Procrastination- Working @ home problems.

Procrastination- Working @ home problems.

Are you feeling office work is on hold while you still are wearing those pajamas and watching your favorite Netflix shows? Well, you are suffering from Procrastination syndrome.

We often confuse ourselves about “Procrastination” with “Laziness”. While we are all trying to acclimate to the new ordinary, it is easy to deviate from the regular path. We forget about the balance of office work and homework. It is like shifting the minds from work to other things going around at home.

Workaholic or not, it’s easy to get swept up in your work when you’re working from home. Though, we know that we accomplish something different rather than the undertaking we ought to be doing. This often leads to reduced productivity and diminished efficiency at work. At Home, it’s easy to slip into a mode of laziness where you’re not pushing yourself to get stuff done — it takes more discipline than the average person realizes, to complete the work remotely.

Etymologically, “procrastination” comes from the Latin verb procrastinate — to put off until tomorrow. But it’s more than just voluntarily delaying.

While we procrastinate, we realize what we are doing and we know the outcomes or results it may set us in, yet we continue postponing the task. Dr. Piers Steel, a professor of motivational psychology at the University of Calgary and the author of “The Procrastination Equation: How to Stop Putting Things Off and Start Getting Stuff Done.” Said “People engage in this irrational cycle of chronic procrastination because of an inability to manage negative moods around a task.”

Yes! you heard it right. We procrastinate, and We dawdle because of Grim mood. This is clear from the Pandemic situation around the globe. People dying around, losing jobs, economic instability, negative news all around. These all can affect the behavior of us.

So, we often start doing things to relax ourselves from the negativity going around. But by not doing our work, of Top priority, we still harm us. Also, sometimes we miss our deadlines at work. Our tension levels contend with our typical propensities at work, and we lose our control. We feel more stressed and languished all because of this situation.

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Several studies have shown that Procrastination can heal with “Self-Compassion”. We have to excuse ourselves regardless of whether we delay. Avoiding negative sentiments is another approach to bring down your uneasiness. Making a timeline to prioritize our work. Balance your feel-good factors even when you can work remotely. Here are a few ways where individuals can adjust their work and home.

1. If you love Pedicure, you can do it while you are on call with a client. You can soak your feet on a tub of water and enjoy the pedicure while still be on calls.

2. You can toast yourself with a pancake or puddings when conducting your monthly meeting with a difficult colleague.

3. If you love to draw, you can doodle something while you can still listen to calls, and work.

AVOID DISTRACTIONS: However, this does not mean you can watch your favorite shows amidst your work timings. Those are sensory distractions. If you allow yourself to feed on them, you may wind up in Procrastinating once more. Minimizing the impedances or distractions like turning off your TV and avoid social media while working on your Project.

DEFINE YOUR WORKSPACE: Make a workspace at home where you can concentrate on your work and stay focussed during your work timings. This can create concentration and promote productivity at work.

PRIORITIZE YOUR WORK: We all do loads of multi-tasking jobs. The main “Mantra” which can be useful is adjusting your work and home priorities. Our work becomes side-lined amidst the distractions. It is easy to get distracted when being at home. But it can also enjoyable if we know how to balance our work and yet enjoy our family time.

UNDERSTAND THE OUTCOMES: Understanding the outcomes of Procrastination is the only way out. When you know what can happen if you do not accomplish a particular task immediately, it can strangle you with the Stalling process. Poor organization can lead to procrastination. Staying organized by having regular To DO Lists and working on them can organize your tasks and prioritize your work goals. Create an “Action Plan” to balance home and office goals and start with finishing them one by one. Be Positive to minor achievements in accomplishing your tasks.

PRIZE YOURSELF: Reward yourself whenever you accomplish a goal. It can be anything like watching something you always wanted to watch on your favorite channels or it can cook something special for the day, or reward yourself with a full lazy day where you can just sit and mess around with your phone. It can be anything, but that will give you immense joy and a proud feeling of the achievement accomplished.

If you are someone who is endlessly fighting with yourself and feelings of procrastination, laziness, or a deficiency of work ethos — know you’re not alone. So, Help yourself and Help others around. Be Compassionate in these challenging days.

This is amazing. Good job, Rajni



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