Productivity - A question of effectiveness.

Productivity - A question of effectiveness.

Recently I was speaking to a supplier of let's keep it simple, IT systems. They had a client who had been used to downloading information to check the figures at 1500 on a Tuesday in a fairly lengthy process. The updated system was in real time and was available instantly. The client was complaining that they had not been shown the download process and that would ruin their Tuesday afternoon task.

This reveals one of the central pillars of improving productivity. What activities are being done and why. The aim is to get more output from the same level of input. So it becomes a question of effectiveness.

The capability in teams to ask

  • What is the work, what's involved and what are it's components?
  • What are the optimum conditions for the work to be done? (e.g. environment, timing, temperature, coordination, precision)
  • What are the influences that affect these optimum conditions?

In practical terms

  • If Bob is sending Janet a report each week that takes 30 minutes to compile, does Janet even need the report?
  • If a meeting is planned, what is the bare minimum to keep the content punchy, lively and relevant.
  • Can a proposal process utilise tools to do a lot of the heavy lifting, freeing up more contact time with a customer?

By finding this information out, we can remove the unnecessary. The activities that add no value. BUT we need to qualify why they are not adding value. Teams can then focus on what does add value and in turn can increase their output, by being more effective in their roles.

Using the core skills of critical thinking, creative thinking and problem solving applied to the business objective of productivity provides this information to ensure your team are more effective in what they do. Applied at task level it is measurable and controllable. Gradual and consistent rules the day.

Improving productivity which has always been a challenge for UK Plc and even more so with recent increases in national insurance contributions for team members. Now is the time to think differently and drive more productivity in your business in a creative, practical and impactful fashion.

If improving productivity in your team is high on the agenda. Let's talk.

[email protected]
