Be Productive Every Day by Doing These 7 Things
David Conners, CLSSBB
Recruiting Specialist, Randstad Enterprise, supporting Google
There are certain daily practices that may seem trivial on the face of things, but that ultimately separate productive people from those that struggle to get things done. When it comes to being productive, it’s not the occasional big breakthroughs that matter as much as the disciplined, daily habits. And they’re habits that anyone can start implementing into their daily life right now, at this very moment.
Here are seven daily habits you can adopt to organize your life and enhance your productivity:
- Win the morning. The morning is the time that sets the whole cadence for your day. Having a morning routine that you stick to – including getting out of bed at a certain time, eating a healthy breakfast, and getting any immediately necessary tasks out of the way – will optimize your mindset for the rest of your day.
- Get your calendar in order. Whether you use a planner or Google calendar, dedicate some time every day to organizing your schedule for the upcoming day, week and month. Having all your deadlines and events in order will free up your mind to deal with more immediate problems.
- Rid yourself of distractions. In today’s world of screens and digital distractions, being able to focus on a single task for an extended period of time is a singularly important skill. And it’s one that requires practice. When you’re working on an important task, close your email, turn your phone on silent or do whatever you need to do to accomplish the task at hand.
- Exercise. There is no longer any doubt about the benefits of daily exercise. It doesn’t matter so much how you go about doing it, as long as you’re moving. You’ll feel better, think better, sleep better and live better.
- Work hard, play hard. Productive people are masters of balancing their work lives with their personal lives. When you’re at work, really be at work. This goes back to the necessity of eliminating distractions. By fully committing yourself to work while you’re there, you’ll be able to free up headspace and be able to enjoy your life outside of work that much more.
- Learn to say “no.” Oftentimes we’ll take on more tasks than we can possibly have the bandwidth for. This leads to us becoming more stressed and failing to deliver our best work. Productive people strive to take on the most responsibility they can, but they’re also honest with themselves and their team members about how many tasks they’re able to manage at any given time.
- Schedule your productivity. Everybody has “peaks” and “valleys” of creativity and productivity throughout their day. Some are most productive in the morning, and others are most creative in the late evening, just before bed. Pay attention to these psychological patterns within yourself, and nurture them by planning your working life around them accordingly.
If you’re ready to boost the productivity of your whole team by recruiting top talent, contact us here.