Is procrastination robbing you of your future financial security?
Alex de Wit
Personalised financial planning, affordable investment solutions and award-winning management services for expatriates.
by Infinity
They say that procrastination is the thief of time but could it also be stealing you of a secure financial future? Here at Infinity, we believe that a sound financial plan usually includes the following elements:
Of course, it is very easy to put off thinking about your future finances and something that frightening numbers of people do. Just consider these statistics:
That’s a lot of people procrastinating over their finances. So many of us put off making financial decisions today thinking we’ll do something about it when we need to. The problem is that when you need to could very well be too late.
Certainly, many of our clients wonder if they really need to bother with medical insurance or critical illness cover. They feel young, strong and invincible, as many of us do in our 20s and 30s, and yet lots of people in that situation find themselves needing to claim on insurance policies for any number of reasons. No-one wants to wake up in hospital after a car crash wishing they had got round to putting medical insurance cover in place or being prescribed months of rehabilitation therapy after a stroke and regretting having pushed critical illness cover down the list of priorities for months on end.
That wonderful time when you feel young, strong and invincible is exactly the time you should be taking out these peace of mind insurance policies. You will transfer all future risks to your insurer, benefit from the peace of mind that whatever happens your family won’t suffer financially and, because you’re young and fit, your premiums will be lower.
Pension procrastination is another issue altogether. Often we put off saving because retirement just seems so far away. We think there are decades in which to save so why not live a little first? What happens so often though is that decades pass in the blink of an eye. Suddenly you’re in your forties and you still haven’t quite got your act together to start a retirement fund. Just think of all the compound interest that you have missed out on and how much money you now need to save per month as a result. The following graph clearly demonstrates the benefits of starting early:
I fully appreciate that your salary has to meet many demands but procrastinating over saving for your pension could mean you having to delay retirement or make big compromises when you retire. Far better to take the bull by the horns, get a grasp of your financial affairs and put in place the cornerstones of a sound financial plan which will guarantee you a rosy financial future.
If you’d like help in doing so, why not drop Alex a line?
You can get in touch with Alex here or at [email protected]
Tilney is an award-winning financial planning and investment company, that builds on a heritage of more than 180 years. They have won numerous awards and their clients include private individuals, families, charities and professionals. They presently look after more than USD30 billion.
At Tilney, your personal wealth is their personal responsibility.
Tilney's award-winning services are now available in Asia exclusively through Infinity, and can likely be applied to both new and existing investments.
To learn more, drop Alex a line.
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