The production of Tout Offspring from Tripoid Salmon Parents,Hypophysation Technique: An Overview of Artesan Farming

The production of Tout Offspring from Tripoid Salmon Parents,Hypophysation Technique: An Overview of Artesan Farming


Gestational Surrogacy and Donor Sperm (GS/DS)

A surrogate is implanted with an embryo created by IVF, using intended mother's donor sperm.The resulting child is genetically related to intended mother and genetically unrelated to the surrogate. 

Female triploid salmon recipients that received trout spermatogenia produced only donor-derived trout eggs. It is possible to generate individuals of endangered,and perhaps extinct, species in-vitro-fertilization.

Purple, yellow salmons are originals. GMO involves inserting genes from a distant species (a synthetic or heavily modified ) into its cells with the help of a bacterium or with other tools.


  • The environmental stimuli are received by the brain which transmits to (a) the hypothalamus, (b) pituitary-gonads, (c) and the gonads finally produce the sexual hormones.
  • Control is obtained at the three levels the hypothalamic, pituitary,or the gonadal level(Harvey and Hoar, 1979)
  • The technique used most frequently is the pituitary extract (Hypophysation)
  • The pituitary gland is extracted and conserved in alcohol or glycerine
  • The fresh or dry sex hormones or steroid hormone is ground, placed in a solvent, centrifuged and the supernatant;
  • A residue of precipitate is injected into the female or male
  • Gonadotropins sometimes from pituitary are purified for commercial use
  • Other mammalian hormones, the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is most frequently applied and Luteinique Hormone (LH) or Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is successful too.

YY Technology


  • The male inseminate the female fish externally
  • The species are caught with gill net of sizes 50 mm,6 cm,and 9 cm.
  • The fish are taken to the laboratory alive and kept in concrete tank of dimension 120 x 85 x 50 cm well laid with gravels at an ambient temperature of  260 and 300 degrees centigrade.


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