The process of marijuana legalization in US
With the move forward that Biden administration makes good on one marijuana-policy, the process related to the legalization of marijuana is gradually taking place in some states of the United States, which includes putting a marijuana legalization bill on the agenda and accepting applications for pardons, etc.
The messages fall into two categories, one advancing the legalization of marijuana and the other opposing it.
l?The U.S. Department of Justice is now accepting applications for pardons from individuals convicted of or charged with simple MJ possession in federal or District of Columbia courts.
l?The Maryland House Economic Matters Committee amended and approved a bill to create a regulatory framework for marijuana sales following voters’ approval of a legalization ballot referendum.
l?New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s (D) budget includes $18.8 million to support the creation of a cannabis licensing system.
l?The Washington State Senate approved a bill to classify drug possession as a gross misdemeanor. Separately, the House of Representatives passed legislation to provide additional protections for medical cannabis patients.
l?The Utah Senate passed a bill to create an income tax credit for business expenses of medical cannabis operators.
l?The Georgia House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee approved a bill to allow the issuance of additional medical cannabis business licenses
l?Kansas House Democrats promoted an op-ed from a former U.S. attorney for the state who is calling on lawmakers to legalize medical cannabis.
l?The San Francisco, California Board of Supervisors approved a measure to allow nonprofits to operate safe consumption sites for illegal drugs using private funds.
l?Bipartisan congressional lawmakers have introduced a new bill that seeks to end what they say is a “discriminatory” federal policy that bars people with prior felony drug convictions from owning or leading legal hemp businesses.
This next part is for states where marijuana legalization has not been successful:
l?Wyoming activists announced that they failed to collect enough valid signatures to qualify separate marijuana decriminalization and medical cannabis legalization initiatives for the 2024 ballot
l?Oklahoma voters reject adult-use marijuana legalization, with 141,978 votes in favor to 242,234 against. Cannabis industry advocates fear that Tuesday’s defeat will spell the beginning of a statewide crackdown on Oklahoma’s heretofore freewheeling medical marijuana experiment.
l?Louisiana lawmakers and regulators discussed a proposed emergency rule that could pull hundreds of hemp-derived products off of store shelves.
l?Virginia lawmakers are simultaneously moving to cut the Cannabis Control Authority’s budget and asking the agency to take on more work.
As far as the outcome of the legalization process is concerned, states are going in different directions, both for and against the legalization of marijuana. All of these results show that most of states in the United States are paying attention to the marijuana?legalization. When they introduced the bill it showed that there is a demand for marijuana in the local market.
Those states that have successfully legalized marijuana have made further moves to better regulate this market and to promote the local marijuana market, bringing a better environment and policy to cannabis businesses.
Cannabis Innovations
2 年Hmmm. What are some examples of ‘states’ making moves to better the local ‘cannabis’ market?