Procrastination - To do or not to do, is the question
The Time Fix
We transform business, helping teams create sustainable change in their productivity;enabling a better life-work harmony
Procrastination is the refusal or inability to be with difficult emotions - Cory Muscara
It is time to talk about a situation that none of us wants to talk about, procrastination. We all do it, but we don’t want to admit it and there is a certain level of guilt attached to it.
Let me first put your mind at rest and say that procrastination is normal and a natural human reaction to something that we might perceive as difficult. We at The Time Fix believe that procrastination can become a powerful coping mechanism if used in the right way.
Here are three tips to use this ability powerfully:
1.????? Stop and assess: When you put something off, take a moment to assess why you have put that particular task aside. It could be that you don’t know where to start. It might be a huge undertaking and it seems a bit scary. It could also be that you don’t have enough training to get started alone. In any case, if you assess the reason, more often than not you might find a solution to your problem.
Listen to our podcast on this topic here:
2.??? Time yourself: After having assessed your reasons, if you still have a sense of foreboding, allow yourself the time to collect yourself before you tackle the task. Make sure you set a timer for the period you feel you need to take out to allow yourself the luxury to procrastinate, so there is no guilt attached to it. ?
3.??? Start with an easier task: If you happen to have similar tasks, then start with the ones that are the easiest to tackle. I know it is opposite to the saying, ‘eat the frog first’, but we feel that when you start with the easiest task your brain muscles are engaged in the necessary skills required to then tackle the harder task. For example, starting with the easiest phone call makes the 4th or the 5th phone call easier avoiding the need to procrastinate as a result.
You see, procrastination is unavoidable. It will have a thousand faces based on who you are and how you prefer to get things done. So, let's embrace the hidden power of using procrastination without guilt to enhance our productivity!
Pooja Kelkar - Habit Change Coach
We help you and your team explore your unique Time Centric Archetypes.
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