Procura training
Scene 1: Introduction to Procura
· Noble, a dedicated homecare professional, sits at a desk with a computer in front of him.
· Noble: (voiceover) "Procura is a powerful tool used by many homecare companies across different countries. It helps us record patient information, manage nurses, patient schedules, and bills, making patient care safer."
Scene 2: Logging into Procura
· Noble right-clicks the Procura 7.2 icon on his desktop and selects "Open."
· Noble: (voiceover) "To log in, I need to enter my username, which is the first eight letters of my last name and the first letter of my first name, and my password, which must be at least six characters long."
· Noble types in his username and password and clicks "Login."
Scene 3: Client Intake
· Noble searches for a client using their HSN or MRN and clicks "Add" if the client is not found.
· Noble: (voiceover) "I need to fill out the client information, including demographics, clinical information, and contact details. This ensures we have all the necessary information for comprehensive care."
Scene 4: Address Page
· Noble fills out the residence type and permanent address for the client.
· Noble: (voiceover) "I need to include the area code in the phone number and avoid using special characters. This information is crucial for our reports to Sask. Health."
Scene 5: Departments Page
· Noble adds a department by clicking the "Add" command symbol and selecting the department from the drop-down menu.
· Noble: (voiceover) "I need to ensure that all necessary departments are added, including the Registration Department for Home Care clients and professional departments for Direct Service clients."
Scene 6: Contacts Page
· Noble adds a formal contact by selecting "Contact from CRM" and searching for the RQHR physician.
· Noble: (voiceover) "I can also add a new formal contact by entering their details and selecting 'Contact' in the Customer Relationship Manager window."
Scene 7: Attributes Page
· Noble enters the client's languages, likes, and dislikes by clicking "Add" in the toolbar and selecting the appropriate options.
· Noble: (voiceover) "This information helps us tailor our care to the client's specific needs and preferences."
Scene 8: Supervisors Page
· Noble adds a supervisor by selecting the department and clicking "Add" in the toolbar.
· Noble: (voiceover) "I need to select the supervisor type and assign them to the client. This ensures that the client receives the necessary supervision and care."
Scene 9: Service Requirements Page
· Noble adds a service requirement by selecting the department and clicking "Add" in the toolbar.
· Noble: (voiceover) "I need to select the client-specific service requirement and save it. This ensures that the client receives the necessary services."
Scene 10: Assessments Page
· Noble creates a form by clicking the "Add" command symbol and selecting the assessment.
· Noble: (voiceover) "I can edit incomplete documents, but completed documents cannot be edited. The filter allows me to view all results or specific answers."
Scene 11: Diagnosis/Procedure Page
· Noble adds a diagnosis or procedure by clicking "Add" in the toolbar and selecting the code.
· Noble: (voiceover) "I need to select the severity and disability and add a comment. This ensures that we have a comprehensive record of the client's diagnoses and procedures."
Scene 12: Nutrition/Food Page
· Noble adds a dietary need by clicking "Add" in the toolbar and selecting the diet or diet attribute.
· Noble: (voiceover) "I need to add a comment and save the dietary need. This ensures that we cater to the client's specific nutritional needs."
Scene 13: Allergies Page
· Noble adds an allergy by clicking "Add" in the toolbar and selecting the allergy type.
· Noble: (voiceover) "I need to select the degree and type of allergy. This ensures that we are aware of any allergies that may affect the client's care."
Scene 14: Physical Environment Page
· Noble adds equipment by clicking "Add/Delete" in the toolbar and selecting the equipment.
· Noble: (voiceover) "I need to check if the equipment is present or needed. This ensures that we have a comprehensive record of the client's physical environment."
Scene 15: Additional Information Page
· Noble fills out the additional information by double-clicking on the list item and selecting values for each question.
· Noble: (voiceover) "I need to enter values for type of admission, senior housing, place of residence, type of care, level of care, hospital discharge, and support rating. This ensures that we have a comprehensive record of the client's additional information."
The movie scenes showcase Noble navigating the Procura system, demonstrating the various features and functionalities used in client intake and care management.