Process Mining & its importance ...
Think of process mining as a cross between business process management (BPM) and data mining. It gives you an overview of the processes being used in your organization, enabling you to keep the things that work and more importantly, getting rid of everything that doesn't.
Now, as a business wouldn't you want this?
Having seen the benefits of Process Mining, at PEX Network we decided to dig a little deeper and see how many people are familiar with the term, whether they have adopted it and more so - what do they plan to do in the next 6 - 18 months. To much of my surprise, the results are fascinating.
In our questionnaire we asked two very simple questions
Do you use process mining?
Are you going to use process mining in the next 6 - 18 months?
In relation to the first question 62.5% do not use process mining...
however 68.18% mentioned that they will be using process mining in the next 6 - 18 months
PEX Network editor Ian Hawkins states
'that's a jump of over 30% uptake - and if these figures indicate the business community as a whole, that's a serious increase'
Overall, this means changes are going to be happening in 2019. If you are one of the organizations that's being left behind, ask yourself how will this affect your company in the short term and more so long?
Due to the popularity in growth, we have put together a free, online event between March 25 - 27 where various thought leaders will share their practices and approaches on Process Mining.
Process mining is a vital part of understanding what makes a business ‘tick’. Discovering the best processes that can be shared across an organization, or identifying the bottlenecks and inefficiencies that are hurting your bottom line are the first step in continuous improvement.
Our free, online event will give you the tools to dive deep – and come up with the gold
Register here: Process Mining Vs. Process Modelling