Procrastination #14
Pure discipline is transformational. The willpower to apply discipline to what I want, and to creating the dreams I have of where I am going and who I want to be. The continuous use of discipline in my life is the gift that keeps on giving. To counteract procrastinaton which is a seductive, destructive drug, use the pure discipline process.
1. Be clear and specific about what you want to do/create/to be, give dates, & a timescales & write down instructions to yourself
2. Set a timetable & reminder notifications for all the actions
3. Follow your instructions to the letter
4. Celebrate your growing willpower & self mastery
5. Love the learning by passing it on
The root of the word discipline is teaching and learning. We honour ourselves with discipline. Self discipline enables us to choose growth as a priority. It gives me the strength to overcome self destructive thoughts, laziness and addictions. Self mastery and love in all you do ?? VIV VA VOOM.