Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, Academic Google, Scholar Google, latest publications, conferences and activities in Year 2025:
Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho (PhD.EnD.MSc.LLM.MArch.MBLandArch)
Vice President IEP Institute. General Scientific Coordinator Regional Governments at Marine and Terrestrial Natural Parks of Barcelona (Garraf, Ordal, Olèrdola, Foix, Colls-Miralpeix, ...) (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)
Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, Vice President of the Institute of Penedès Studies (IEP). Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).
Year 2025
Civil society pays deep tribute to the first 50 years (1974-2024) of extensive scientific, academic and technological career of Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, still in full research activity
Monographic publication, inside pages, of the magazine “Know it all!”(="Tothosap Garraf"). "Know it all! Garraf", with a monthly circulation of 15,000 copies, is the cultural and entertainment magazine with the most circulation, circulation and audience in the Garraf region (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)You will find the report on the inside pages, number 46 and 47, of this link:
Between 1995 and 2005, he was the university research scientist and inventor who successfully applied, for the first time in the world, the technique of extinguishing large internal combustions in urban mega-dumps with deep injections of high-pressure cryogenic liquid nitrogen. The technique was published internationally in his doctoral thesis in 2006 at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). The technique is openly licensed to facilitate its application in underdeveloped countries and it is only mandatory to cite the author and the university each time it is used somewhere in the world.
In 1974, at only 18 years of age, he presented his first scientific and technological communication on environmental engineering
Decades later, between 1995 and 2005, this mega urban waste dump with significant internal combustion, located on top of a large limestone karstic massif from the Cretaceous-Jurassic, would form part of his doctoral thesis in Environmental Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. , and where for the first time in the world, Prof. Dr. J.A.Herrera Sancho successfully invented an ingenious engineering technique by applying deep injections of cryogenic nitrogen in a liquid state.
He has published hundreds of scientific and technical articles
Among many other scientific and technical activities, in recent decades he has been part of the project, writing and execution teams of many natural parks in Catalonia, as well as in the writing of numerous catalogs and landscape maps for different public administrations and territories. Today he is considered a leading scientist on landscape issues
Translation of the text incorporated in the photograph:
"This section of the magazine, "The Geniuses of the County", could now be renamed, with this character, more precisely as "County Wise Men". The academic curriculum of Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho would occupy many pages of this magazine. He holds a doctorate in Environmental Engineering (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), vice-president and co-founder of the Institute of Penedesencs Studies (IEP), and has almost always worked as a Senior Official in the Public Administration. He has an almost encyclopedic knowledge. We talk with him about the virtues of the Garraf Natural Park (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain) which he founded in 1986, and of which he is one of its top experts and promoters of the definitive declaration as a new National Park of Catalonia, which still the Public Administration has not promulgated. We will also talk with him about his extraordinary doctoral thesis, a university research, a field work and analyzes for more than 10 years, around the problems that can arise in mega urban waste dumps with internal combustion, and how be resolved effectively."
NEW. LATEST POSTS. UPDATED TO July 2024. Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, Academic Google, Scholar Google, latest publications, conferences and activities in July
IMPORTANT NOTE: To see the publications and photographs in more detail, please click on the attached publication below....