Prodevans OpenSource Service Desk

Prodevans OpenSource Service Desk

Here, How Prodevans OpenSource Service Desk is looking forward to contribute and support the SOS.

  1. Visit our website
  2. Got the Partners page --> Click your respective Technology Partner --> Fill your details and query/issue/request --> Submit your query/issue/request .

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3. You will get a notification of your request from Prodevans with Service Desk Ticket ID

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4. Your request will assign to the respective Expert team of Prodevans to assist you

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5. Support Team will connect you or update your query on Service Desk Portal. It will notify over mail.

6. You can provide the more information and update the ticket with your issues.

7.1 For 1st time login to the help desk, you need to request the password.

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7.2 Click on link to reset your password.

7.3 Provided the new password and submit.

8. Update the ticket on asked details by support team.

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9. Close the ticket once issue resolved or answered.

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