UAB), Postgraduate in Instruments of Territorial Management (Polytechnic University of Catalonia: UPC), Bachelor of Biological Sciences (University of Barcelona: UB), Botany (University of Barcelona: UB), Former Head of the Environment Service Environment (City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú), Ex-Coordinator of the Garraf Natural Park (City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú – Barcelona Provincial Council), Landscape Coordinator, co-founder, researcher and vice-president (Institute of Penedesencs Studies: IEP)


The massif of Garraf (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain) has a hydrological basin of about 233 km2 on Cretaceous and Jurassic limestone rocks up to about 1,000 m deep. The Garraf massif landfill, of urban solid waste without any prior sorting, designed in 1972, opened in 1974, and definitively closed in 2021, contains more than 30 million cubic meters of rubbish and occupies more than 87 hectares of waste from Barcelona and its metropolitan area. It is a unique and unique case in Europe of serious pollution in calcareous karst. The official analysis of 2021 confirms the severe contamination of groundwater by toxic biogases in the chasms near the landfill.

This research provides updated data and shows that Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho already published in 1974, just after the landfill was inaugurated, in a specialized symposium held in Barcelona, a paper in which he already predicted each and every one of the consequences of environmental pollution, especially with the aim of 'avoid the environmental disaster that could already be seen coming. The second edition of it, which you now have in your hands, will allow you to know in detail everything that is essential about this urban mega-dump and its long-term environmental consequences.


Controlled deposit of the Vall d'en Joan, Vall d'en Joan, Garraf landfill, AMB, Barcelona Metropolitan Area, USW, Urban solid waste, urban gar-bage dump, landfill, La Falconera, Environmental engineering, Barcelona, Hydrogeology, Biogas, Biogas plant , Definitive closure, Definitive sealing, Landscape restoration, Energy use of biogas, Pollution, Natural Park of the Garraf, Karst, Groundwater, Garraf Massif, hashtag#landfill, hashtag#Garraf, hashtag#Barcelona, hashtag#karst, hashtag#Hydrogeology, hashtag#Pollution, hashtag#Environment, hashtag#Water, hashtag#LaFalconera, hashtag#massif

2. The Catalan Landscape Observatory of the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalonia. Spain) published a book on the occasion of its 15th anniversary and recognizes the continued collaboration of Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho of the Institute of Penedesencs Studies (IEP) since its foundation.

April 14, 2022

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho

Institute of Penedesencs Studies

Page 52 of the book. Proposal workshop held at Vendrell, Friday June 7, 2019, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at L’EINA, Business Space. From left to right: Pau Batlle i Solé, àngels Travé i Ràfols and Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho.

The Catalan Landscape Observatory of the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the government of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain) has just published the book "Quinze years. Observatori del Paisatge, commemorating the 15th anniversary of its foundation and has prominently incorporated the participation of the IEP since its inception.

In the Dialogue (Landscape) chapter, on page 52, he has dedicated a photograph in special recognition to our institution, the IEP, and also to the Wine Landscape Studies Center (CEPVI). We can recognize in the photograph the architect Pau Batlle i Solé, member of the Board of Directors of the CEPVI, àngels Travé i Ràfols, coordinator of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the IEP, and Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho, Landscape coordinator and vice-president of the IEP, in one of the several workshops for the new Penedès Landscape Catalogue.

The IEP is a pioneer in Catalonia in landscape studies before the foundation of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia.

A few years after the IEP was founded, the Botany Section was established, coordinated by Dr. J. A. Herrera, who for several decades studied, disseminated and published various aspects of the landscape of what was then called Gran Penedès. His expeditions and botanical outings throughout the Penedès were very popular, and also from that time is the publication in collectible fascicles of The medicinal plants of the Great Penedès, at the heart of the bimonthly magazine of regional information Great Penedès, that edited the IEP at the time.

The first commission proper for specific landscape studies came in 2004, even before the Catalan Landscape Observatory was founded in 2007. The Regional Council of Alt Penedès incorporated it into the IEP, in 2004, in the work team for the drafting of the "Alt Penedès Viticulture Landscape Study" and later also incorporated it for the Alt Penedès Landscape Charter.


The Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs (IEP) has participated very actively with the Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya and with the different Regional Councils from the previous work, studies and editions of the different landscape catalogs until the moment they have been approved and published. affect our territorial scope. Thus, in 2004—prior to the creation of the Landscape Observatory—it participated, through the Regional Council of Alt Penedès, in the Alt Penedès Wine Landscape Study and the Landscape Charter of the Alt Penedès. In 2006 and following with the Landscape Catalog of Camp de Tarragona, through the Regional Council of Baix Penedès, as it included the Plana del Baix Penedès, the Litoral del Baix Penedès and the Garraf. Later, in 2010 and following, with the Landscape Catalog of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, through the Regional Council of Garraf, which included, among many others, the Plana del Penedès, the Valls de l'Anoia and the carafe In 2014 and following with the Landscape Catalog of the Central Basins, which included the Serra d'Ancosa and the Valls d'Anoia. In 2015 and following with the Regional Council of Anoia in the Landscape Catalog of Anoia and, finally, in 2017-2018, with the Landscape Charter of Garraf, through the Regional Council of Garraf. Now, therefore, from the IEP, together with the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, we are starting the final synthesis that will integrate the previous maps and catalogs of the landscape of the Penedès area, until now distributed and dispersed, into the new Penedès Landscape Catalogue. From the historic territories initially called "Gran Penedès", with founding value of the IEP itself: Valls de l'Anoia - Carme, Alt Penedès, Baix Penedès and el Garraf, and up to the current new territories incorporated in the scope of the Vegueria del Penedès: Rubió-Castelltallat-Pinós, Costers de la Segarra, Conca d'òdena, Montserrat and Pla de Montserrat, Alt Gaià and Serres d'Ancosa, mainly.

The new Catalog of the Penedès Landscape (Vegueria del Penedès)

The assignment of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia to the IEP began on September 20, 2018, when a first meeting took place between Mr. Pere Sala i Martí, director of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, Mr. Jordi Grau Oliveras, coordinator of the Penedès Landscape Catalogue, the president of the IEP, Mrs. Dolors García Martínez and Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho, who will carry out the tasks of coordinator in the collaboration of the IEP with the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia in order to be able to make technical contributions in the realization of the Catalog of the landscape of the Penedès, in which established the different ways of collaboration that facilitate the realization and dissemination of the Catalog of the Penedès Landscape.

Between 2018 and 2022, Dr. Herrera, as coordinator, had a team of volunteers, members of the IEP, specialists in different transversal landscape disciplines, who have collaborated in the specific contributions that have been made.

The first information sessions. To prepare the Landscape Catalog, the collaboration of all the people of Penedesen was indispensable. This is why four information sessions were organized between the Landscape Observatory and the General Directorate of Territorial Planning and Urbanism of the Department of Territory and Sustainability where they explained what a catalog is, the presentation of the preliminary works and, above all , the various ways to collaborate in its preparation were explained. The four sessions took place at: June 12: Capellades Paper Mill Museum; June 13: Museum Pau Casals and Sant Salvador (El Vendrell); June 14: Casal d'Entitats of Sant Sadurní d'Anoia; June 15: Masia d'en Cabanyes in Vilanova i la Geltrú.

The citizen web survey. In these meeting spaces, one of the main tools citizens have to participate in the Penedès Landscape Catalog was also presented: the survey through the web where questions are asked related to the relationship that everyone has with their landscape This information is very useful for the team that prepares the Landscape Catalogue, as it allows to identify new elements that have value, spaces that need to be improved and, in short, to propose objectives and proposals that best suit the uniqueness of each landscape The survey, which remained open until the end of December 2018 and was answered by several hundreds of Penedes, could be filled out through the link: or also it could be accessed through the official website of the Catalog

The video. Another of the novelties that was presented at the sessions is the video that was prepared expressly to publicize the Penedès Landscape Catalog and promote participation: Finally, the other participation tools that will be developed were also explained. These are eight sessions in a workshop/debate format, which were held between September and November 2018 where, on the one hand, issues related to the identification of values and the dynamics of the landscape were discussed and, on the other, They will address the objectives and proposals that will be raised by the Penedès Landscape Catalogue.

Each workshop unfolded through three work dynamics.

The first focused on the elements that make up the character of the Penedès vegueria that served to contrast the proposal of the drafting team. Some of the elements that were collected are the vineyard, with all the heritage of paths, dry stone buildings, cellars and the chromatic change throughout the year; the network of small rural villages, both in the Plana del Penedès and in other landscapes in the northern area of the territory; as well as other elements such as linear corridors of infrastructure, the coast, landmarks and scenic backgrounds (with castles and towers of particular importance), forests, urbanizations and river industries (especially paper and flour mills).

The second already focused on the values and viewpoints of each landscape unit. In this case, the participants chose, from a previous list, the most relevant values and viewpoints in each landscape and at the same time contributed new information.

The third exercise focused on the dynamics and impacts on the landscape of each unit and led to a final debate on the current and future evolution of the Penedès landscape.

Santa Oliva Monastery workshop on 09/27/2018

During the workshops of meetings dedicated to the landscape units that are part of the Vegueria del Penedès, carried out throughout 2018 and the beginning of 2019, with a limited number of specialists from different institutions and entities, among which is the IEP and which had three castles and a monastery in La Vegueria as their venue: diagnosis workshop of the castle of Subirats on 25/09/2018, workshop at the castle of Claramunt on 26/09/2018, workshop of the monastery Santa Oliva on 09/27/2018, Castellet Castle workshop on 10/02/2018, followed by several citizen participation processes in Igualada,

New proposal workshops for institutions and entities.

To continue making progress in the preparation of the Catalogue, a new series of workshops were held in June 2019 aimed at institutions, entities and any interested person. The aim of these sessions, apart from explaining the advances in the catalog and contrasting the information generated, will be to collect proposals for priority actions to be incorporated into the Landscape Catalogue. Each workshop will take place in a city in the Penedès region, and will focus on the territorial scope of its vicinity: El Vendrell, Friday June 7, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at L’EINA, Espai Empresarial; Vilafranca del Penedès, Friday June 14, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Winery Building; Igualada on Saturday 8 June, from 10am to 1pm at the Espai Cívic Centre; Vilanova i la Geltrú on Friday 28 June, from 5.30pm to 8.30pm at the Sant Joan Civic Centre.

The landscape (IEP)

The landscape is the identity of a country and its best introduction to a territory. It is alive, in constant transformation and, in our regions, totally linked to the evolution of human society. We should talk about the socio-ecological landscape, since it is part of the cultural imagination, and it would be good to open the focus well to make a good holistic approach. The landscape has ethical, aesthetic, emotional and sentimental dimensions derived from human intervention itself and, above all, environmental sustainability criteria should be applied to it. For these reasons, it is mainly advisable to make all the necessary effort in the collaboration and participation of the new catalog so that this tool becomes essential in the correct urban and territorial planning, present and future, and above all in the safeguarding, conservation and correct management of all kinds of protected natural spaces (terrestrial, coastal and maritime) in the Vegueria del Penedès.

3. Conference: 1972 – 2022 FIFTY YEARS OF THE MASSIS DEL GARRAF TRASH LANDFILL. Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho

Friday, March 22, 2022. At 19.00 hours

Aula Magna of the Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering of Vilanova i la Geltrú (EPSEVG) of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Av. Víctor Balaguer, 1. Vilanova and Geltrú

From the moment that the installation of a macro landfill in the Garraf massif was announced to provide service to Barcelona since the Montju?c landfill was no longer working, the route and consequences of choosing a space like this they started then, but the consequences are still being paid, despite the fact that the landfill stopped dumping in 2006.

Background and newspaper archive

On August 8, 1972, the newspaper El Noticiero Universal reported on the front page: "Barcelona already has a garbage dump. A huge natural mine in the Garraf massif was the chosen place".

About the situation that generated not only the location but also the way of managing the waste was expressed by Dr. Ramon Folch i Guillen (Doctor in Biology, who was an Environmental Consultant for UNESCO (Paris), Secretary General of the International Advisory Council of the Latin American Forum of Environmental Sciences (La Plata), Executive President of ERF - Gestió i Comunicació Ambiental S.L. ( Barcelona)) in magazine no. 20 of the Department of Natural Environment of the Government of Catalonia (June 1998): "The project was technically catastrophic (it consisted of pouring and ready, without any garbage treatment, without waterproofing, without a leachate collection station or anything) and the place, the most inappropriate: a karst massif of great beauty. "

In this article he then described the actions of protest and warning of the existing risk that were first undertaken in 1972 with reports from the Catalan School of Speleology, with Joan Raventós and Pau Pérez at the head and to which they went add botanists from the University of Barcelona. The result was finally a manifesto published in October 1972 signed by twenty university professors. The dissemination he carried out on this subject and the resulting problems continued to do so over the years, as can be seen when in 2008 he prefaced a book on the landfill (Pérez de Pedro, P. (2008): "Acta d'un string of absurdities. Between 1972 and 1974, the absurdities of a hasty and ill-placed project; of a bad project, in short. Between 1974 and 2006, the absurdities of a management full of improvisations, at least in the early days....It should be remembered that Catalan environmentalism was born with the Garraf landfill.... Some speleologists put their hands to their heads when they learned that the Barcelona City Council wanted to dump garbage in a karst massif and already we were there... The Garraf landfill closed its doors at the end of 2006. It's a dir. It continues to emit methane wholesale and retains 25 million cubic meters of only half-mineralized trash. In plant, it occupies more than 86 acres (wasn't supposed to get to 62). Far from dead. Will be showing signs of life for a long time because it was a bad project not managed well enough translated into a territorial mortgage with endless amortization"

For his part, Dr. Ramon Margalef López, published in the newspaper Tele-Express also in 1972, warned: "The problem of pollution is the lack of return to nature of what man extracts from it for his needs...extract money from trash it is a utopia. It must be faced from the reality of a public service. On the other hand, scientific knowledge must help us prevent the future, anticipating events"

The same Dr. Margalef published in Correo Catalán on February 6, 1973, also about the Garraf landfill: "The lack of planning that is suffering is general." Along the same line, Dr. Felip Soler Sabarís, in the same newspaper and date, referring to the same landfill, added: "I believe that there is a danger to public health".

On April 3, 1974, the first pours began and it was officially inaugurated a few weeks later. In the same year, the IV Biospeleology Symposium of 1974 was organized (Barcelona), among the papers presented by the author of this conference is the one entitled "The garbage dump of the Garraf and its possible biospeleological consequences". In it, two hypotheses were basically raised: an inadequate geological location and a pollution of the natural environment derived. Decades later, in 2006, the same author completes his doctoral thesis at the UPC in Manresa on environmental engineering of complex landfills, taking as an example the Vilanova i la Geltrú, and where he tries for the first time in the world, and with success , the extinction of the internal combustion of landfills with deep injection of cryogenic liquid nitrogen. The full doctoral thesis is published in the IEP on December 2020. His technique was also applied in 2020 in the Garraf landfill.

The Garraf landfill remained in operation until 2006 when dumping ceased, and in 2021 it was considered definitively closed and closed.

However, on October 11, 2018, after an episode of heavy rain, the Catalan Water Agency (ACA), acting as an environmental authority, detected in periodic analytical samples of seawater from public bath, following the mouth of the underground river of Falconera (next to the small town of Garraf), a strong pollution of the waters and prohibits bathing on the nearby beaches and sea coasts. The hypothesis is the possible pollution derived from the Garraf landfill.

Subsequently, on November 27, 2018, the Metropolitan Council of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB), approved and published a Declaration of Environmental Emergency Situation, presumably derived from the landfill. Very complex analytical and geological studies that will last more than a year are being tendered.


On November 29, the Debate Conference on the Landscape Catalog of the Penedès Vegueria took place, organized by CEPvi (Centre d'Estudis del Paisatge Vitivinícola), which the IEP supported and in which it participated with the interventions by Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho and Xavier Esteve Gràcia.

The intervention of Dr. Herrera, who very actively participated, together with other members of the IEP such as L'I?aki Ozcariz, àngels Travé or president Dolors Garcia in the preparation of the Landscape Catalog of the Penedès vegueria, focused in the following contribution to the debate on the main question that the Conference addressed to attendees: does the landscape identify the Penedès?

"The landscape not only identifies the Penedès but also integrates us. Humans do not incorporate the landscape, but what is the landscape that incorporates us as one more of the living beings on the planet, be it plants, animals, microbes, in short, the entire biome of planet Earth. The exceptionality of our incorporation, however, becomes too traumatic for the landscape, given that we are the only species that capitalize and multiply by powers of 10 (10 raised to 1, 10 raised to 2, 10 raised to 3,...) the amount of energy we use. Energy that, once conveniently multiplied by us to unbelievable levels, we have an immediate need to transport between population centers. The Penedès is located in Catalonia within a corridor strategic communications, infrastructure, energy transport lines and pipelines, rail and high-speed, road and high-capacity transport, port and airport in a first-class hub. Corridor equidistant and in the middle of greater metropolitan crowns (Barcelona - Tarragona), and also between inland Catalonia and maritime Catalonia and aerial Catalonia (the three most important airports flank the Penedès triangularly). Already at the intense working days of experts and subsequent forums for the review of the Partial Territorial Plan of the Penedès (PTPP), the IEP warned that the incorporation and installation of all kinds of renewable energy in Catalonia and/ or coming from outside it, they would also end up passing through the Penedès corridor, aggravating the situation even more. It is an aspect that must be foreseen and worked very intensively to prevent the landscape from being damaged. In fact, during the several months of work by experts in the days of the Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya in the four regions (three castles of Marca del Penedès and the convent cloister of Sta. Oliva) the IEP already exposed this risk, which was immediately agreed upon by the rest of the experts, and even named a new unofficial category of landscape: "trenched landscapes".

In the experience of many years working with all kinds of levels of public administrations, and it is already 45 years of IEP in the Penedès and also in the rest of Catalonia, when a mayor asked us about the Landscape Charter of her municipality, we always ask him a simple question: "When the newcomer arrives in your municipality and gets off the train, bus, bike, car or walks, what is the first landscape he notices as soon as he feet on the ground?" That is just your authentic letter of introduction to the landscape of your municipality. And if that first impression isn't a good one, it's quite possible that the rest he'll observe will certainly be disappointing or much worse."

When the foreign traveler arrives in the Penedès for the first time, regardless of where he is coming from (north, south, east or west), what is the first thing he perceives of the Penedès landscape?

It turns out that in the Penedès we have a unique collection and diversity of landscapes in Catalonia. It has just been shown and masterfully summarized by Pere Sala, director of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, in a presentation of enormous quality that has just been shown to us on screen. Stay tuned for the approval and official publication of the new Penedès Landscape Catalogue, the highest quality and excellence of the Catalan landscape catalogs published so far.

I will give you some very basic examples. The Penedès contains a proportion of agroforestry open spaces unique in Catalonia. While in the rest of Catalonia the forest has invaded almost everything in the last 100 years (almost 70% of Catalonia's surface is forested), here instead the open agricultural landscapes are dominant and of an extraordinary quality. It is not only the dominant vineyards, but also the extensive dry-land crops (cereals, especially in the Anoia part), but also those of dry-land fruit trees, almond trees, olive trees, carob trees, .... And the question becomes key: do we have them protected? Well, we have a close example where we can look up to and take good notes. In the Llobregat delta, in the latter's 50 years, all the municipalities that have soils of extraordinary quality for horticultural crops have been replacing them with large industrial estates on both sides of the major communication routes (motorways, railways,...) to the point of endangering the totality of this deltaic vegetable garden agricultural landscape. Of all the administrations, only one of them echoed the clamor of the local peasantry, the Diputació de Barcelona. It was not just about protecting the protected designation of origin of the Prat artichoke or the Gavà asparagus or other unique horticultural values, but about protecting the entirety of this vegetable garden landscape. And this is how it was protected, with the declaration of an Agricultural Park of Baix Llobregat.

What can we expect in Penedès? To have everything within that unofficial category of "trenched landscape"? We propose to you, and I am especially addressing the representative secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture present, to seriously study the protection cataloging of the sets of open agroforestry spaces in the Penedès (not just the vineyard) as a new Penedès Agricultural Park, and also that of three natural spaces already protected in the Penedès, this time forest landscapes of low Mediterranean mountains, but which are precariously so under urban planning regulations (reversible protection in so far as the Land Law can change at EU, state, Generalitat, other ) of a Special Plan (Special Plan for the Protection of the Physical Environment) and which refers to the three current Penedesenc parks: Parc del Garraf, Parc del Foix and Parc d'Olèrdola, administered and managed by the Provincial Council of Barcelona. What are we waiting for to become these new Natural Parks of Catalonia under the now irreversible regulations of the Natural Areas of Catalonia Act?"

Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho is a Doctor of Environmental Engineering (UPC), with a Master's Degree in Environment (UAB), a Postgraduate Degree in Territorial Environmental Management Instruments (UPC), a Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences (UB) and Botany (UB). He is also vice-president of the IEP and coordinates the Landscape Group of the Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs. He has been part of the drafting teams of the current Garraf Park, Foix Park, Olèrdola Park and Collserola Park; of the Alt Penedès Landscape Chart, the Garraf Landscape Chart and the Landscape Catalog of the Penedès vegueria; of the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity Strategy of Catalonia 2030 and the Coastal Strategic Plan of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona. He has collaborated in the Landscape Catalog of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, the Landscape Catalog of the Central Regions and the Landscape Catalog of Camp de Tarragona; of the Garraf project: paths, heritage and nature. Since 1986, he has been vice-president of the Consultative Commission of the Garraf Park.

The contribution made by Xavier Esteve Gràcia focused on the Penedès as an evolving cultural landscape, in the terms contained in Article 1 of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, that is to say, that "includes a diversity of manifestations of the interaction between man and his natural environment" These are the result of "social, economic, administrative and/or religious conditions, which have developed together, in response to their natural environment". The cultural landscape of the Vegueria del Penedès is not and should not be unique: it is multifaceted and multifaceted, from the Litoral plain to the ódena basin, and from the Garraf massif and the Ordal mountains, to Montmell and the Col de la Panadella. But over time a series of cultural milestones have been shaping it, since the Roman centuriation, two millennia ago in the network of border castles. But one of the distinctive features of the Penedès and at the same time the guiding thread of this evolutionary cultural landscape for 2,700 years, has been that of the wine landscape, which has forged a trencadís of plots on the plain and of bundles in which pineapple margins dry stone The landscape of the Penedès must be respected and maintained, while at the same time enhancing those features that flag its identity.

Xavier Esteve Gràcia is a Graduate in History (UB) with a Diploma of Advanced Studies also from the UB; Master in Geographic Information Systems by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. He has more than twenty years of experience in field archeology and the results of his research have been published in numerous articles, book chapters, as well as in national and international congresses, seminars and colloquiums. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the IEP, a member of the Archeology Section and coordinator of the Heritage Group.

NOTE: This information has been sent to:

General Directorate of Agriculture and Livestock

General Directorate of Food, Quality and Food Industries

Directorate General of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs

General Directorate of Forest Ecosystems and Environmental Management

General Directorate of Environmental Policies and Climate Change

General Directorate of Maritime Policy and Sustainable Fishing. Government of Catalonia

General Secretariat of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda

Secretary of the Environment and Sustainability


On July 14, the presentation of the practical application of Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho's doctoral thesis focused on the internal combustion problems of the old Vilanova i la Geltrú landfill, located in the Coll d' in Ferran

Garbage management.

Garbage has existed for as long as humans and society have existed. In fact, being able to study how ancient civilizations managed their remains allows us to learn about ways of life, food and in cases like Pompeii where time was stopped and preserved by volcanic ash, we can learn how they considered, at least partially, their management and reuse. The researchers discovered that the accumulation of waste had a purpose: to collect and sort it for recycling. And it must be said that it is not the oldest reference we have of recycling, in fact in the Near East there are samples of recycling ceramic pieces from 3000 years ago.

The complexity of managing the risks of landfills is an often little-known reality, but it involves very diverse problems with repercussions for human life and nature, such as internal combustion, landslides, the generation of biogas, especially methane and CO2o polluting liquids (leachates) that can affect groundwater...

We had a warning about this problem last year when a fatal accident occurred at the Zaldibar landfill (the Basque Country. Spain) on February 6, 2020.

The Board of Directors of the IEP, following the Zaldibar case, with the conviction that publishing the doctoral thesis of Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho could be of general public utility, approved the publication of the book "Study of a degraded area of the Garraf region (Catalonia): the old internal combustion municipal landfill of Coll d'en Ferran in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Bardelona)", which includes research into environmental engineering applied to landfills and the implementation of a pioneering technique to control internal combustion, which was effective and efficient and not counterproductive.

Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho is a Doctor of Environmental Engineering (UPC), Master in Environment (UAB), with a Postgraduate Degree in Environmental Management Instruments (UPC), Bachelor in Biological Sciences (UB), Botany (UB) and Senior Environmental Technician ( Public administration). He has been part of the drafting teams of the current Parc del Garraf, Parc del Foix, Parc d'Olèrdola and Parc de Collserola, as well as the Alt Penedès Landscape Charter, the Garraf Landscape Charter, the Landscape Catalog of Penedès, of the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity Strategy of Catalonia 2030 and of the Coastal Strategic Plan of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona. Collaborator of the Landscape Catalog of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, the Landscape Catalog of the Central Regions and the Landscape Catalog of Camp de Tarragona, as well as the Garraf project: paths, heritage and nature. From 1986 to 2021 he was vice-president of the Consultative Commission of the Garraf Park. He is Vice President and Coordinator of the Landscape Group of the Institute of Penedesencs Studies (IEP). Its track record since 1974 in archaeology, speleology, botany and fauna work, especially related to the Garraf Park, is impressive.

In Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, already in 1974, in Barcelona, and as a biospeleologist at the Balaguer Museum Library Research Center in Vilanova i la Geltrú, under the direction of Dr. Francesc Espa?ol Coll, published a paper at the IV Biospeleology Symposium, promoted by the Catalan School of Speleology and the Pedraforca Speleological Group, entitled: "The Garraf debris dump and its possible biospeleological consequences", right in the putting into operation the large landfill of the Garraf massif, and where he already predicted the possible contamination of the karst massif by biogases and leachates. Likewise, in the same year, he was part of the university platform of the Faculties of Geology and Biology of the UB, led by Dr. Ramon Folch and Guillen, who scientifically and technically advised against installing the landfill in the Garraf karst massif, due to the high risk of the generation of biogas and polluting leachates in the aquifers.

Dolores Garcia Martinez

At the foot you will find the PDF with the content of the slides projected during the event.


Auditorium of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Headquarters in Vilanova i la Geltrú

Av. Víctor Balaguer, 1

Wednesday 14 July 2021

At 10.30 am

Attendance must be confirmed

Limited places

[email protected]

Phone: + 34 669 88 29 59

They will take part:

Dolors Garcia Martínez, President of the IEP

Dr. Francesc Puig Rovira, who is professor and manager of the UPC in Manresa

Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, author of the publication

The complexity of managing landfill risks is an often little-known reality that involves problems such as internal combustion, landslides, the generation of biogas, especially methane and CO2o from polluting liquids (leachate) that can affect groundwater, all of them environmental risks that affect human life.

We often become aware of the existence of landfills following events such as the terrible accident that happened at the Zaldibar landfill on February 6, 2020 or in recent weeks due to the seismic movements in areas of the Garraf and the pollution of the underground river of Falconera.

The Board of Directors of the IEP, following the Zaldibar case, with the conviction that publishing the doctoral thesis of Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho could be of general public utility, approved the publication of the book "Study of a degraded area of the Garraf region (Catalonia): the old internal combustion municipal landfill of Coll d'en Ferran in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Bardelona)", which includes research into environmental engineering applied to landfills and the implementation of a pioneering technique to control internal combustion, which was effective and efficient and not counterproductive.

Now, this book will be presented in the assembly hall of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, at its headquarters in Vilanova i la Geltrú: the Higher Technical School of Engineering of Vilanova i la Geltrú (EPSEVG), in an event especially intended to deliver a copy to the local administrations of the Historic Penedès area and the 9 municipalities of the Parc del Garraf. In addition to the presentation, a central part of the event will be the open discussion so that attendees can make their inquiries to Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho on the issue of landfills, their potential risks and possible solutions. .

Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho is a Doctor of Environmental Engineering (UPC), Master in Environment (UAB), with a Postgraduate Degree in Environmental Management Instruments (UPC), Bachelor in Biological Sciences (UB), Botany (UB) and Senior Environmental Technician ( Public administration). He has been part of the drafting teams of the current Parc del Garraf, Parc del Foix, Parc d'Olèrdola and Parc de Collserola, as well as the Alt Penedès Landscape Charter, the Garraf Landscape Charter, the Landscape Catalog of Penedès, of the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity Strategy of Catalonia 2030 and of the Coastal Strategic Plan of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona. Collaborator of the Landscape Catalog of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, the Landscape Catalog of the Central Regions and the Landscape Catalog of Camp de Tarragona, as well as the Garraf project: paths, heritage and nature. From 1986 to 2021 he was vice-president of the Consultative Commission of the Garraf Park. He is Vice President and Coordinator of the Landscape Group of the Institute of Penedesencs Studies (IEP). Its track record since 1974 in archaeology, speleology, botany and fauna work, especially related to the Garraf Park, is impressive.

In Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, already in 1974, in Barcelona, and as a biospeleologist at the Balaguer Museum Library Research Center in Vilanova i la Geltrú, under the direction of Dr. Francesc Espa?ol Coll, published a paper at the IV Biospeleology Symposium, promoted by the Catalan School of Speleology and the Pedraforca Speleological Group, entitled: "The Garraf debris dump and its possible biospeleological consequences", right in the putting into operation the large landfill of the Garraf massif, and where he already predicted the possible contamination of the karst massif by biogases and leachates. Likewise, in the same year, he was part of the university platform of the Faculties of Geology and Biology of the UB, led by Dr. Ramon Folch and Guillen, who scientifically and technically advised against installing the landfill in the Garraf karst massif, due to the high risk of the generation of biogas and polluting leachates in the aquifers.

7. The 3rd Garraf Symposium hosts a panel dedicated to "Culture as a promoter of economic activity" presented by Jordi Medina, as a representative of the IEP.

May 4, 2021

We find it at the gates of the celebration of the 3rd Garraf Symposium where Jordi Medina, representing the IEP, and for his specialization in cultural management, will present the table "Culture as a promoter of economic activity", where Vinyet will participate Panyella, president of the National Council of Culture and Arts (CoNCA), who is also an associate of the IEP, and Bienve Moya, expert in popular culture.

In its third edition, the Garraf Symposium is presented again as a congress event promoted by the NODE Garraf Development Agency within the framework of the Garraf Helix Forum, which is the expression of the quadruple helix in the region.

The aim of these county economy and strategy conferences is to gather the criteria of experts, the references of other territories and the contributions of the economic, social and political agents of the nearest area.

In 2018, the first edition addressed the singularities of the region from a panoramic perspective. It was about exploring the situation of the predominant sectors and making proposals for the future based on key sectors.

In 2019, the second Garraf Symposium focused on the potential of the orange economy and analyzed the ability to generate dynamism from activities based on culture, knowledge and creativity.

This year, in this third edition, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and its devastating effects on the Garraf economy, the Garraf Symposium will debate the possible scenarios for the reactivation and greater stability of the region.

The Notebooks of the Economy of the Garraf

As a result of the 1st edition of the Conference, strategies, guidelines and actions to be implemented in the short, medium and long term were summarized in the Garraf Economy White Book.

As a result of the Garraf Symposium of 2019, the Notebook of the Orange Economy of Garraf was published, in which the particularities of the region and its opportunities as an environment prone to cultural, creative and knowledge activities were noted.

The conclusions of the 3rd Economy and Strategy Conferences, which will take place in Vilanova i la Geltrú on May 11 and 12, 2021, will also be published in a new publication: the Economia del Garraf Green Notebook.

8. The Institute of Penedesencs Studies (IEP) present in the magazine "Tothosap! Garraf"

April 12, 2021

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera in an image taken from the magazine "Tothosap! Garraf"

From February 2021, the Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs participates in the magazine "Tothosap! Garraf" collaborating in the monthly article "Viu la natura", dedicated to hiking itineraries along the Garraf. The articles are co-authored by the journalist Guillem Mercader (former director of the extinct and centenary Diari de Vilanova) and Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera, biologist and vice-president of the IEP. Within each article, a reference is made to the "At a Glance" videos on the IEP YouTube channel. On this channel, the episodes of the program "Cop d'ull" that were broadcast on Canal Blau a few years ago and where, among other topics, various itineraries through the Garraf were traced, all of them led by Dr. Herrera. Below we leave you the link to a couple of issues of the magazine so you can see the reports:

Magazine "Tothosap!" number 7

Magazine "Tothosap!" number 8

And this is the link to the playlist of the YouTube channel of the IEP, where you will find the programs that have been uploaded from "At a Glance", and where you can see the itineraries proposed, all of which are perfectly accessible:

Playlist "Programa Cop d'ull" of the YouTube channel of the IEP

In the April issue of the magazine "Tothosap! Garraf", the journalist Guillem Mercader, gives an interview to Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera, you will find it on pages 46 and 47, in the section dedicated to "Regional geniuses" and where it is discussed, among other topics, about the Institute of 'Pendesan Studies.

Magazine "Tothosap!" number 9

9. Presentations of the XXVIII Days of Penedesencs Studies

October 26, 2020

This Thursday the presentations of the XXVIII Penedesencs Studies Days begin

I'm sure you'll find them very interesting.

10. "At a glance". Program 3. Masia Benach and Fent Cami Els Colls Miralpeix and Coves de Sitges (3)

September 18, 2020

We continue with the programs of Canal Blau "A Cop d'Ull" where with the collaboration of Vicen? Carbonell Virella we get to know the farmhouses of Vilanova and with that of Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, we know the spaces and nature of the Garraf.

11. "At a glance" chapter 2. Mas Sardet and the path of the Hills (second part)

September 10, 2020

Photograph by MARIA ROSA FERRE ? - Flickr: Placa de Mas Sardet, Vilanova i La Geltrú, Garraf, CC BY-SA 2.0,

We continue with the broadcast of the "A cop d'ull" program. This time we will visit the farmhouse of Mas Sardet with the help of Vicen? Carbonell and we will continue the Way of the Hills with the help of Prof. Dr. Jose Antonio Herrera.

Enjoy it!

12. "At a glance." Rebroadcast of Canal Blau documentaries where toponymy and nature are protagonists by Vicen? Carbonell Virella and Dr. Jose Antonio Herrera

September 02, 2020


The current management of Canal Blau TV, which had discontinued these two "Canal Blau a la carte" series years ago, and at the formal request of the presidency and the Board of Directors of the IEP, has given us the rebroadcast rights of the same through our institution's website. Although more than 15 years have passed since the premiere, the territory is still as alive, pulsating and proud as it was then.

It was in 2004, when the management of Canal Blau Televisió del Garraf, in Vilanova i la Geltrú, proposed to two members of the Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs (IEP) a collaboration in an innovative informative series of nature and rural landscape in Penedès-Garraf. The head of the Toponymy Section of the IEP at the time, Vicen? Carbonell i Virella, and the head of the Botany Section of the IEP, Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera and Sancho, we were commissioned by the IEP and finally acted as directors-presenters of the series "in situ" and through the various landscapes of Garraf and Penedès. (You will find the complete presentation of this project in the attached pdf)

In this number 1 program you can get to know the hidden side of the Three Tombs festival; the farmhouse of Frederic de Vilanova is shown; and Josep Antoni Herrera guides us along the Miralpeix Hills route, in a first part that corresponds to the area of Vilanova and la Geltrú.

Every week we will add a new video from this series.

We hope you enjoy it!


August 19, 2020

On this page you can consult the data of all existing meteorological stations in the municipalities of the territorial scope of the Penedès vegueria. The information is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

We want to offer you simple and complete access that keeps us informed of weather phenomena and the state of the sea permanently updated, knowing the importance of being able to have this information because it helps us to be able to plan better and to have greater security in any activity we want to do outdoors.

When you consult a station, the language that appears by default is English, to change it to Catalan you must go to the top right of the screen, where you will see a cogwheel. It is the options icon, if you change the language to Catalan, every time you consult a weather station, the information will appear in our language.

With this new permanent service, the IEP continues to make progress in renewing, modernizing and updating services through its website

From today, and coordinated by Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho, through a permanent link, located in the heading of the home page of the website, it will be possible to consult the data of all the existing meteorological stations in the municipalities of the territorial scope of the Vegueria del Penedès. The information is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The reasons that have moved us to do so is to want to offer simple and complete access that keeps us informed of meteorological phenomena and the state of the sea, permanently updated, knowing the importance of being able to have this information so that we help to better plan our day to day and to have greater security in any activity we want to do outdoors.

With this new permanent service, the IEP continues to make progress in renewing, modernizing and updating services through its website.

14. Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera talks to us about the effects of the coronavirus disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus in the Garraf Natural Park. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus

July 6, 2020

In the Open Program for Holidays, broadcast on the television program of Canal Blau TV on July 1, 2020, Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera is interviewed to talk about the consequences that the confinement of humans, motivated by Covid 19?(infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus), has held in the Garraf Park. Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera is the General Scientific Coordinator of the Natural Park of Garraf (He coordinates the project of the declaration of the future Natural Park of Garraf with all the public administrations involved).

15. We present to you the publication "The marine signals of the coast (The coastal marine toponymy of the fishermen): navigation in view of the coasts of the Garraf (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)" by Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera and Sancho

July 02, 2020

Image: "The Giants". The Hills (Els Colls -Miralpeix) of the Vilanova i la Geltrú -Sant Pere de Ribes coast (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain). In the background right, the 1st tunnel and farmhouse of the Colls or Casa del Mar and on the left, Vilanova and la Geltrú. Photograph by Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho.

We put at your disposal this small field work carried out by Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, who collects in writing, and for the first time, the oral seafaring tradition on the coasts of the Garraf (south coast of Barcelona, Catalonia) to designate toponyms, either geographical, or architectural and others, with which fishermen have been oriented to for centuries to "navigate in sight" of the coast, but also to find the lines of the exact place where to set the fishing gear in the historic fishing grounds.

Keywords: Marine signs, marine toponymy, visual navigation, Garraf coasts.

16. The Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs (IEP) invites you to the virtual Sant Jordi (Saint George) national festival of books and roses, due to the human confinement of all populations motivated by Covid 19 (infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV -2 viruses)

April 23, 2020

Photograph of Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho - April 2020

Today we celebrate a birthday and national holiday of Catalonia, an atypical Sant Jordi (Saint George). The Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs (IEP) wanted to add to the multitude of initiatives that have arisen from cultural entities, taking advantage of the networks to bring you various collaborations from our associates.

You will find a little bit of everything: story, poetry, video, painting... All together to help us spend a better day. Even if today it is more complicated to access roses and books than in other years, the network allows us to feel a little more accompanied and a little more supportive of those who suffer most from this epidemic and those who work the most to help to overcome this situation.

A happy Sant Jordi to all from the Institute of Penedesencs Studies.

17. Delivery of the IEP Medal of Honor to the notary and co-founding member of the IEP, Mr. Lluís Jou and Mirabent.

October 22, 2019

Last Friday the 11th, the IEP 2019 Medal of Honor was presented to Lluís Jou i Mirabent, founding partner and prestigious jurist and notary.

The event began with the reading of the agreement of the Board of Directors by the accidental secretary Genís Ruiz, which was followed by the list of reasons for awarding the medal, read by àngels Parés, member of the Board of Directors for carafe

The vice-president of the IEP, Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, shares with the audience the experience lived in the birth and development of the IEP and the human quality of the honoree Lluís Jou i Mirabent.

In addition to the reasons already stated, of an objective nature, for which Mr. Lluís Jou Mirabent deserved the medal, Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho, vice-president of the IEP and founding member, provided the human content and shared experience throughout the 42 years of the IEP's life. Highlighting the experience of being part of that group of young people from Penedès who promoted the existence of a supra-municipal and supra-county cultural entity that took the Great Penedès as a territorial space for its activities. As a colophon to his speech, Joan Antoni Herrera highlighted the human qualities of Lluís Jou and Mirabent, ending with a simple but resounding phrase "he's a good person".

Then the current president of the IEP Dolors Garcia and the president emeritus Joan Solé Bordes (the other two presidents emeritus, Ramon Arnabat and Albert Tubau excused their presence due to unavoidable obligations) presented the medal and the diploma corresponding

Mr. Lluís Jou i Mirabent, in his thanks, highlighted the feeling of welcome he felt from the IEP, especially because his many obligations had limited the time he had available to devote to any activity within the entity. He recalled the experience of seeing the IEP born and the emotion he feels when he sees the path he has taken. He also emphasized the love for the country and the commitment to the culture that beats in the entity.

The event was closed by the president of the IEP Dolors Garcia, who thanked "Lluís Jou i Mirabent and all those young people who in 1977 wanted to realize a dream expressed, many years before, by Dr. Estalella and contributed to the birth and development of the Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs", adding that "all of them are a point of reference for today's young people who want to make the commitment to work for culture". He ended his intervention by asking, in relation to all those young people, of which Lluís Jou i Mirabent himself was a part, Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho or Joan Solé Bordes, that "for many years we can enjoy your energy, your drive and your love towards humanism, towards knowledge and towards the Institute of Penedesencs Studies ?.

The event was led by Lluís Hill, member of the Board of Directors for Alt Penedès.

18. Great photographic exhibition of insect macro photography at the Vilanova i la Geltrú Town Hall (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain) "A small world!". Organized and presented by Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho.

September 27, 2019

Today, in the hall of the Municipal Market of the Center "11 de September" in Vilanova i la Geltrú, the exhibition of photographs "A small world! focused on animals and insects, small in size and very attractive for their colors and shapes, opens.

The author of the photographs is Josep Ma. Genís

During the opening ceremony, the vice-president of the IEP, Prof Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera and Sancho, and head of the "Landscape Group of the IEP" will offer a short dissertation on the importance of this being from an ecological point of view.

The opening event is scheduled for 12 noon and will be hosted by the Mayor of Vilanova i la Geltrú, Olga Arnau i Sanabra.

The exhibition can be visited until next Friday, October 4

More information:

19. The Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs institution signatory of the Garraf Landscape Charter in the presence of the Minister of Environment, Sustainability and Territory of the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia

September 15, 2019

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho, as vice president and representative of the Penedés Institute of Studies, signs in front of the Minister of Environment, Sustainability and Territory, the honorable Mr. Damià Calvet, of the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia, the approval and publication of the new Garraf Landscape Map, in the historic, stately and magnificent residence Masía d'en Cabanyes, and in the presence of the president of the Garraf Regional Council.

Last May, the minister for Territory and Sustainability, Damià Calvet, and the president of the Garraf County Council, Glòria Garcia, signed the Garraf Landscape Charter, which has since been joined by councils and entities.

Among the signatory entities is the Institute of Penedesencs Studies, represented by its vice-president Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera.

The IEP is one of the local agents that has collaborated over the last two years with the Garraf Regional Council for the drafting of this document. The landscape maps are instruments of concert between the various agents of a territory in order to promote actions and strategies to improve and value the landscape.

But a landscape letter is not a simple testimonial declaration of good intentions, but a document of a public nature and commitment in favor of the landscape where the signatory parties are part of a collective project and undertake to work accordingly from of specific actions.

In the Garraf Landscape Charter, the IEP is the driving force behind two commitment sheets dedicated to the "Maritime signs of the fishermen of the Garraf Coasts" and the "Detailed marine toponymy of the Garraf fishing grounds". Both files aim to recover, fix and protect the oral heritage of the fishermen of our territory and that they have used through generations.

20. First meeting between the ENT Foundation of ENT Environment and Management and the Institute of Penedesencs Studies (IEP).

June 11, 2019

This past Friday, June 7, 2019, a first meeting took place with the participation of Mr. Juanjo Iraegui Navarro, Project Coordinator on behalf of the ENT Foundation and on behalf of the IEP Mrs. Dolors Garcia Martínez, President and Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, vice-president, with the aim of maintaining initial contacts for future collaborations and possible joint projects, prioritizing those that develop within the scope of the Penedès vegueria.

This meeting is the result of the IEP's participation in the day "The social and solidarity economy engine of sustainable development in Penedès-Garraf", which took place last June 3 at the Vilanova City Council's Resilience Center and Geltrú. The day was part of a process initiated by a group of local entities, to highlight the social and solidarity economy as an effective tool to achieve the 2030 sustainable development goals in our territory and the entities were invited to participate and institutions in the conservation and study of nature, agriculture, services and third sector sectors, as well as the various public administrations. The aim of the day was to have a space for inter-cooperation and resilience so that entities from the various economic sectors, including nature conservation, can generate joint ideas and projects to enhance their respective activities.

The meeting this past Friday must be considered as one of the results of the day, and a start of the joint work, which both the ENT Foundation and the IEP wish to see consolidated in the development of specific projects of shared interest , which meet the 2030 sustainable development goals.


June 4, 2019

High-level meeting between the two institutions: observatory of the landscape of Catalonia of the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia, and the Institute of Penedesencs Studies (IEP) at the headquarters of the town hall of Vilanova i la Geltrú. Signing of the writing and field work agreement for the new catalog of the landscape of Penedès. From left to right: Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera, Vice-President of the IEP and head of the Landscape Group of the IEP, Dolors Garcia President of the IEP, Pere Sala i Martí Director of the Landscape Observatory and Jordi Grau Oliveras of the technical and administrative area of the Landscape Observatory. Photo. IEP

On September 6, 2018, the IEP received the invitation of the Landscape Observatory to participate actively and permanently in the Penedès Landscape Catalogue. The invitation was signed by Mr. Pere Sala i Martí as Director of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia and Jordi Grau Oliveras, as Coordinator of the Penedès Landscape Catalogue.

Following this invitation, a meeting was held on Friday 21 September, at the IEP headquarters in Vilanova i la Geltrú, which was attended by Pere Sala i Martí, Jordi Grau Oliveras, Dolors Garcia Martínez, as acting president of the IEP and Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, and in which the ways of collaboration that the IEP could develop were discussed.

The Board of Directors of the IEP was informed, it was decided to appoint a representative for the development of the collaborations carried out by the IEP in this project to Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, given the relevance and duration of the project, it was also decided to make a call among the associates to organize a collaboration and support group for this project. The group was named the Landscape Group of the IEP

Following this approach, the IEP participated in the workshops on the Penedès Landscape Catalog that took place in three famous castles and a monastery on:

September 25, 2018 – Subirats Castle (Alt Penedès)

September 26, 2018 – Castle of La Pobla de Claramunt (Anoia)

September 27, 2018 – Monastery of Santa Oliva (Baix Penedès)

October 2, 2018 – Castellet Castle (Garraf)

The IEP also participated in the online survey that remained open until October 15, 2018. It also disseminated through the IEP website, with a specific banner dedicated to this survey, which included information on the survey and the link to be able to participate, in order to increase the number of participants whether or not they are members of the IEP. The IEP also participated in the Penedès Landscape worksheets.


It is an instrument that:

? Provides information of great interest on all the landscapes of the Penedès and generates awareness in landscape matters.

? It is a support tool in order to introduce the landscape in territorial and urban planning as well as in sectoral policies.

? It starts from an integrated vision of the landscape that takes the natural and cultural components together, never separately.

? It starts from the existence of various values of the landscape attributed by the agents who intervene and by the population that lives there and enjoys it.

? It applies to the entire territory of the Penedès and not only to singular or exceptional spaces.

? Integrates public participation as a tool to involve and share responsibility for society in the management and planning of the Penedès landscape.

? It is rigorous from a scientific point of view, but uses a language that is not very technical and understandable for a large part of the population.


Last May (2019) a meeting took place between àngels Travé Ràfols, Coordinator of the Penedès Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory project at the IEP, and Mr. Jordi Grau, Coordinator of the Penedès Landscape Catalog - at his request - in order to analyze aspects of the intangible heritage that could be part of the catalogue.


The Penedès Landscape Catalog project is still in full development. The next working meetings in a second phase will take place:

Friday, June 7 - El Vendrell (Baix Penedès) - L'Eina. Business space Camí Reial, 13 – 17. Opening hours: from 17.30 to 20.30 hours

Saturday, June 8 – Igualada (Anoia) – Espai Cívic Center. Carrer Tritinat, 12 – Hours: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Friday, June 14 – Vilafranca del Penedès (Alt Penedès) – Wine Building. Carrer de Cal Bolet, 20. Opening hours: 5.30pm to 8.30pm.

Friday, June 28 – Vilanova i la Geltrú (Garraf) – Civic Center Sant Joan- Av. Francesc Macià, s/n. Hours: 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

22. A great closing event of the Year of Fabra in the large main auditorium of the Museum of Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain): "In Memory of master Fabra"

December 31, 2018

The event in Remembrance of the master Fabra was a meeting of people who felt at home and at the same time could see that the expectations of quality and rigor were fully met both in the approach to the biography and work of Pompeu Fabra that offered through the monologue interpreted by Rosa Cadafalch as in the work that is being developed within the Parlar Penedesenc Project, part of which has already been embodied in the Parlar Penedesenc website that was presented.

The event was conducted by Joan Solé i Bordes, who with his knowledge added new information about the different points of view they had in relation to how the normalization of Catalan should be done in the times prior to the work of factory

The theatrical performance, which received a long standing ovation at the end, not only explained in an enjoyable and faithful way the life of Mestre Fabra, but also the whole context in which it developed, the family, social, economic and political situation that they marked the circumstances of his life. Rosa Cadafalch did it from a close side, because it started from an emotional thread: the discovery of who Pompeu Fabra was thanks to the discovery of a suitcase, a small green suitcase, where the grandmother whose story history, he had deposited his most valuable treasures, among them the Fabra dictionary and the tram ticket from the day he met him on one of those trips Fabra made between Badalona and Barcelona to and from work. The parallelism of who had part of the family exiled in Prada de Conflent where people like Fabra or Pau Casals and many other Catalan families were also exiled gave the play a much more humanized dimension of its protagonist. Rosa Cadafalch's interpretation, intense and close, captured the audience's interest from the first moment to the last. The script, written by Pep Pla and Rosa Cadafalch, is agile and understandable for all audiences, and takes a journey from childhood to the last moments of Fabra's life.

For his part, Ramon Marrugat i Cuyàs explained the dimension and the difficulties involved in conducting a dialectological study of the lexicon of Penedesque speaking, and he did it in an entertaining and at the same time scientific way. It is worth noting the rigorous approach to the treatment and content of each file of each word that already appears on the Parlar Penedesenc website that the project denotes. Ramon Marrugat also encouraged the continuation of the project, both in the collection of information and in the treatment that allows the return and facilitates everyone a greater knowledge about the peculiarities of speaking Penedes.

The developer of the Parlar Penedesenc website, Josep Anton Calvet i Butí, explained the features of the website, emphasizing that it was intended, in a totally voluntary way, to be simple in appearance, intuitive and practical for those who access to make inquiries the more than 300 words it already contains. He also appealed to all philologists who want to join and collaborate in the project, because there is still a great task to be done.

With regard to the institutional speeches, Raimon Gusi i Amigó, culture councilor of the Vilafranca City Council and culture and cooperation advisor of the Alt Penedès Regional Council, welcomed the attendees, highlighting the work that he agreed with both administrations carry out the IEP in Vilafranca and Alt Penedès.

Josep Santesmases i Ollé, second vice-president of the Ramon Muntaner Institute (IRMU) and president of the Coordinating Center for Catalan Speaking Centres, underlined the fact that the Parlar Penedesenc project had this year obtained the Joan Veny scholarship which is awarded through of the IRMU.

The General Director of Linguistic Policy of the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Ester Franquesa i Bonet, celebrated the popular success of the Year of Fabra, which included the act In Record of Master Fabra, reporting that there have been more than 700 activities, most of them organized by entities such as the IEP.

He encouraged the IEP to continue the work it was doing, giving a very positive assessment of what was being done in the area of language. He also mentioned the great relationship that existed between the Parlar Penedesenc project and the ideas expressed by Pompeu Fabra, ideas that are very well evidenced in the advice he gave to Joan Oller: "From a word, find out its meaning well ..., and you can use it. The grammarians will study it later". He also highlighted the fact that Pompeu Fabra was not only the genius who arranged the language, but also a true politician.

The event closed with the intervention of the president of the IEP Dolors Garcia y Martínez, who affirmed that nothing could be added to all that had already been said about Pompeu Fabra or the Parlar Penedesenc project, and that for this would be limited to explaining the what and why of the gift that was going to be given to all those present.

He explained that it had all started the day he had received the IEP, jointly

Publicado por

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho (PhD.EnD.MSc.LLM.MArch.MBLandArch)Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho (PhD.EnD.MSc.LLM.MArch.MBLandArch)

General Scientific Coordinator Regional Governments at Garraf Karst Park Nature Reserve (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)General Scientific Coordinator Regional Governments at Garraf Karst Park Nature Reserve (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)

Fecha de publicación: 11 meses

172 artículos

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, latest publications, conferences and activities. Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho is a Doctor of Environmental Engineering (Polytechnic University of Catalonia: UPC), Master of Administration and Environmental Management of the Territory (Autonomous University of Barcelona: UAB), Postgraduate in Instruments of Territorial Management (Polytechnic University of Catalonia: UPC), Bachelor of Biological Sciences (University of Barcelona: UB), Botany (University of Barcelona: UB), Former Head of the Environment Service Environment (City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú), Ex-Coordinator of the Garraf Natural Park (City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú – Barcelona Provincial Council), Landscape Coordinator, co-founder, researcher and vice-president (Institute of Penedesencs Studies: IEP)

Dr. Mohammad sadegh Amiri

PhD (Expert in Medicinal Plants) - Founder & CEO of HerbClot (Looking for Investor Interested in Hemostat Product Development)

1 周

??Wishing you success??



Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho (PhD.EnD.MSc.LLM.MArch.MBLandArch)的更多文章