Product Review for Salesforce CRM

What do you like best?

1. Drives revenue by organizing and segmenting your existing customer base to find 80 / 20 rules.

2. Facilitates, organizes, and measures the effectiveness of all inbound new business leads and formulates into a ROI statement.

3. Connects marketing efforts to individual sales people for accountability, training, and identifying top producers.

What do you dislike? Its a lot of work to set-up and maintain.

What business problems are you solving? Revenue generation, Sales Management, ROI / KPI startements, What benefits have you realized? Much greater efficiency between the Sales, Marketing, Accounting, and the Executives of the company.

For which purposes do you use the product? Sales and Marketing

What is your primary role when using this product? Enter leads and follow to conversion.

What is your relationship with this vendor? None

At which company did you most recently use this product? Mass Mutual

Are you a current user of Salesforce CRM? Yes.


