Product of the Week: Travella
Turn your trip into a profitable package deal [?? =??]
Happy Friday, people!
Get ready for the return of something special...
Many people don't know this, but when I started this newsletter two years ago, all we did was share interesting products doing cool things. I absolutely enjoyed hunting for and reviewing products.
Over the years, the newsletter evolved, but I absolutely missed the weekly product spotlights, and some people have written to tell me that they miss it too.
Well, I'm delighted to tell you that they are back!
Now, every Friday, you can expect to receive a product spotlight for the week where we'll share the details of an interesting product we discovered with you.
But that's not all.
This time, it'll be written by people from the community. We want to hear from you. It's time for your voices to shine! We're dying to hear about your latest product finds, and I'm sure the rest of the community is just as eager.
Today's product spotlight was written by Kanyinsola Ibikunle , who is a long-time subscriber and reader of the newsletter! I'm extremely excited so please show her some love.
Now, to the spotlight. Are you ready to discover this week's cool product? Let's dive in!
Want to write a future spotlight? Send me a message!
Product Spotlight: Travella
Product Information
Who they are:
Travella is changing logistics and distribution with a unique approach “Peer-to-Peer Logistics.”?
Well, you might be wondering what this means.
They basically connect individual travellers with packages en-route to their destinations. That way, passengers can make extra cash on their travels?
In Nigeria, the most common and popular way of sending inter-state packages is to send packages via local car parks. So, Travella just seems to be providing a cheaper, safer, and faster alternative.?
Here's how it works:
Say you want to send a package to Jos and find the delivery fee on other platforms excessive, you can use Travella.?
All you need to do is:
Travella then sends your package to travellers on route to the receiver’s destination.?
This way, travellers can make money by checking for packages they can pick up on the app.?
What it looks like if you want to send a package:
What it looks like if you want to pick up a package:
My initial sentiment was:
"How is this going to work in Nigeria, where security is still a big concern?"
"Won't someone run away with my human hair when I try to send it?"
Well Travella addresses this issue by providing insurance to cover any mishaps. They also collect BVN and NIN details from every user, so as to protect both senders and receivers.
So, what do you think of Travella?? Will you be trying it out?
I’ll be doing a full review next week, where I'll send a package via Travella and pick up a package. I can’t wait!
If you have any products you want me to write about, please leave it in the comments.
Let me know what you think about this issue. See you next week!
Yours in Product Discovery,