The process of joining as a Tnos partner
Koleksi Tnos App

The process of joining as a Tnos partner

What do we do so that our users can get good service from our partners, all partners who are members of the Tnos application are verified.

A trusted partner is important

What we do for partner registration, what is the process? First of all, they have to register online where prospective partners are asked to fill out the registration form completely.

After that the form is processed by the system and the system is declared complete. The next stage is the Verifier appointed by PT. Xtreme Network System as the application owner will carry out actual verification for registrants. The registration form that they have completed when registering via the website will be verified in real time. Our regulations are that if even 1 form does not match the supporting documents, the verifier must reject it.

If the verifier states that everything is appropriate, then the next process is that they are required to take part in a briefing regarding how the application works, partner relationships with the company and other things. After all the processes above, they are officially registered as Tnos app partners and ready to serve users. The above process applies to security and legal partners.

Founder Tnos



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