Productivity, patience & happiness
Tuesday 7/30/19...
So, yesterday was a pretty productive day. I worked a lot of hours, but I'll justify it by saying that everything after-hours was extracurricular. I got a lot of client work done throughout the day and reached out to everyone I had been speaking with over the past few weeks about working together. Almost everyone got back to me quickly and I even woke up to an email from someone wanting to get started - a really great start to the week!
Late afternoon and again at night, I spent some time doing some training from that consulting bootcamp I signed up for and dug into the work that's helping me shape the future of my business. There's a lot of work to be done and I'm really excited to flesh out this new offering, but I need to have patience and do the work right.
I'm also at the point where I need to validate my hypothesis with the market. That naturally takes time as I need to collect both qualitative and quantitative feedback from my target audience.
I'm going to continue going through the training modules as I do this simultaneously. I have some pretty good insights from leading sales and marketing at my last job. The target audience is very similar, so I have a good pulse on their challenges and pain points. And that's what I'm really after here - figuring out the best way to help my clients solve some of their toughest problems.
I should have less client work today, but that could quickly change. That's good though because I need to take care of some personal stuff. My car is dying for an oil change which I've been putting off because, ya know, my commute... I've also got to start calling contractors because we want to get some work done on the house.
I feel like I'm in a really good spot right now, both personally and professionally. Financially, not so much. But hey, it's only been two months. Things are going well. And in my gut, I know I'm on the right track!
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This is an entry from my personal daily journal. I recently left the 9-5 to work for myself - something I've dreamed of for as long as I can remember. It's my hope that these posts inspire anyone looking to do the same or shed some light on what this journey is really like.
- Check out my first post for more: This is for you (but mostly for me)
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Thanks for reading!
- DM