Procrastination #18
Be impeccable with your word. Impeccable means 'no sinning'. No sinning against yourself and others, verbally or thoughtfully. Resist fault finding and judgmental criticisms which do not honour the better part of who you are. Keeping your word is crucial in conquering procrastination. Instruct your mind - say only what you mean. You have to take charge of what words come out of your mouth. Instruct your mind - do what you say. You have to take charge of when and where you direct your body-self and into which actions. When we do not keep our word, it communicates to the other person that something has failed. When we chose to put a thing, a person or ourselves ahead of them, we have failed them and we have failed our better selves The reaction to this is cover up. Procrastination feeds off cover up-self and welds it to self hatred. It is rare for people to keep their word. When you become someone who does, your self trust soars, you can say 'I am my word'. Awareness and love in all you do ?? VIV VA VOOM.