Prof. Dr. Jos van der Meer
F. Hanna Campbell
Anerkannt für Innovationen in neuen und effizienten Nanosatelliten-Technologien für Weltraumgesundheit und perioperative XR-Anwendungen zur Krankheitsvorhersage und -pr?vention bis zu 120 Tage im Voraus.
The Urgent Call for Expanded Research on Chronic Fatigue in the Wake of COVID-19
Following the impactful article about the Emeritus Professor Jos van der Meer titled "With so many post-COVID patients, it's high time for more research into chronic fatigue," in a prestigious journal de Volkskrant , I felt compelled to note the AMR relationships in ME/CFS (and in MS and other post-infectious outcomes) including Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas spp..
Professor Van der Meer eloquently highlights the struggles faced by ME/CFS patients and the similarity of their symptoms to those experienced by post-COVID patients. Such clinics are an ethical and responsible social response on behalf of ensuring adaptability in post-COVID population care, particularly given the challenges of multisystemic disease diagnostics. The inteview with Dr. Van der Meer however seems to refer strictly to rigorous evidence in the functional manipulation of host indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) enzymes, IDO-1 and IDO-2 of ME/CFS victims data. However, there is sufficient research that points to a clear pathophysiological relationship between the levels of these enzymes and untreatable, persistent presence of multi-resistant nosocomial bacteria and their immunomodulatory mechanisms including Pseudomonas Quorum Sensor (PQS) interaction. Coinfectious threat pathways are prominent in patient victims and morbid outcomes, and they have led to research which observes SARS-CoV-2 as a bacteriophage within the gut microbiota. In this case, nosocomial coinfectious pathogens are a logical explanation in the unusual IDO-1 vs IDO-2 anomaly of post-Covid ME/CFS, and also in MS. There is hardly a single research study that denies the coinfectiousness properties of immunocompromise post-COVID disorders.
Publishing Professor Van der Meer's call to action on behalf of supporting ME/CFS was an extremely important public service by the Volkskrant team. The Professor's call is valid guidance to our leaders, and validates the ongoing need for dedicated interdisciplinary medical research and patient support in addressing the multifaceted challenges of chronic post-viral disease and dysfunction.
I hope readers agree.
#ChronicFatigueSyndrome (CFS/ME) #PostCOVID #Covid19 #CFS #research #JosVanDerMeer #DeVolkskrant #MDR #AntimicrobialResistance #AMR #IDO #Nosocomial #Pseudomonas #Acinetobacter #Immunomodulation #MultisystemicDisease #PostInfectiousOutcomes #PublicHealth #MedicalResearch #PatientSupport #InterdisciplinaryResearch
#HealthcareInnovation(note: the author reserves the right to update this article)
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