Product Burger?8
‘Say no to meme?stocks’?
No Product Burger memes, yet (!), so let’s kick off with the 8th edition of short and sweet product analyses. We’re turning a bit more liquid diving into the world of investing with today’s product. You might have seen the term ‘meme stock’ thrown around in the past years, and where some might have made a killing day trading ‘stonks’ most people will be better of investing for the long haul.?
Nothing in life is?free
Historically investing in assets, both public and private, has been inaccessible to the vast majority of us. Yet with today’s product the barrier to enter investing in public markets has been lowered significantly. And where many might be deterred to get into the thick of investing given the economic climate, arguably when markets are down (which they are) it is a good time to step in (not investment advice!). Focusing on the product and not on how to get into investing, read this for some tips on getting started.?
Let’s say it’s early 2010’s and you have £40 spare, going through some of the brokerages out there at the time placing a trade would cost you at least £12 per trade. Not worth it. In comes Freetrade, similar to its US and European counterparts (Robinhood and Bux) which launched around the same time, which allows you to trade stocks commission free. The app offers premium services which include a larger set of stocks and other analytical tools (as well as ISAs in the UK).
How to slide into public markets??
The Freetrade app is really straightforward. Topping up is swift through open banking transfers or Apple/Google pay, so you can start sliding into the public markets with less than €/£10.?
5 tabs which are self-explanatory (see image) and you can even buy some stocks in Molten Ventures, the VC that counts Freetrade among their portfolio companies.?
Say no to meme stocks
From Freetrade’s early days the team have always advocated that they’ve built the product to focus on those investors that are not looking to day trade (high risk). So product features, including analytics, steer towards investing for the long haul. There are plenty of options including ETFs, and where bank and savings app investment options (e.g. Chip, Moneybox or Monzo) provide fund choices in passive investment vehicles, the Freetrade app provides more freedom, without the associated trading fees that other incumbents charge.
So go ahead, dive in with a few tenners you are happy to miss for the next 10 years ??
Short and sweet, means truly short, hit me up if you're interested in discussing why some products are better than others. Or hit subscribe, I'll hit your inbox every two weeks with a new product ?? ????