Product Dev / Prep For Amazon??

Product Dev / Prep For Amazon??

Laying the Ground Work: 5 Critical Steps ???

Let me begin with a preface - There is no guarantee that any product will go wild on Amazon and make you millions of dollars. Lots of research must go into your ideas to validate the future time and effort spent. May I also add - the time of buying generic products on Alibaba and selling on Amazon are OVER. I repeat - do not try selling a product that is already being sold by 10+ people on Amazon.

Currently, my product (hangstr) has gone through a few different prototypes and I’m hoping to begin selling on Amazon by the end of the year. Here are my steps to creating a unique product and begin selling on Amazon:

  1. Product Research ??

It is absolutely critical to know - “would my product solve a problem”? Here’s how to find out.

  • Your own experiences - try writing down your biggest pain points from a recent activity (ex. moving, road trip, etc.)
  • Ask others - the best kept secret in getting feedback is that it’s not a secret.Reddit Facebook & LinkedIn Groups
  • Google Keyword Planner - are people SEARCHING for this?

  1. Brainstorm ???

Now, it’s time to sketch a simple prototype of what you might want your end product to look like. IT DOESN’T NEED TO BE PERFECT! Here’s a couple options for you to get a basic rendering:

  • Pencil and Paper (of course!)
  • Excalidraw (simple and free)
  • Sketch
  • Adobe

I highly recommend keeping it simple and cheap (free if possible). Keep in mind - your product ideally will have a feature or quality that is highly marketable. For Hangstr - it is the sliding clicking noise that excites the installer when the job is complete.

  1. Find Your Product Developer/Engineer ??

If you’re like me, you probably aren’t great at 3D printing or the little engineering details of making a product “work”. There are plenty of ways to find a reliable partner in making your product come to life! I found my product engineer through my network (whom they found through upwork ). Keep it local if possible, but at least verify the engineer’s responsiveness.

Try to include payment in the form of royalties once the product begins selling. It saves you money up front and keeps all parties engaged up until the product is being sold.

  1. Allow For Creative Freedom ???

You probably have a great vision for your product! Give clear guidance and instruction on how it should be built, but allow for needed changes made by your engineer. When building Hangstr, I gave some generic high level expectations, but also allowed creative pivoting. The results have been great!

While designing the product, I’ve found it helpful to view the product engineer as a partner (NOT an employee).

Hangstr Mockup

  1. Prepare For Launch ??

I’m currently in this phase for my own product. Some of my next steps include:

  • Purchase a Domain
  • Design Shopify Store
  • File For Trademark (opens the door on Amazon)A+ ContentAmazon VineAmazon LiveAdvertising OpportunitiesVirtual Bundles

Designing and creating a new product has been thrilling. I’m confident in the steps taken thus far and look forward to the selling preparation.

Stay tuned for the product launch, what went well, and what didn’t.

Bennett Mortensen

R&D - Technology Transfer

1 年

Great to be a part of this!

Jared Ward

Founder & CEO | Luminous | Building The ERP For Modern Ecommerce

1 年

Let's goooo!


