Processors get the ball rolling on DEXA

Processors get the ball rolling on DEXA

Queensland Country Life's Shan Goodwin writes: The appetite for accelerating the use of frontier objective carcase measurement technology appears to be strong among processors with news today several have decided to jump the gun on a funding proposal still being assessed by peak industry groups.

The Queensland, NSW and Victorian processors will provide matching contributions to a Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) $10 million investment to co-fund the installation of Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) units in their plant.

MLA says it has had multiple requests to accelerate the adoption of the technology.

So far, Gundagai Meat Processors, Frewstal Pty Ltd, Wagstaff Cranbourne Pty Ltd and Teys Australia would be involved but MLA is also open to expressions of interest from other beef and sheepmeat processors.

The partnerships will allow for the development of single scientific measurement of lean meat yield and systems to collect and use data across supply chains for future research and development in genetics, animal health and husbandry, processing automation and other productivity improvements on and off farm.

MLA says it is still working with the industry’s peak councils on the proposal to install stage one of the DEXA technology into every AUS-MEAT registered slaughter facility in Australia wanting it.

Objective carcase measurement technology in abattoirs is billed as the path to value based marketing, which many believe is the future for the Australian beef industry in a world of ever-increasing competition from lower-cost competitors.

Teys Australia’s general manager corporate services Tom Maguire gave an outline, at the Angus National Conference in Ballarat last week, of his company’s bid to better align production with consumer demands.

Teys will have a DEXA unit up and running at its Rockhampton, Queensland, plant by the end of July and, under this latest announcement with MLA, will make its next DEXA installation at Wagga Wagga.

“Once we’ve done that, we’ll be in a position very quickly to prove the technology,” he said.

In the next few months Teys is going to start reporting on lean meat yield - that’s the first big change.

“Today, we measure lean meat yield using carcase weight and pH fat,” Mr Maguire explained.

“That is about 30 percent accurate - not all that useful for producers to make decisions on.

“An equation based figure, which is what we are starting to use now, will provide a better indication of where your cattle sit relative to the population.

“DEXA narrows down the variation further and gives the producer data that is very useful.”

The reason why Teys is doing this?

“We don’t want to ever be in a situation in this industry where we are just chasing yield, targeting it at the expense of quality,” Mr Maguire said.

“You do that and the consumer pushes back.

“This will enable us to provide feedback data of where, at the different levels of quality, the yield performance sits.

“We think genetics can unlock the differences.”

MLA managing director Richard Norton said the $10 million project announced today was funded through the MLA Donor Company and simply allowed MLA and those companies who want to get on with implementing DEXA to do so.

“If the industry’s peak councils and processors do decide to accelerate the adoption of objective carcase measurement across the industry through an investment of producer levies, we can do so,” he said.

“This project is an important part of MLA’s investment in the research and development of objective measurement systems that our red meat and livestock industry can use to make precise assessments and better commercial decisions.

“It will enable supply chains and the businesses within them to drive new efficiencies, generate more value and better meet market demands, which ultimately improves our industry’s international competitiveness.”

Processors wishing to submit an expression of interest for co-funding the installation of a DEXA system should contact [email protected].


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