A Procurement View of Hiring
Driven to deliver employee experience and customer success strategies at the intersection of people and technology. Keen on leveraging data and leading cross-functional teams to navigate initiatives and improve results.
I was feeling kind of "out there" applying Procurement/Supply-Chain principles to the hiring process for my August 29th Dog Days of Summer Webinar. The focus came to me after hearing people question the benefit of looking at job candidate experience as a customer experience. Luckily, I needed only return to Page 1 the 2016 Talent Board Research Report to find this:
When hiring is looked at through the lens of supply-chain thinking, we see organizations, systems and people created to move a lead through successive stages from becoming an aware prospect, an interested candidate, and considered applicant to, potentially, an engaged new hire. If we imagine what this process looks like visually, we are likely to draw a single conveyor belt moving animate products (people) from some unformed source (school, competitor, job board) to a finished form we can use (the job). This linear thinking makes clear where 20th century thinking should stop and where 21st century thinking needs to begin.
Whew - being reminded that made me feel peachy!
Sure, the picture above is of peaches, but think of how tender peaches are, how wonderful it is to get a great one and how sad it is to let one go bad sitting too long or to crush a really good one in the midst of processing.
Candidates, they ARE like peaches, AND like customers, AND vendor-partners. Who doesn't want great peaches, customers, and vendor-partners? Our Dog Days of Summer Webinars are only 30-minutes each. Come to one, come to all.