Productivity 404
"Shouldn't that be 'Productivity 101', Lex?"
The answer is, "Not if you want to boost your productivity by 400%!"
101, in the American system, is a course code for an Introductory programme - usually for beginners who need no prior achievement.
Of course, 404 is an unwelcome number when associated with a 'page not found' http error! Unless you're active in all four quadrants of The Productivity Matrix, however, you will have a page not found error because you won't be on the right page for your business and you won't be getting the results that are already within your grasp. Let's get on the right page together - today - here - through this article.
We're going to take 404 to mean an introduction to Productivity, suitable for beginners - those who are working towards their first £100,000 of profit, and one that is 4x more powerful than a 101 course!
404 The Productivity Programme
Our approach to productivity happens along four complementary pathways:
- Talent
- Team
- Time
- Tech
Each pathway interweaves with the others so that Tech (for example) will accelerate your success in discovering and developing your Talent, build your Team more effectively, and help you make better choices in mastering the Time available. Team will save you time, free up your Talent, and run the Tech for you!
When you join the programme, the first quest is to discover and then develop your Talent. We never forget that this is your programme - it's all about you, your life, your success!
The 'Tech' piece of the Talent module is our assessment called 'Talent Dynamics' (marketed as 'Team Dynamics' in the UK - and for good reason!)
Weighing in at $97 (if you go your own way), the assessment will help you discover your 'flow'.
Flow is the essential first component of an paradigm shift in productivity. It is that blissful state where you feel you are doing something and delivering results you were 'meant' to.
The other bit of 'Tech' we introduce right at the beginning of our programme is Mind Mapping (and iMindMap specifically). To is to help you produce coherent results at an accelerated pace - enabling you to transform chaos into order, and random ideas into profitable results. A core output will be your 'Map to the Future' which will answer the Dan Sullivan Question*:
"If we were having this conversation three years from today, and you were looking back over those three years, what has to have happened in your life, both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy with your progress?"
It's a great question (*and is Dan's copyright - an important part of his Strategic Coach programs - and the focus of the first book that you'll be getting as part of our own programme - if you sign up for the full engagement.)
Using Mind Mapping to capture, clarify, and communicate creatively your answers to that question will give you a dashboard for your dreams, making them far clearer to transform into your current experience. Entrepreneurs are Map-Makers - and our Productivity Programme will give that map so that you can take the territory you need to in order to fulfil your goals, ambitions, and potential. Nothing less will ever satisfy you.
This is the Team Dynamics graphic used by Paul Avins and Team Dynamics Global. It shows the four major flow-states:
- Dynamo
- Blaze
- Tempo
- Steel
And the eight Entrepreneurial Thinking Styles:
- Creator
- Star
- Supporter
- Dealmaker
- Trader
- Accumulator
- Lord
- Mechanic
You may already intuitively be drawn to one of those descriptions, but we don't need to leave anything to chance. Taking your assessment with us includes not only the report you get online but also a personalised debrief with one of our trained Productivity Coaches.
Whilst this is the prime focus for the first 90 days on our programme, rolling on we include Tech, Time, and Team inputs to enhance your self-mastery.
In our second 90 days together on The Productivity Programme, we continue to draw benefit from your Talent/Team Dynamics Profile as we map out the team members you need to accentuate your flow - your flow team!
Our programme includes the opportunity to profile up to five members of your existing team to make sure they understand their flow and yours, and that they are in the best position to make the most of their flow. If you are at the earliest stage of building your team, you'll have five profiles available (worth $485 if you were to purchase these yourself) to help you recruit the right people. Remember, also, that our own network is huge - and it is highly likely that we can find you the right kind of people to interview or collaborate with.
To deepen your own development, we add in Motivational Mapping with Jamie Skipper so that you can understand the forces that fuel your flow.
And for the team, it will be time to introduce Dr SusanDelllinger's Psycho-Geometrics? - the perfect practical model for enhancing communications within the team, with customers, with suppliers, and with the market.
There's never been a better time in history to make the most of the Tech available to improve your mastery of the choices you make on how to invest your time.
From Trello to Time Manager International, GTD to First Things First, there are so many ways that you'll be able to use to make great choices around how to invest your time wisely.
"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of."
Benjamin Franklin
Technology and Techniques are where the next generation of 'jumps' in the level of productivity are coming from.
With roots in the Industrial Revolution we are now seeing fruits in the Industrious Revolution.
From faster, more accurate Information Technology through to the transformational techniques of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, our programme has all the Tech you need to change your game and hit that tipping point you need to 11x your business.
4x or 11x?
Yes, I know this article is Productivity 404 - 4x your currently level, so what is this 11x your business?
Anyone, and I really mean it, 'anyone' can do what we've done. You can do the research, learn the techniques, buy the software, read the books, become qualified in Accelerated Learning and NLP, become accredited in Talent Dynamics and Psycho-Geometrics? and Motivational Mapping, take the assessments, and put it all into practice. You'll get amazing results within 30 years.
Or you can join a programme where you Accelerated your Talent discovery and development, Build your Team, Choose brilliantly how to invest your Time, and Deliver outstanding results by making the most of the best Tech out there. The only difference is that you'll get the same kind of amazing results in 3 years instead of 30.
How can I be so certain? Well, it's taken me 30 years (and a ton of money) to gather all the aspects of this practical system into one coherent programme - and to become trained and accredited in the techniques we use. You could follow the same path, but I know I can convey the same learning within an accelerated time frame with the right clients.
The choice is always yours. However, the sooner we get started, the sooner you'll start 11xing your business (and your level of pleasure - because, frankly, this is about having a better life - a more abundant one!)
Unique Methods Produce Unique Results
I pulled my punches a bit there. I genuinely believe you can't get these results in the same way by yourself. When I began marketing my unique approach to Accelerating Learning - Entertrainment? - the tag line was (and still is):
"...a faster, longer, deeper kind of magic"
It's a Kind of Magic
Why? Because it works... magic.
Arthur C Clarke (Author of "2001, A Space Odessey," and dozens of other influential books) said,
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
The M.E.S.S.A.G.E. Model of Accelerated Training gets results "indistinguishable from magic."
It does this in three ways:
- Faster - hey, it uses accelerated learning - it delievers what it says
- Longer - using mnemonic principles, technology, and techniques to guarantee longer lasting retention - we can only act upon what we can remember
- Deeper - as an Emotionally Intelligent approach, it is assimilated by both head and heart, mindset and motivation, to create and produce long-term deep and permanent positive change.
This is not Shelf-Development! (Shelf-Development is where the content ends up in a beautiful binder on the shelf in your Study. That kind of development makes you look intelligent and well-read but has little power to make a permanent, profitable difference.
In fact, we go much deeper as part of the Tech aspect includes the harnessing of binaural beat technology, accompanied by hypnotic language patterns, to positively programme the mind for optimum results.
[Check out SHARM - Professional Audio Therapy Sessions - used as another element that makes our programme unique.]
Coach, Train, Mentor
As a professionally trained trainer (Institute of Training and Development), I can merrily assert, "Training doesn't work..."
"...on its own!" Training is part of a three-strand approach:
- Coaching
- Training
- Mentoring
It begins with Coaching, not Training. Our initial Coaching sessions enable us to map out your course - tailored to your flow. Then, and only then, can you have a worthwhile Training experience. The magic finally comes to fruition with Mentoring. In collaboration, we'll take what you've learned and make sure it is applied. Our Coaches can help you with this, but there are a few of you who will get a taste for going deeper still, and will press into full-engagement - Mentoring.
Looking After Your Assets
Yes, we're watching your assets too! The study of 'Flow' that The Productivity Programme is founded upon also includes Cash Flow. Whilst we are grateful to be citizens of the nations our participants on the programme come from, we are also aware that our Governments - especially our politicians - are not always wise with our money. For this, and other reasons, we train our participants in ways to be wise with their profit so that they maximise the control they keep over their prosperity. We believe the future is in the hands of Ethical Entrepreneurs - and they need to have the maximum amount of Cash Flow available for making a powerful impact.
Immediate Value-Rich Offer
Our Asset Development Blueprint follows Kevin Whelan's model from 'WealthBuilders' - a model I know well since ghost-writing his book on the subject and recording the audio.
It would be my pleasure to give you free access to the pdf of the book and the downloadable audio as a 'thank you' for joining my mailing list
[Simply message me here on LinkedIn and we'll get the ball rolling. Take action, now!]
Making a World of Difference -
Oh, no, there's more? Oh, Yes! (And I know it's OK to share more with you because if you've read this far you'll be a hard-core, value-seeking, action-taker! True?)
We are part of - a worldwide tribe that makes an impact based upon the level of impact we have on your business, your wealth, your health, and your success.
Buy One Give One - to give it its full name - is 'business for good'. It has thousands of carefully selected and fiercely curtated projects where you and your business success can have an impact. For example, when we sell a place on one of our programmes (in-house or open), we pay this forward by funding education for those who cannot otherwise afford it. In this way, we acknowledge that our global business works within a global context - a living (eco)system and environment that we do well to invest in.
Memories of the Future - from Team to Tribe
You can join The Productivity Programme for as long as you wish to. We have a curriculum that spans three years but it is designed to add massive value within each 90 day 'Season'.
Understand, though, that our ambitions for your success are huge. We want to see you move from a Team-success mentality to a Tribe-success mentality. With the right team, you can create what Dan Sullivan calls a 'Self-Managing Company' - giving you, the Producer, the Entrepreneur, the Director - time freedom. But when your customers start coming on board as a Tribe, you can build what Dan calls a 'Self-Replicating Company'.
[And if you're wondering why I quote Dan so much, it's because one of the stepping stones on our development pathway is for you to join Strategic Coach? - open to Entrepreneurs who earn over £100,000 each year. Our programme is for those who are working towards their first £100,000 per year! If you're already above £100,000 go straight to Coach - and invest in us!]
The Low Cost Entry Point
Whether you elect to do the full programme, or choose from our other options, everything begins with your Talent Dynamics profile and the personalised debrief from me. This is normally £360 ex vat, but for action-takers who are keen to discover their flow (and thus their best entrepreneurial career choices) I am offering the same level of feedback for £180 ex vat for the first five people who send me a personal message.
Once you've discovered your true flow, and seen the power of a Productivity Mind Map, I'm convinced you'll want to dig deeper asap.
The Productivity Programme for Action Takers
Thanks for reading this overview. Are you an Action Taker? If so, message me immediately. As a thanks, you'll get access to Kevin's blueprint for financial independence both in the PDF book form and as downloadable audio. You could also be one of the first five people to get the profile PLUS the debrief for £180 instead of £360.
Lex McKee
The Productivity Programme