#003: A Product Designer’s hot takes on AI, and what to expect.
Kris Shogren
Creative Problem-Solver | UI/UX, 3D, Motion & Interaction | Innovating with a Human-Centered Approach
AI is inevitable. AI is super hot right now. AI is in every sentence.
As I was brainstorming topics to write about for this series, I concluded it would only be right to talk about AI and state my personal opinions. In addition, I want to make this series more meaningful and write about current events and trends I am experiencing as a Product Designer. My goal is to turn this series into a digital time capsule that will be interesting to look back on years from now. With that said, let’s get started with the Hot Takes.
As a Product Designer, I am not overly impressed or intimidated by anything I have experienced or witnessed with AI, yet. Yes, the power we now have to generate content is a game-changer and job-market disrupter. However, what a machine will never be able to replace is the ability to connect, communicate, and collaborate with another human. If a machine ever learns how to do that, I hope to be on Mars running around with bionic legs by then.
My second hot take is that AI will make lazy people lazier and capable people exponentially more capable. AI undeniably raises the skill floor of the workforce and crucially provides another level of speed and efficiency to every team. I have already witnessed how people try to cut corners with AI or use AI as a marketing tool, and the outcome is always bland or underwhelming. It reminds me of an old saying that I will remix: “If you give a person a fish, then they will be fed for one day. If you teach a person how to fish, then they will never be hungry again.” I like to see AI as an augmentation rather than a crutch, and a virtual assistant that wants to help my unique lifestyle.
Relevantly, I was recently inspired by how AI generated content and then subsequently formatted it, and I wanted to utilize that for my writing style in the series. I noticed patterns such as information being grouped in short paragraphs, bulleted lists, and content broken up by bold sentences. I enjoyed absorbing content in that short form, so I wanted to emulate that experience for my articles. Is this breaking the 4th wall? Anyway, here are some high-level groups of thoughts to expand on my AI opinions.
The largest value that AI currently provides me:
The largest impact AI will have on the Product Design Industry:
The largest impact I predict AI will have on the World:
To wrap up my thoughts, I will say that overall I am incredibly excited to see what happens next with AI, and I hope that we collectively solve some wicked problems. As I continue to search for large problems that I can solve, I notice how many problems seem unsolvable and require a tremendous amount of collaboration and effort. Hopefully, AI can raise the floor and lower the ceiling for everyone and not just those who are already winning.
I am more worried about people with ill intent looking to take advantage of a situation for power over the population, but that is a topic for another time. For now, I will continue to ride the wave, remain resilient, embrace the unknown, and write these articles.
Change is inevitable, and it is right now. Let’s hold each other accountable as humans so that the singularity does not become a regularity.
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