Process Breakdown
Andreas Jaeger
Building impactful Startups (10x) from the ground up, with a strong focus on Empathy, Processes and Growth!
Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, I can almost guarantee you that you have seen Business process breakdown in action today. I consciously noted at least 7 different occasions in which I saw it happened (but then again, it is kind of my “thing”). Just one little example: for the fourth time now, I received a call from a lady who wants to help me reduce my student loans, and help pay them off faster. She is a very nice lady, and seems to genuinely want to help, although it is obviously her business. Where then was the process breakdown? I don’t owe any student loans, never have! So as a result, she is wasting her time even spending one second offering me her help, a result as of process breakdown on her side. It may be that she buys massive lists and just cold calls everyone on that list hoping to land some business, but if she actually took the time to vet the people she is contacting, she would probably have a much more successful time of it. End result, clear breakdown of process, actually in her case, she is completely missing some steps in her process that she should address immediately! So when tomorrow you start your work day, be it at home or in the office, take a second and truly think about it: what are you doing that may not be as efficient as it could be, how can you improve that to reduce the time it takes for you to complete one single task? Trust me, your time will be well spent, because if you can identify a single aspect, you may take five, or even tem minutes doing it, but the result will be that now you have freed up some time in every day moving forth!