Product Review for Adobe Photoshop

What do you like best?

The capabilities seem endless. Always new tricks and techniques to learn.

What do you dislike?

Trivial, but I'd like to be able to colorize some of the icons.

What business problems are you solving? What benefits have you realized?

Creating web advertising for products requires lots of images. Photoshop provides so many methods for importing, modifying, and exporting, that producing artwork which exactly meets constraints and requirements is always achievable.

For which purposes do you use the product?

photo editing 90%, image compositing 10%

What is your primary role when using this product?

the only role...everything is done by me, to my satisfaction

What is your relationship with this vendor?


At which company did you most recently use this product?


Are you a current user of Adobe Photoshop?

Yes. Creative Cloud. Been a user since v4


