Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC)
Course Overview
This class will introduce you to the fundamental principles that all good problem solvers either intuitively know or have learned through repeated application of their skills. With the information in this class and some disciplined practice, you too can become a more effective problem solver.
Course Objectives:
- Gain an introduction to the notion of a wicked problem and how all the problem solving tools and techniques covered in the class are geared toward “taming†them.
- Learn the importance of systems thinking in problem solving and how all good problem solvers are systems thinkers.
- Discover how creativity plays into the problem solving process and how you can learn to foster personal creativity as well as creativity in groups.
- Learn how the psychology of decision making impacts our ability to objectively tackle ambiguous, ill-defined problems and what we as disciplined problem solvers can do about it.
- Gain an introduction to formal problem solving methodologies and the key aspects that all good problem solving methods contain.
- Wicked problems and systems thinking
- Creativity research and problem solving methods
- Problem definition and solution generation tools
- Decision making and solution evaluation tools
- Problem solving case study
Contact Us
32 Haroun St, Dokki, Giza, Egypt
Mobile: +2 01066037775,
+201222741868, +201001937774
Tel/Fax: +202 333 89 016