Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho (PhD.EnD.MSc.LLM.MArch.MBLandArch)
Vice President IEP Institute. General Scientific Coordinator Regional Governments at Marine and Terrestrial Natural Parks of Barcelona (Garraf, Ordal, Olèrdola, Foix, Colls-Miralpeix, ...) (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)
Year 2025
Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho, Vice President and co-founder of the Institute of Penedesencs Studies (IEP), Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), author of an extensive report with hydraulic and energy calculations, already participated with said report in October 2023, at the National Table of the Water of the Penedès regions of the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia, in part of the innovative proposals of the current pioneering project of the new Penedès Irrigation Community, of about 25,000 ha of international, and famous vineyards of the world, for wines and cavas with protected designation of origin, with regenerated, reused and phreatic water, which will not come from rivers or reservoirs.
Our institution, the Institute of Penedesencs Studies (IEP), together with other Penedesen actors and entities, through the 1st and 2nd Territorial Commissions of the National Water Board of the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia in counties of the Penedès (October 2023 and July 2024), produced reports with hydraulic and energy calculations that, among others from Penedès entities, and other reports from the administration and public bodies, have been able to make this initiative a reality, with a projection of cultivation needs in the Penedès with the fixed horizon of 2070. Last Wednesday, July 24, 2024, in the impressive medieval castle of Sant Martí Sarroca (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain), the last meeting between the government of the Generalitat of Catalonia and all the actors in the sector took place with about forty participants of Penedès wine and cava to make official the news of the project of the new Penedès Irrigation Community to guarantee support and survival irrigation for crops in situations of persistent droughts and other extreme climatic situations, and also to present the new Monitoring program and agronomic management of water. Once the initiative has now been made official, however, it is still necessary to officially establish the new Penedès Irrigation Community, carry out the various projects, carry out tenders, award and execute the works. In this official presentation, attended only by authorities and representatives of the various public administrations, public bodies, and the group of actors in the world of wine and cava in the Penedès, the broad outlines of the various projects have been drawn.
The first IEP report to the 1st Territorial Commission
At the beginning of October 2023 the Institute of Penedès Studies (IEP) was invited by the Territorial Delegation of the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya to the Penedès to be part, as the oldest scientific and cultural institution in the Penedès, as one of the permanent members of the new Territorial Commission of the National Water Board of the Penedès region. The IEP appointed Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho, PhD in Environmental Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), and vice-president of the IEP, as his representative on the Board. At the end of the 1st Commission, all subsequent members were asked for written contributions and proposals to prepare a 2nd Commission scheduled for November 2023, but finally carried out in July 2024.
On October 5, 2023, just a few days after the 1st Commission was held, Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, representative of the IEP, sent in writing to the Territorial Delegation of the Government in Penedès a detailed report with hydraulic and energy calculations with proposals for innovative solutions in the face of extreme climatic situations, such as persistent droughts. Basically three proposals were deployed:
2. ITAM Foix (Marine Water Treatment Facilities: Cubelles – Cunit desalination plant)
3. REGENERATION AND REUSE FROM THE EDAR DEL PENEDèS (wastewater treatment plants)
PROPOSAL.- It was requested to provide all the members of the Penedès Territorial Water Board, in the next 2nd Commission, with all the data of the Penedès Hydrologic (with all the hydrological basins of the Vegueria del Penedès), indicating (in hm3/year): the annual consumption CIC (Catalonia Internal Basins) of the Penedès, broken down into % of the territory, % of the population and % of water consumption. And of this water consumption in the Vegueria del Penedès, break it down into % domestic, % industrial, and % agricultural. Likewise, the total capacity of the reservoirs, external or own, that supply the vegueria of the Penedès, indicating them by name; also the annual volume and name of the ETAPs (potable water treatment plants) that supply the regions of Penedès (internal and/or external); also the annual volume of water regenerated by the WWTPs (wastewater treatment plants) of the Penedès regions, and/or imported from other external basins (year 2022), which is used to inject it into the system of 'supply (indicating whether it is for agricultural or other uses); and finally the annual volume of water from ITAM (Marine water treatment or desalination facilities) that is imported from other basins into the drinking water company system of the Ter and Llobregat Rivers (ATLL) or others, with anticipation of the entry into operation, their annual volume of the executed design project of the future ITAM - Foix desalination plant
2. ITAM Foix (Seawater Treatment Facilities) (= desalination plant Cubelles - Cunit (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)
PROPOSAL.- With the history and accumulated experience of successive expansions of the ITAM - seawater desalination plant in Tordera (Girona. Catalonia. Spain) (with the great tourist pressure of the Costa Brava), added to the standstill for 15 years of the construction of ITAM Foix, and the great tourist pressure that the entire Penedès Litoral and the Tarragona Coast endures, the IEP proposed to redesign the project calculated in 2008 (when Catalonia had 1 million fewer inhabitants, and tourism only doubled the population) for a future expansion of up to 80 hm3/year (and not the current 20 + 10 hm3/year of possible expansion). In 2024, the Catalan population will exceed 8 million inhabitants and annual tourism will triple the native population. It is clear that the 20 hm3/year planned for the desalination plant (which were the calculations made in 2008) are insufficient today. But if we estimate that the plant will not be able to enter service until 2029, added to the increase in the Catalan population, plus the increase in annual tourism, in another five years, they could leave it completely under-designed and almost obsolete, since it would not be able to guarantee the supply of drinking water for all the regions of the Penedès and Litoral de Tarragona in the event of a repeat of future extreme droughts, which will occur again in all probability.
3. REGENERATION AND REUSE FROM PENEDèS WWTPs (wastewater treatment plants)
3.1- It was requested to provide all the members of the Penedès Territorial Water Board, before the 2nd Penedès Territorial Water Commission, all the data from the WWTPs of the Penedès counties, identifying them by name, and indicating for each its design flow rate (m3/day), the type of treatment (biological or other), and whether it has complete tertiary treatment (or a future project with forecast date and design flow) to fully regenerate and reuse water (with sanitary permit) for agricultural uses or irrigation of urban green spaces.
3.2- That the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) draw up a strategic project to equip the main WWTPs in the Penedès regions with the expansions necessary to implement complete tertiary systems for partial (or total) purification of regenerated water and reused, obtaining water suitable for irrigation (agricultural/urban) with permits and guarantees from the health authority.
3.3- In anticipation of an indeterminate duration of the current severe drought affecting all of Catalonia (the report was signed on October 5, 2023), and of those that will predictably continue to happen in the future, it is proposed to assess economically if it is more profitable in the regions of the Penedès (price Kwh/m3) the investment/expansion in new ITAM's (desalination plants), instead of assuming the enormous additional costs of expanding the main WWTP's of the Penedès to have complete tertiary treatments, for for irrigation purposes (agricultural/urban), and with permits and guarantees from the health authority.
The 2nd Territorial Commission of the National Water Board of the Penedès counties
On May 17, 2024, in the remodeled space of the old slaughterhouse in Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain), the 2nd Commission took place. It was a long technical session, separated into different working groups, to collect in writing all the proposals from the institutions and entities that are part of the Territorial Table, to discuss in groups, and to put them together in a final plenary . The Institute of Penedesencs Studies (IEP) claimed the data already requested in the report to the 1st Commission of October 2023 on the points:
Point 1: "HYDROLOGICAL DATA FROM THE VEGUERIA DEL PENEDèS ARE MISSING", but we were told that they were not yet available, despite the fact that almost a year had passed.
Point. 2: "ITAM Foix (desalination plant Cubelles - Cunit)". It is insisted that it is urgent to redesign the production flow of the future ITAM Foix (desalination plant Cubelles - Cunit) from 20 hm3/year, up to 80 hm3/year. We are informed that an imminent agreement is awaited with the government of the Spanish State in order to assume the full cost, but with 20 hm3/year.
Point 3: "REGENERATION AND REUSE OF WATER FROM THE PENEDèS WWTPs (wastewater treatment plants)". We are informed that the report signed on October 5, 2023 by Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, vice-president and co-founder of the Institute of Penedesencs Studies (IEP), to the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia for its evaluation. But we are still not provided with any data on the requests (WWTP and flows of the Penedès, types of treatments, if an extension to tertiary purification treatments suitable for agricultural irrigation is planned, nor a response from the ACA to the request of the IEP to provide the Penedès WWTPs with a strategic project to equip them with tertiary facilities and generate water suitable for agricultural irrigation...)
The Return Session of the 2nd Commission
On July 16, 2024, at the àgora space in Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain), the Return Session for the proposals of the 2nd Commission took place.
The presidential table of the territorial delegation of the government projected the PowerPoint: "Return session 2023 - 2024"
In the round of final interventions, the Institute of Penedesencs Studies (IEP) insisted for the third time that ITAM Foix (desalination plant Cubelles – Cunit) needs to be redesigned from the approved 20 hm3/year to 80 hm3/year, which will be the ones really needed when it is put into service in 2029, taking into account the expected increase in population, plus the increase in annual tourism, in the horizon of 2029.
This repeated request of the IEP was joined by other members of the Territorial Board, recalling that the design of the ITAM Foix (Cubelles - Cunit seawater desalination plant) was calculated for the population and tourism of Catalonia on 2008, and therefore in 2029 will be totally insufficient.
The IEP requests, at least, that a new reserve of land be made and/or purchased around the planned desalination plant, plus the redesign and oversizing of the collectors, pipes and valves necessary to facilitate the necessary expansion.
The IEP also insisted that the government and the ACA provide for the transformations and expansions of all WWTPs, at least in the four regional capitals of the Penedès (the largest) to provide them with complete tertiary treatment that allows them to generate all the flows in water suitable for agricultural uses with sanitary guarantees. Above all because being well distributed along the map of the Penedès vegueria, it facilitates short-distance transport between the treatment plants (emitters) and the nearby crops (receivers) that ultimately need the water regenerated by agricultural irrigation.
The government delegate, in the reply, aimed to expand them also with those of other large towns in the Penedès (Sant Sadurní d’Anoia...)