Process Water Tank and Small Sediment Pond Dredging
Get the full use of your process water and catchment areas
Clean It Industrial Services has available a small remote controlled pontoon mounted dredging unit with own power supply to complement the industrial services it provides to the mining sector.
Over the past year Clean It has successfully undertaken 2 dredging operations.
Tasks included the dredging of processing water tanks at 2 different Mine sites both had experienced thickener over flow problems resulting in filling their process water tanks to 85% solids greatly reducing Process water capacity.
The pontoon mounted dredge pump has an agitator and uses a water sparger ring to resuspend the solids settled in the tanks and then pumps out the resulting slurry to an area nominated.
The pontoon is manoeuvred around the tank/dam via stainless steel cables attached to a winch with the pump height controlled via a winch to the depth required to pump the solids from the tank. Discharge is via 100mm mine hose resulting in a pumping capacity of m3/h 60-80 dependent on product.
All operations on the unit are carried on via remote control eliminating the need for people having to enter tanks or dams to carry out operations
With both mines the Clean It operations team have worked with the clients to minimise the disruption to their operations.
The first tank to be completed was completed whilst the tank was fully on line in normal operation whilst the second was completed during a shutdown and was completed well within the clients estimated time allowing for extra maintenance to be completed and an early start up of the operation.
The mini dredge is a quick and efficient way of restoring tanks and small dams to their full operating capacity with little disruption.
Working craftier ways
10 年Excellent work