Procreating The Immortal Human Species: Part 3 - Human Devolution.
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Procreating The Immortal Human Species: Part 3 - Human Devolution.

This article is part of a series of stories, where via a synopsis of Emerging Technology, I am highlighting how our advances in technology are being utilized, and to what extent it can be utilized.

This next ten-year period from the year two thousand and thirty-one (2031) to two thousand and forty-one (2041), is experiencing a rather interesting and historical global event, where Human Devolution is occurring. Due to the advent of artificial intelligence robots representing their owners, persons are able to enjoy life by relaxing while their robots do all of their work, chores and errands. These robots are more productive in the different types of workplaces, and this causes more profitability for organizations in the marketplace, which exponentially increases in competitiveness as technology advances. This leads to a significant trend and eventual compulsory removal of human employees from businesses in order to avoid bankruptcy and stay substantially competitive. Governments subsequently supply basic needs for citizens who are unemployable due to being unadaptable to the new required knowledge, skills and capabilities.

Additionally, similar to humans and most things in life, not all robots are of the same level of quality, reliability and sustainability. This now has led to domination by the more superior robots, subsequently more persons employment is negatively impacted. The rise of the robots’ presence in the workplace resulted in loss of global employment by over ninety percent (90%), as companies can also manufacture or procure their own robots. Nevertheless, governments in some countries have managed to implement policies and laws that allow for avatar artificial intelligence robots, thus rendering a portion of their citizenry to maintain their employment.

As this robotic population and dominance increases, clandestinely the human brain begins to deteriorate by means of devolution, due to lack of use. As a natural system in life, organisms adapt to their environment as well as the usage of its biological systems. Brain functionality or natural intelligence is basically being substituted by the artificial intelligence. The advancement and acceleration of communication systems to facilitate interaction among the technological and artificial intelligence related systems and products, has led to an increase of radiation from the radio frequencies of satellite communications. These radiation impacts human health negatively according to the geographic location of where the most robotic activity is occurring. Also, the reduced physical activity of persons who now have a more sedentary lifestyle, contributes to decrease in disease resistance or biological immunity. More focus is placed on the robots which are of great significant importance to maintain the productivity and stability of the world, thereby less focus is being placed on humans.

Artificial intelligence hacking of robots doing critical tasks and artificial intelligence terrorism is more intense as greater emphasis is placed on these technologically based systems of the world. Robotic swarms and autonomous drones to remote attacks, and the use of nanorobots to deliver diseases, all pose unimaginable threats to society. These factors of terrorism, health status and human wellbeing have led to significant increases in mortality and morbidity rates, as well as the global decline of the human population. 


This article is part of a series of stories, where via a synopsis of Emerging Technology, I am highlighting how our advances in technology are being utilized, and to what extent it can be utilized.

I am Mr. Akelvon Kelly-Simmons, and I love to support our Society. I effectively supply our society’s needs, by maintaining and developing the Efficiency and Integrity of Businesses, by using Leadership, Administration, Operations and Engineering.


