Product Review for Microsoft SharePoint
What do you like best?
Microsoft SharePoint is a great product. I like it because if it is used to its full capacity it can be an excellent lever to make enterprise users work more collaboratively and productively. It is an excellent tool for centralizing, managing and performing work among members of a project or an enterprise group around a specific goal or objective. Every artefact, discussion related to the work is linked to the work and it make it is easier for quick reference and search
What do you dislike?
The product is not very user-friendly in some areas so most enterprise users are either not aware of features or do not fully understand SP capabilities or find them cumbersome and therefore give up on it. Low user adoption. Also, many MS tools share some functions of SP. This can create confusion in user minds.
What business problems are you solving? What benefits have you realized?
Making SP a truely Management decision-making tool by linking power BI to dashboards
For which purposes do you use the product?
MIS team collaboration and document management
What is your primary role when using this product?
What is your relationship with this vendor?
At which company did you most recently use this product?
Are you a current user of Microsoft SharePoint?