Procrastination #11
Failure can be devastating. The emotional toll can be so heavy it's paralysing. At these times it isn't easy to hear that failure might be platform for growth or that it might make us more interesting people in the long run. Might it be possible though, to change the resonance in me of the word failure. What if I cannot fail? Not ever. What if everything I do is information and learning on the way to success? Whatever is broken can heal. Whatever route didn't work, a new route can be taken. An apparent crushing defeat can be a breakthrough or a stepping stone. In recovery from the disappointment of an idea that's fallen on its face, a better idea occurs to me. Admitting and sharing the details of my humiliations, failures and disasters with others and acknowledging the sadness makes me wiser. This is enriching. Strength, courage and love in all you do ?? VIV VA VOOM.