Discoverability of the Application
I learned about this application through a television advertisement featuring J. C. Chaudhary.
Expectations from the Application
Based on the structure of the advertisement, this app appears to be related to Numerology.
Initial Impressions of the Application
It was simple to locate in the Play Store. It is only 10 MB in size, and installation was effortless.
As soon as you open the app, a pop up appears asking about Notifications access. The Sign Up process is not synced up with Gmail. The user has to click on Sign Up and enter Full Name, Phone Number, email ID, DOB and Password to proceed with the Sign Up functionality.
I remember I had registered my details earlier but now if I enter my number, it gives an error message – “This number is not registered”
I registered again and was navigated to the screen – “Your Important Details” where the user is expected to add more details like Popular Name, Place of Birth, State, County, Time of Birth and Gender
Post entering all this data, I was navigated to the application.
Usability/ Functionality Analysis
- The user lands on a screen that appears to be the Home Page with the image of J C Choudhary on the top right hand side of the app.
- There is a quote mentioned on the left hand side of the app with the name cut in half.
- There is a card on the home page with the user’s name and the title “Your today’s prediction”
- Below this card, there are two smaller cards – Monthly Prediction and Prediction for Year 2023. On clicking the Monthly Prediction, another overlay page displays with the list of months and years. On choosing a combination, the user is navigated to the “Prediction for <<month, year>> and some inline help text and a button to book appointment.
- On clicking the “Book An Appointment”, the user is navigated to the screen with four appointment options – Face to Face Consultation (1 hour), Face to Face Consultation (30 minutes), Online Consultation (1 hour), Online Consultation (30 minutes). On clicking any of these cards, the user gets an option to select the county, date and slot for booking and a button to make online payment. The same page also has different options for companies looking for Numerological Audit based on their size.
- Coming back to the Home Page, there is a Nummerro Calculator card on click of which the user lands on a page where the user is expected to enter name, DOB and Mobile Number. On clicking Submit, the app showcases various numbers for the user.
- Followed by Nummero Calculator card, we see various cards like “Yourself”, “Your Relationships” and “Your Compatibility” which on click open overlay pages with different options which when clicked provide predictions.
- There is a floating card on the HomePage – “Ask Your Question” on click of which the user is navigated to a new page with different categories the user might want to ask questions. Upon clicking any one icon, an overlay page appears with the possible questions. On clicking any one question, the user is navigated to the page to enter details on Company Name, Date of Joining and Designation and make online payment.
- There are 4 different sections below – Videos, Books, Appointment, Me which navigate the user to different sections on the app with the corresponding data about Videos, Books, Appointment and the user. User has the flexibility to edit his PII data.
- On the top LHS, there are three lines which open up an overlay page with the following options, each of which navigate the user to a web page with the corresponding content as per the title – Awards, Gallery, Blog, In Media, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer, Rate App on Play Store, About, Contact Us and Sign Out.
- Outrageous fees for appointments and asking a single question.
Recommendations for Existing Features
- During the Sign Up process, the fields like State, Country should be a dropdown for easy data input.
- The card “ Your today’s prediction” should talk more about what is predicted and not about what should the user do. It can be a separate section in the same card but displaying the first point as “You should..” does not mean prediction.
- There should be a back icon on the Numerology Calculator. It is difficult for the user to understand what to click to go back to the Home Page.
- More clarity should be provided for the section “Missing Numbers” on the Home Page. As a user, I do not understand what is the app trying to do over here. There are two cards below Missing Numbers heading which do not make sense to me. On click of each of these cards, you see corresponding pages opening with some content which again makes the user clueless.
- The quote mentioned on what appears to be a Home Page does not have the name displayed properly. J C Choudhary is cut in half and not visible entirely. Probably the Cross Device Testing has not been performed properly. This needs to be rectified.
- On clicking the card -?‘Prediction for Year 2023’ on the Homepage, the user is navigated to another page with the predictions which has two cards – “Your Predictions” and “Yearly Predictions Example” where the text is cut on the right hand side. This needs to be rectified. Probably the Cross Device Testing has not been performed properly.
- On the appointment page, the time slots are not visible entirely. The data is cut from below.
- On the Numerology Calculator page, the field DOB is not marked as Mandatory, if the user does not enter anything and clicks on Submit, an error message pops up – “Enter correct mobile number”. Either the field should be made mandatory, if not, the error message needs to be updated because the current message gives an impression that the user entered incorrect mobile number when in reality nothing was entered on the screen. Also, if the user now enters random 10 digit number, the field accepts incorrect phone number and proceeds ahead.
- On entering the data on the Numerology Calculator, a pop up opens with the details and the text here is also cut. On clicking on Know More on this pop up, the user lands on a page with details of the numbers and the text provided on these cards is also cut from both the right hand side and the left hand side.?