Producers to be Responsible for Product Recovery in Several Provinces
In a circular economy, producers are responsible for recovering the products they manufacture. This shift in responsibility happens in several provinces across Canada to establish a more sustainable waste stream. Rather than dumping products into landfills, producers will have to recycle or reuse them, reducing the amount of waste in our landfills and moving us closer to a circular economy.
The circular economy is a system that operates with little to no waste but with a target of zero waste. Producers are responsible for collecting their products to recycle or reuse them at the end of life, rather than consumers disposing of these items as garbage into landfills. This circular economy model shifts the cost from municipalities back onto producers where it belongs and creates incentives for manufacturers to make greener choices.
Recycling is a crucial component of a circular economy. Unlike waste management, which falls to local and Indigenous governments to deliver collection services to their citizens (think garbage), producers of goods organize and operate comprehensive province-wide recycling systems that keep materials in use. These systems help drive one of the essential elements necessary for creating a circular economy.
This blog post will go through the latest changes and shifts to producer-driven product recovery in each province adjusting their regulations and programs to promote a circular economy. Read the full article at