Procrastinator or simply lazy?
Lilo Santana
"Reset Your Mind & Body for Extraordinary Success in Life, Business, and Career"
It happens to all of us. Those tasks, chores and obligations we have to deal with on a daily basis get postponed for a later time. Why not right? After all, there is always tomorrow...
The question for me was, am I procrastinating or just being plain lazy? Of course, I needed to have an argument to convince myself that indeed, I was procrastinating instead of being lazy... I can't be lazy. Not me, the high energy, tough ex-Special Forces guy that always accomplish my goals, give a 100%, blah, blah. So the obvious way to go was to consult the dictionary.
According to Merriam-Webster the definition of lazy is "disinclined to activity or exertion : not energetic or vigorous". The definition of procrastination as a "transitive Verb" (I'll let you look that one up) is "to put off intentionally and habitually". So, there you go! I'm not lazy, I just put things off intentionally and habitually. Hell yeah, I knew I had it. The problem of course was that, under one definition or another the results are the same. Shit wasn't getting done!
Is this your problem as well? Quite probably, since it is a very common occurrence and almost all of us do it. And you can be the tiger in the photo for this post but I can assure you, if your attitude and behaviour are in the same sleeping mode that the tiger is, you won't get shit done either. In sales, this behaviour will kill your business. What to do ? Well, start by doing an experiment.
For a long time you have tried to convince yourself that you are not fat but, big bone. The bad news? You are not big bone dude, you are fat! Those 5o pounds over your ideal body weight showing on your scale proves it! Procrastination or, laziness? As I mentioned, same results. How do I know? Because I also like beer, pizza, burgers & fries like most everybody else and once in a while have to tighten my shot group. So, what is the experiment for God's sake you are saying.
Start owning your morning, which will dictate the rest of your day!
In my case I started exercising in the morning, instead of in the afternoons, workouts which many times would get postponed because of late meetings, appointments, last minute issues that could not be procrastinated :-) The solution was morning sessions which are up to 3 hours of running or walking on the beach with my two Pitbulls and, then some weight training. Oh, you don't have the time for a 3 hour workout session everyday? Neither do I, that's why I get up at 4:00 am to do them so I can be done by 7:00 am and get ready for my work day. Stop the bullshit excuses. The other benefits of dedicating the first 3 hours (two, one whatever you can) to yourself before anything else in the day are too many to go into in this post. You simply have to do it but, I can tell you that during those workouts I plan my day, reflect on what needs to be done and what I want to accomplish, and basically fix the world many times over. At least in my mind...
Do the experiment and find out for yourself if you are a procrastinator or just lazy. The answer will come to you...